
Episode 409 – Exercising Blessings and Wisdom in Parallel

>> “Blessings and wisdom are like two feet; compassion and wisdom are exercised in parallel. The nature of Dharma is ever-abiding but it is taught according to conditions.”

“Blessings and wisdom are like two feet;
compassion and wisdom are exercised in parallel.
The nature of Dharma is ever-abiding
but it is taught according to conditions.”

This is to tell us that blessings and wisdom are like our two feet. Whether we want to walk to the east or the west, if our two feet are healthy, we can move around freely.

Blessings come from interacting with others and creating good karmic connections. As I have continuously said in the past, before attaining Buddhahood, we must first create good affinities with people. We must practice giving to other people. Even speaking soft and gentle words can be the gift of loving speech. If we can understand teachings through speech, then everything we hear is Dharma and we will take every bit of it to heart. This also helps us to create blessings and form blessed connections.

Sentient beings face much suffering, the most painful [being] in our minds. If our minds stray from their course and an afflicted thought arises, we may become entangled by afflictions for the rest of our lives. Whether or not we have money or enjoy comfortable living circumstances, if we are afflicted, we will feel terrible. In this world, many people who cannot change their mindset end up doing things they will regret for the rest of their lives. The news media often reports on these kinds of stories, and we feel very sad when we hear of them. These things happen when people are not content. If people truly feel content, they will have an abundance of blessings.

And how can we be content? By taking the Dharma to heart. If we can accept the Dharma and take it to heart, we will always feel very content. If we are content and know the Dharma, we can go among people and share that abundance of Dharma with others. This is also creating blessings and forming blessed connections.

Whether the regret is in their hearts or in ours, we deeply feel the pain. If we can be content, and other people can be content too, this brings blessings to the world. Thus, blessings are [created] as we encourage and motivate each other to move in the right direction. This is how to teach the Dharma.

When we give teachings, we need to speak softly and gently so we naturally form good karmic connections. Of course, we cannot just talk about [the Dharma], we also need to put it into practice. Sentient beings’ suffering is our suffering. How do we help relieve their suffering? This is why the Buddha comes back to this world lifetime after lifetime; He never stops coming to this world. He guides sentient beings to attain blessings and wisdom, and to become replete with both. The Buddha came to this world to teach us to [exercise] “compassion and wisdom in parallel.”

We need to be compassionate and content. Only when we have compassion, will we create blessings. Without compassion, we will not eliminate the suffering of others nor form good karmic connections. Our blessings come from compassionate giving; our discerning wisdom awakens our impartial wisdom. With discerning wisdom, we can differentiate all worldly appearances, and then awaken our pure, impartial wisdom. Only then can we bring peace to the minds of people all over the world. Much suffering in this world is caused by manmade calamities. In order to reduce those manmade calamities, we must awaken our wisdom. Through wisdom we learn what kind of environment everyone must create and what kind of lifestyle we can promote to create a peaceful world, free of conflict.

During the Buddha’s lifetime, He always hoped for there to be peace in the world. Back then, each city was considered a kingdom. These small cities, or kingdoms, were located close to each other, so it was very common for kingdoms to invade one another. Therefore, during His lifetime, He witnessed the depths of human greed.

Birth, aging, illness and death are the natural course of life and already bring much suffering, so why would people also invade and bring harm to each other out of bottomless greed? This led Him to form a resolve. Even if He had the high status of a king, He still could not eliminate these manmade calamities, so He aspired and vowed to leave the palace and engage in spiritual practice. All He wanted was for the world to be peaceful.

World peace starts by adjusting people’s minds. People simply do not know that “the nature of Dharma is ever-abiding.” The Dharma is the truth, which has always existed. This true principle is that we all intrinsically have Buddha-nature. The truth has always been in this world so we can clearly discern right from wrong. Unfortunately, sentient beings give rise to ignorant thoughts, which confuse their minds. So, the pure nature of the Dharma has been covered by ignorance and attachments. The nature of the Dharma is ever-abiding. However, sentient beings cling to attachments out of ignorance. So, the Buddha believed in teaching according to conditions and capabilities. After [the Buddha] attained Buddhahood, He opened many Dharma-doors with skillful means to teach according to conditions and capabilities. This shows the Buddha’s loving heart.

