Teachings on the Lotus Sutra: Chapter 9

Chapter 9 (Episodes 1164-1196)
EpisodeBroadcast DateEpisode TranscriptTitle
11648/30/2017ViewAnanda, Foremost in Hearing All
多聞第一 阿難受記
11658/31/2017ViewAwakening to Principles through Diligent Practice
勤進修 悟真理
11669/1/2017ViewSeeking the Buddha's Predictions of Buddhahood
勤修行者 願得佛記
11679/4/2017ViewThe Unease of Not Having Received Predictions
今未受記 心思未安
11689/5/2017ViewReceiving Predictions Bestowed by the Buddha
殊勝重親 蒙佛授記
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