
Episode 1256 – The Stupa Emerges to Reveal the Buddha-nature

>> “The Chapter on Dharma Teachers reveals that the Dharma and its teachers are both worthy of respect. The Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures illustrates that wherever the Lotus Sutra is taught, Many Treasures Tathagata in His stupa of treasures will certainly appear as a testimony to those who listen to the sutra.”

>> The stupa of treasures emerged to reveal that sentient beings and the Buddha are equal. The Dharmakaya abides forever. It never departs from the ground of our minds, but ignorance closes off the ground of our minds and has not yet opened. This is why this stupa does not reveal itself or appear for the assembly to see.

>> At that time, before the Buddha, a stupa of seven treasures, 500 yojanas in height and 250 yojanas in length and width, emerged from the ground and stayed in the air.   
[Lotus Sutra, Chapter 11 – Seeing the Stupa of Treasures]

>> “All kinds of treasures dignified the stupa. It had 5000 railings with posts and ten million chambers. It had countless banners and streamers as majestic adornments and was draped in strings of precious jewels.”   
[Lotus Sutra, Chapter 11 – Seeing the Stupa of Treasures]

>> All kinds of treasures dignified the stupa: Myriad good merits and virtues served as solemn and dignifying adornments. With much Samadhi and wisdom, we cultivate the seeds and seek the fruits to dignify ourselves.

>> 5000 railings with posts: The horizontal railing and its vertical supporting posts serve as guards on the stupa of treasures 5000. This signifies protection from the Five Realms.

>> 5000 railings: These represent the Five Roots and Five Powers; the Five Roots and Powers of faith, diligence, thought, Samadhi and wisdom thought, Samadhi and wisdom.

>> The railings represent retaining and upholding. The chambers are the room of infinite compassion. The hanging banners represent the wonderful appearance of spiritual power.

>> Ten million chambers: The cavernous treasure chambers in the stupa numbered ten million. This means that wherever practitioners abide, there will be infinite Dharma-doors.

>> “Chambers” also means: The room of infinite compassion. The ten million chambers: This illustrates that those who uphold and practice the sutra with Samadhi and wisdom are so many.

>> It had countless banners and streamers as majestic adornments: Banners represent calmness. Streamers represent inspiration. Calmness is Samadhi. Inspiration is wisdom. With Samadhi and wisdom in balance, we will be dignified with virtues.

>> Banners and streamers: An analogy for the loftiness and prominence of [the Buddha’s] virtue of wisdom and the superior appearance of spiritual powers. The Tathagata uses impartial wisdom to illuminate all phenomena completely and without obstruction. This is the virtue of wisdom.

>> Draped in strings of precious jewels: All kinds of precious jewels were linked into strings and draped everywhere. They represent the jewels of wisdom that drape all skillful means to teach and transform sentient beings. The majestic Dharmakaya above embraces the sentient beings below.

“The Chapter on Dharma Teachers reveals
that the Dharma and its teachers are both worthy of respect.
The Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures illustrates
that wherever the Lotus Sutra is taught,
Many Treasures Tathagata in His stupa of treasures
will certainly appear as a testimony to those who listen to the sutra.”

We should remember that the stupa of treasures appeared as a testimony for people in the world when Sakyamuni Buddha taught the Lotus Sutra. Many Treasures Buddha’s great vow was that in the future, in any country, in any place throughout the ten directions, wherever the Lotus Sutra is taught, the stupa of Many Treasures Buddha will appear as a testimony. We discussed this yesterday. Every Buddha has His own great vow. Every Buddha’s vow is different, but Their path is the same; all Buddhas share the same path. They all come to this world in order to transform sentient beings.

Sentient beings constantly flounder in the river of afflictions, covered by layer after layer of afflictions and ignorance. The only solution is for. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to come journeying upon their vows to transform this world. This is what our world is like. It is full of suffering. Who will go to help the people who suffer hardship? People with aspirations and vows give of their strength and willingly go to help others. No matter which place [is in need], with their power of love, they are willing to go there without fear of hard work. They follow the sounds [of suffering] to understand which places have people that suffer. These people are Bodhisattvas. Whenever our Living Bodhisattvas hear the news [of misfortune], wherever it is that people need help, they will rush there. This is something we can see in our modern times. This is to say nothing of how the Buddha’s teachings [can be applied] from the past through to the present.

Take for example how this stupa emerged. The stupa was high and wide. Its height was 500 yojanas. This represents transcending the Five Realms. The Five Realms are where the beings of the Five Destinies coexist. This place where the Five Destinies coexist is where we unenlightened beings are. Even if we practice good deeds and are born into heaven, heaven still lies within the realm of unenlightened beings. Once we have exhausted our blessings, we will again fall [into a lower realm] as we continue to follow [the karma] we created in this world. When we accumulate many blessings, we will journey on our blessings and ascend to heaven. This happens when we ourselves have accumulated great amounts of blessed karma. In the end, we will then follow our blessed retributions and be born in heaven. Or perhaps we will be born in the human realm and enjoy blessings in this world. We will be successful in everything we do. Everything will go according to our wishes. All our life, we will enjoy blessings in the world. This is all due to the blessings that we created in our past lives.

Because we have blessed karma, we will follow our karma to either be born into wealth in this world or transcend this world to be born in heaven. This is a matter of what we have accumulated throughout our past lives. Yet we still remain within the realm of unenlightened beings. Once we exhaust our blessings, then even as heavenly beings, we will exhibit the Five Signs of Decay. Then, everything we are so proud of, all of it, will vanish completely in an instant. Even our bodies will exhibit the signs of decay, indicating that we have exhausted our blessings. This is all beyond our control. Although we may enjoy heavenly blessings and be born in heaven as heavenly beings, our own karmic forces will still be beyond our control.

