Teachings on the Lotus Sutra: Chapter 5

Chapter 5 (Episodes 867-927)
EpisodeBroadcast DateEpisode TranscriptTitle
8677/11/2016ViewThe Parable of the Medicinal Plants
藥草喻品 普被群機
8687/12/2016ViewReview and Take the Dharma to Heart Flawlessly
回顧四品 入心無漏
8697/13/2016ViewAll Buddhas Have Boundless Merits and Virtues
8707/14/2016ViewThe Four Unobstructed Wisdoms Deliver All
四無礙智 善說度眾
8717/15/2016ViewTrue Principles Are Boundless, Hard to Measure
諦理無涯 信解難量
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