
Episode 66 – Uphold Great Vows to Bring Joy to All

>>Enter the door of Right Faith to realize all Dharma. Awaken correct knowledge to realize all paths. Practice kindness and exercise compassion to relieve all suffering. Uphold great vows to bring joy to all.

>>Moonlight Bodhisattva. Full Moon Bodhisattva. Great Strength Bodhisattva. Unlimited Strength Bodhisattva. Transcending Three Realms Bodhisattva. Bhadrapala Bodhisattva. Maitreya Bodhisattva. Jewel Accumulation Bodhisattva. Guiding Master Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva Mahasattvas such as these numbered 80,000 in all.

>>Next, we will discuss the Full Moon Bodhisattva. He represents how self-enlightenment and perfect wisdom are like the moon on the fifteenth of the lunar month.

>>Great Strength Bodhisattva has the strength to influence the whole world and transform all sentient beings.

>>Unlimited Strength Bodhisattva. The number of grains of dust cannot compare. The number of asankyas cannot measure up. Thus, the number he influenced cannot be known.

>>Transcending Three Realms Bodhisattva. He possesses merits to transcend the afflictions of cyclic existence and the Three Realms. He can also expound the Dharma to help others transcend all defilements. Next is Bhadrapala Bodhisattva. His name means “protector of virtue.” He also protects the virtuous Dharma, so it will not be lost from this world.

>>Maitreya Bodhisattva. Maitreya is a surname that means “compassionate.” Because he met the Compassionate Buddha, who expounded the Compassionate Samadhi Sutra, he was given the surname Compassionate. Next is Jewel Accumulation Bodhisattva. Jewel Accumulation Bodhisattva is

Enter the door of Right Faith to realize all Dharma. Awaken correct knowledge to realize all paths. Practice kindness and exercise compassion to relieve all suffering. Uphold great vows to bring joy to all.

This means that as we study the Buddha’s teachings, we must enter the Way through the door of Right Faith. If we have Right Faith, Right Views and. Right Understanding, we can firmly and steadily step onto this path. If we find the right door, our path will be clear. So, if we enter the door to the Buddha’s Way with. Right Views and Right Understanding, our study and practice of the Buddha-Dharma will lead us to realize how profound and wondrous it is. As long as our hearts do not deviate from the Dharma, there are no principles that cannot be explained by the Buddha’s teachings.

We must also “awaken correct knowledge” within us. Our hearts cannot deviate, not even slightly. I often tell everyone that a slight deviation in our minds will cause a huge divergence in understanding. So, we must have correct knowledge. Then we can “realize all paths.” If our minds and wisdom are oriented correctly, we can naturally realize all truths. We cannot simply speak of them, we must also put them into practice. Then we can experience the beauty of this path.

If every one of us can obtain one teaching and practice it, we can realize the principle behind it. In our daily living and interactions with people, we can truly realize and experience it. Then our state of mind will be one of joy. If we listen to these principles but do not actually practice them, we cannot realize or experience them. So, to [have] the Buddha’s mind, we must develop Mahayana aspirations and physically follow the path of the Buddha. Therefore, if we can step onto the right path of the Buddha-Dharma, we will naturally aspire to “practice kindness and exercise compassion.”

With our intrinsic, pure nature and utmost wisdom, naturally, when sentient beings suffer, we cannot bear it. We hope that everyone can be transformed and can resolve their difficult situations. Therefore, when we use loving-kindness and awaken our compassion, we are “practicing kindness and exercising compassion.” When we exercise our loving-kindness and compassion, we feel others’ pain and suffering as our own. If we have great universal compassion, when sentient beings are suffering, we cannot bear it. Having unconditional loving-kindness and great universal compassion is the way we “practice kindness and exercise compassion.” If we are compassionate, we will strive to relieve all suffering. Wherever there is sorrow or suffering, we will go to help of our own accord.

Next, “uphold great vows to bring joy to all.” To bring joy to sentient beings is one of the great vows we make. Then naturally, with the joy we have obtained and the Dharma we have realized, we can liberate ourselves. Then we can share this method with others. We can offer sentient beings whatever they need. This is how we “bring joy to all.” We can bring safety and stability to the lives of sentient beings and help them through difficulties. We are never stingy and can give all we have to help others.