Don’t we also have the Buddha’s love in us? The Buddha believes we all inherently have “unconditional loving-kindness” and “universal compassion.” This pure intrinsic nature, this truth, is ever-present in the macrocosm of the wider universe. This pure Buddha-nature is also present in the microcosm, in each of us. So, the Buddha was born in this universe to reveal these ever-abiding principles so that everyone can take them to heart. By awakening true principles in every person and bringing all sentient beings into harmony with true principles of the universe, won’t the world become peaceful?

Eliminating the chaos in this world starts with each person. No kind of power can control people’s minds. People’s minds cannot be controlled, only inspired. Yesterday, I spoke about the South African [volunteers]. Though born into poverty in South Africa, causes and conditions converged for [our volunteers] to travel there from Taiwan. There, Tzu Chi volunteers cultivated the spiritual soil of people’s minds, and through various karmic conditions and by adapting to various capabilities, they helped to stabilize their lives. We provided the nourishment they needed and taught them ways to make a living.

Then, we inspired their love so that they can exercise their care and compassion locally. Having inspired them one by one, this seed has now been planted in the [hearts] of each one of them. “One gives rise to infinity, and infinity arises from one.” This benevolent [spirit of] helping others is being exercised in South Africa. Now they are crossing into Swaziland. Thus, a group of volunteers came together in Swaziland as well. They took care of the poor, elderly and disabled.

Although every one of them was poor, their loving hearts were inspired. They are the rich among the poor, because they have an abundance of love. Though they lack money and resources, they can spread the Dharma. Seven Tzu Chi volunteers went to Swaziland and when they left, some volunteers from Swaziland joined them as they traveled to Mozambique.

In Mozambique, karmic conditions are ripening. There was a young woman there from Taiwan. Causes and conditions brought a young man from Mozambique to Taiwan to study, and this young Taiwanese woman had the karmic affinity to be his classmate, marry him and move to Mozambique. This is how she ended up there. Only after arriving did she realize what Mozambique was actually like, but it was too late for regrets. She really had a hard time adjusting. However, the power of love gave her strength to continue living there. The workings of karma are inconceivable. When Tzu Chi volunteers from South Africa arrived in Mozambique, this woman, Denise Tsai, who married and moved to Mozambique, heard about them and went to them. She aspired to foster this karmic connection. She began to join the South African volunteers in providing care for Mozambicans.

Though she lived in Mozambique, and her standard of living was decent, ․it was truly not easy for her to do what these. South African volunteers were doing. This young Taiwanese woman and this group of volunteers from South Africa went to places with extreme poverty and suffering. When they first arrived, people rejected their efforts by saying, “You are just as poor as me, what gives you the right to come here? Do you have some kind of ulterior motive?” Time after time, Tzu Chi volunteers used love, smiles and gentle words to interact with them. Then when the relief supplies arrived and. Tzu Chi volunteers distributed them, everyone believed that this group of Bodhisattvas had come with genuine sincerity, even bringing rice and other necessities. So, the poor people of Mozambique began to accept these volunteers.

When Tzu Chi volunteers visited them again, people would ask, “What else can you give us?” Our volunteers always gave the same answer, “We are bringing you spiritual wealth” and began recruiting volunteers. By spreading [the seeds of] love there, by sharing teachings with them, the volunteers of South Africa and Mozambique became fast friends, [creating] a group of people who were loving and aspired to do good deeds. The seeds had already sprouted and grown.