Take the country of Chile for example. An 8.8 magnitude earthquake caused many [to suffer from] this disaster. They were really helpless and devastated. Families were completely broken apart, and many people became homeless. When we heard about this, we looked up which countries were close by. Were there Tzu Chi volunteers in South America? Yes, in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia. These four countries are close to Chile. But in actual travel time, it takes over ten hours to get there.

So, it was actually quite far. Were the victims of this disaster connected to these other countries in any way? There were no connections. However, a Bodhisattva’s heart is kind and compassionate. Because they practice kindness and exercise compassion, they set off for Chile. Aside from Tzu Chi volunteers from South America, those from the US with experience in emergency relief also came to offer their support. [US volunteers] rushed to South America to teach them how to assess the damage and understand the survivors’ situations and what their needs were. They taught [other volunteers] ways to keep records of the survivors they visited.

In the beginning, Tzu Chi volunteers from these five countries spent over ten days familiarizing themselves with the situation in the disaster area. They learned about the living conditions of the survivors and the supplies they needed. Another group quickly made purchases. There was a shortage of supplies so where would the relief aid come from? This required wisdom, and thus, the causes and conditions manifested. Tzu Chi volunteers were new to the country, so they needed local resources to help and lead the way for us.

The local Taiwanese immigrants and businessmen initially intended to only help a little. But when they saw so many people from other countries coming to help the place where they lived, they felt that they must certainly help as well. So then they witnessed how a group of people who came from different countries gave so sincerely and lovingly. When Tzu Chi volunteers arrived, their harmonious and courteous manner moved the locals deeply. Thus, truth, kindness and beauty manifested in their actions. This was a harmonious organization, so the more time people spent with them, the more they were moved and inspired. They were moved to make vows, thus creating newly inspired Bodhisattvas [in Chile]. They worked harmoniously and in concert with. Tzu Chi volunteers.

Think about this; if we did not practice kindness and exercise compassion, how could the people there have realized the power of love? It also enabled us to motivate the locals to help others with great happiness and joy. They felt Dharma-joy in their hearts so they were inspired to help others. Those who can help others are very happy. So it is said, “uphold great vows to bring joy to all.” Everyone worked so happily. What was their goal? Their focus was to relieve pain and relieve those in suffering. As long as we are able, we will comfort and embrace them. With our two hands, we will deliver supplies to the places we can reach. If we can see and reach them, we will help them. This is how we rescue those in suffering. This is what Bodhisattvas do.

So, Tzu Chi volunteers are in all places and give away all things. Whatever they have, both tangible and intangible, they will give it away. Because they had an awakening, they personally performed these actions. This is how they can truly attain realizations, relieve pain and bring joy to others. This is the mark of a Bodhisattva. Fellow Bodhisattvas, to learn the Buddha’s teachings, we must learn the Bodhisattva-path. When we apply the Buddha’s teachings to our daily living, we can happily attain realizations and be benefactors to others. These are the qualities of Bodhisattvas.

Moonlight Bodhisattva. Full Moon Bodhisattva. Great Strength Bodhisattva. Unlimited Strength Bodhisattva. Transcending Three Realms Bodhisattva. Bhadrapala Bodhisattva. Maitreya Bodhisattva. Jewel Accumulation Bodhisattva. Guiding Master Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva Mahasattvas such as these numbered 80,000 in all.

We have already introduced Full Moon Bodhisattva. There is also a Moonlight Bodhisattva. We use the moon as an analogy. We are referring to the brightness and darkness of the moonlight.

When the moon is full, it is round, [but] it also will wane. It waxes and wanes over time. Similarly, by practicing the Buddha-Dharma, we appear in people’s time of need. Our teachings will manifest there and give off their glow.

Take Chile for example. In the past, the time had not yet come and the conditions had not yet matured. Therefore, since we had no connections with Chile, we did not go there. But a disaster occurred, and Bodhisattvas arise because of suffering sentient beings. At that moment, Chile and Tzu Chi came together. The conditions were complete [like the full moon]. This depended on causes and conditions, on karmic connections and timing. That is why we use the moon as an analogy for Bodhisattvas.

Next, we will discuss the Full Moon Bodhisattva. He represents how self-enlightenment and perfect wisdom are like the moon on the fifteenth of the lunar month.

When causes and conditions mature, things are as perfect as the full moon. The moon is always round, but its appearance changes over time according to conditions. That is how the moon works as an analogy for the signs of a Bodhisattva.

Next is Great Strength Bodhisattva.

Great Strength Bodhisattva has the strength to influence the whole world and transform all sentient beings.

To really give, we need strength. Is the strength of one person sufficient? Of course not. Bodhisattvas need to mobilize others to come together and influence the whole world. He uses his strength and wisdom to influence the world so that people’s various strengths converge to transform sentient beings.

Next is Unlimited Strength Bodhisattva. [His strength] is truly great. The quantity of dust and sand in the world cannot be compared to [the greatness of] this Bodhisattva. Therefore, “the number of grains of dust and sand cannot compare” to the strength of this Bodhisattva. This is an analogy. “The number of asankyas cannot measure up.” That means no length of time can measure this. “Therefore, the number [of beings] he influenced cannot be known.” Indeed, there are many Bodhisattvas and his strength was truly great. He could guide an unlimited number of beings.

Unlimited Strength Bodhisattva. The number of grains of dust cannot compare. The number of asankyas cannot measure up. Thus, the number he influenced cannot be known.

When we guide and transform sentient beings, we are limited in what we can do in a short time. We need to constantly help and transform others over a long period of time. For our efforts to accumulate requires a long time. So, we often say that “if you maintain your original aspiration, you will surely attain Buddhahood.” Forming aspirations is easy, persevering is hard. Therefore, Bodhisattvas’s true aspirations must be everlasting. If we can persevere and help others for a long time, then we will create countless karmic connections. Unlimited Strength Bodhisattva, for a long time, has constantly transformed and helped sentient beings. He constantly serves humankind. Therefore, with the passage of time, he accumulated great strength.

Next is Transcending Three Realms Bodhisattva. He is replete with merits and virtues to transcend afflictions of transmigration in the Three Realms. The Three Realms are the desire realm, form realm and formless realm. So, we must transcend our state of mind, which is a skill we develop through spiritual practice. Transcended Three Realms Bodhisattva has perfected these skills and has eliminated the afflictions of cyclic existence. He can expound Buddhist teachings and enable everyone to transcend all defilements. This Bodhisattva completely understands all Dharma and has accumulated so many merits that he can eliminate sentient beings’ afflictions. Therefore, he expounds the Dharma. Not only has he attained transcendence, he also helps sentient beings eliminate their afflictions.

Transcending Three Realms Bodhisattva. He possesses merits to transcend the afflictions of cyclic existence and the Three Realms. He can also expound the Dharma to help others transcend all defilements. Next is Bhadrapala Bodhisattva. His name means “protector of virtue.” He also protects the virtuous Dharma, so it will not be lost from this world.

Next is Maitreya Bodhisattva. His name means “the compassionate one.” When he began his spiritual practice, he [met] the Compassionate Buddha, who expounded the Compassionate Samadhi Sutra. After hearing it, Maitreya awakened and entered deeply into spiritual practice. Everyone knows that. Maitreya Bodhisattva is referred to as the future Buddha of this world. But, it will be another 5.67 billion years before he will come to the world. Now, Sakyamuni is still [the Buddha of this world].

Maitreya Bodhisattva. Maitreya is a surname that means “compassionate.” Because he met the Compassionate Buddha, who expounded the Compassionate Samadhi Sutra, he was given the surname Compassionate. Next is Jewel Accumulation Bodhisattva. Jewel Accumulation Bodhisattva is

the one who accumulated many Dharma-treasures, which he gives to many sentient beings. So, he accumulated many merits. Next is Guiding Master Bodhisattva. He provides guidance toward Nirvana. He leads sentient beings to eliminate afflictions and to be pure and undefiled in body and mind. Thus, he is called Guiding Master Bodhisattva.

These Bodhisattvas come to this world and constantly serve others. Perhaps in front, behind, to the left or right of us are some of these Bodhisattvas who have returned out of compassion and are influencing us. To summarize, as we constantly deal with people and matters, we must do so with gratitude, respect and love. Then we can create countless karmic connections and infinite blessings. So, we must always be mindful.