This time, their mission to Mozambique was [to survey] the effects of the floods. This was possible because. ․Denise’s husband believed in my teaching that everyone can recruit more Bodhisattvas, he used the internet and Facebook to send out messages and recruit volunteers. Once they began [to recruit], several hundreds of people signed up on Facebook. More than 20 people actually showed up to help. Then [Denise] led this group of volunteers to survey the damage.

In the group, there was a young man who watched the way they went into the affected area to survey the flood damage. When he realized that things were very serious and the poor were very miserable, this young man said to everyone, “Now that we have gone into the affected area and have seen the suffering of these people, after this wave of relief work is done, shouldn’t we form a group [to help them]?” He formed an organization online, but because it was not authorized by Tzu Chi, he did not want to use Tzu Chi’s name. So, he established a charity group online. Thus, these 20 or so people formed a charitable group over the internet.

After that, every time. Tzu Chi volunteers went to Mozambique, they would first stay at Denise’s home. Before they began to work, they would first visit the friends they had made last time and those who wanted to become Tzu Chi volunteers. They cared for them and worked with them to extend this affection and spread great love, to mentor this group of people and teach them how to do relief work. In doing relief work, they must show respect, give to others out of genuine sincerity and deliver goods with respect and love. They showed them how [best] to care for the elderly and others they have been looking after. After sharing these experiences, they could mobilize people; this is how they began to appeal to fellow Mozambicans for help and to collect relief supplies locally.

As soon as they put the request on the internet, supplies began to flow in. They received quite a mix of things. Judging from the information they sent back, this actually caused a great headache for them. They did not want to reject donations, so they accepted both helpful and unhelpful things. Simply put, most people there were poor, but there had to be a way for them to help others out of love. So, they mobilized even more volunteers to sort the donations. I often say that this can be a secondary disaster. We have to mobilize many volunteers to carefully sort and categorize the donations, then determine which family can use what and where these donations can be fully utilized. It takes a lot to collect, sort and then properly distribute these things. In Mozambique, these first-time volunteers were inexperienced and no matter how many volunteers they had, it would not be enough.

Fortunately, volunteers from South Africa arrived to teach them how to sort, organize and distribute these donations. They shared about giving with love. As we think about them, consider the many, many stories behind each [volunteer]. They have truly led difficult lives. However, despite living in poverty, they could still demonstrate the power of love. They are truly inspiring.

So, “blessings and wisdom are like two feet” that arise out of a sense of contentment. If we are not content, no matter how rich we are, how famous we are or how high our status is, we will feel very miserable. So, we must guide people so they will feel content. When we feel content, no matter how poor we are, no matter how difficult this work is, we are still willing to help others. Then, we truly have [both] [blessings and wisdom]; then we will be honored by others.

“Compassion and wisdom are exercised in parallel.” With great compassion, we can overcome various difficulties and practice giving without regret or resentment. This is how we were able to mobilize so many loving people in Mozambique. Actually, in every country in the world, the nature of Dharma is ever-abiding in every person’s mind. People intrinsically have Buddha-nature. We must believe this. Then, based on karmic conditions, we figure out how to help them.

Dear Bodhisattvas, learning the Buddha’s Dharma depends on our minds. “Though the universe has its limits, our vows are boundless.” The greater our vows are, the greater our wisdom and blessings will be. As long as we have the vow, there is nothing we cannot do. Look at how our. South African volunteers have accomplished such amazing deeds that bring them honor. This is truly inspiring.

I really do not know how to share with you the way they give to others out of joy and happiness. “Loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity” are reflected in their actions, so their “blessings and wisdom are like two feet” and they can “exercise compassion and wisdom in parallel.” This proves that they have clearly understood that “the nature of Dharma is ever-abiding.” The South African volunteers had the opportunity, due to poverty and flooding in Mozambique, to dedicate themselves to providing immediate aid and mobilizing the people. See, the workings of karma are inconceivable. The true principles of the universe can be applied anywhere, so we must have faith in them. Everyone, please always be mindful.