The same goes for coming to the human realm. No matter what blessings we enjoy in this life, we are still unable to escape birth, aging, illness and death. The conditions of aging, illness and death still bring suffering. With these states of suffering once illness befalls us, no matter how we make ourselves up our body will still exhibit the Five Signs of Decay. In the end, we will still die. Whether we are human or heavenly beings, we cannot escape any of this. This is suffering. The Buddha wants us to engage in spiritual practice in the human realm. Thus, every Buddha appears in the human world. This is because this world has an equal mix of both suffering and joy. Following the circumstances of their environment, the minds of unenlightened beings produce [karma], commit evil and suffer retributions of suffering. They return to this world again without any control.

No matter how strong, how fierce, or how evil they are, they still suffer all the torments of the world. Take for example asuras in this world. They appear to be very strong, but did you know? People like this suffer more than average people. Their minds are uneasy and burdened by anger. Afflictions and ignorance torment them from the inside; this is why they are so angry. Their minds do not get a moment’s peace. This is also suffering. When people see them, they feel scared, so they stay far away from them. This kind of life is not joyful at all. Once they are born, they follow their karmic forces. Whether they are born into a wealthy family or not, life is impermanent and full of changes. Their family may fall into difficulties. Or perhaps they themselves, no matter how good their family situation is, refuse to listen to [their elders] and go down the wrong path, creating karma. In this way, they bring much negative karma upon themselves. There are many [people] like this in the world, more than can be described.

Because of this, the Buddha needed to come to this world to teach and transform [sentient beings]. He needed this Dharma, the Small, Middle and Great Vehicle Dharma. The Buddha would always teach according to capabilities. Those who had very mature capabilities could accept the Buddha’s teachings of the Great [Vehicle] Dharma. As soon as they heard, they understood. Hearing one thing, they realized 1000. Since they were able to understand, they quickly formed aspirations. There were also people who heard [the Dharma] and rejoiced, but could not understand it very well. So the Buddha patiently taught them the Dharma of the Middle Vehicle to help them to understand the 12 Links of Cyclic Existence, how we accumulate all kinds of conditions. When we accumulate negative conditions, we receive negative retributions. This is all beyond our control. The 12 Links of Cyclic Existence begin from a single thought of ignorance. Ignorance leads to volitional formation which leads to consciousness which leads to name and form and so on. After our nearly ten months in the womb, we make contact [with the world] and to feel which leads us to create [karma]; this is “existence.” In this way, the cycle of birth, aging, illness and death continues on.

Some understood this and realized the difference between positive and negative karma. They began to see the importance of taking good care of themselves as well as taking care of others and thus formed initial aspirations. Others heard this and [thought], “This is suffering! We must be very prudent in everything we do.” So, they sought only to benefit themselves. People like these still did not understand. The Buddha taught them that everything in life is suffering and that suffering comes from causation. He encouraged everyone to be diligent in their spiritual practice. As for the Great, Middle and Small Vehicles, people entered through the Small Vehicle and [the teachings on] life’s suffering, which is something that everyone can feel. Then He explained the origin of suffering and began to guide everyone to earnestly engage in spiritual practice. To eliminate all suffering, we need to adhere to the rules; we must follow this road and practice according to this path.

In summary, whether the Small, Middle or Great [Vehicle], in teaching the Dharma for over 40 years, the Buddha always taught in this way. Yet in His heart, the Buddha protected this Dharma, the purest [teaching] and that which is most well-suited to this world. He united emptiness and existence in order to respond to everything in the world. [This teaching] encompasses the principles of all things in the world. The principles of our minds, of our bodies etc., all the principles we need to know, are contained within this sutra. So, in the Chapter on Skillful Means, the Buddha very mindfully taught things in order. He began by praising the wisdom of the Buddha and the Buddha’s state; He is one with the universe, and He knows all things in the universe. [He spoke of] the Buddha’s wisdom, the wisdom of all Dharma and the wisdom of all paths. In this way, He kept praising [this wisdom] hoping that everyone would give rise to admiration and wish to seek the Buddha’s wisdom. However, it is very, very, very profound.

Sariputra began to request it. On everyone’s behalf, He asked the Buddha to teach. Of course, the Buddha intended to do so. But those who listen to this sutra must have great patience and very deep faith, and they must be able to accept it without giving rise to doubt. They must be single-minded in their resolve. So, He purposely refused three times to weed out people who lacked faith, people with shallow faith, wavering resolve and impure thoughts. In order to weed out these people, the Buddha refused three times. Of course, there were people who lacked faith and patience and who were not pure at heart. Because of this, 5000 people at the assembly left their seats. “It is good that they left.” Sakyamuni Buddha said that it was just as well that they left, as they would not have been able to accept it. Even if they could have accepted it, they would have been unable to comprehend. They would be unable to truly comprehend it and thus give rise to doubt. After giving rise to doubt, they would become arrogant, slanderous and so on. So, since this was their state of mind, it was better for them not to hear it at all. “It is good that they left.” It was just as well that they left the assembly before He started to expound this sutra.

We can see that teaching this sutra requires us to be very cautious. We must be very careful and choose people who are able to accept it. Thus He expounded the teachings in order, the Chapter on Skillful Means, the Chapter on Parables, the Chapter on Faith and Understanding and so on until He reached the Chapter on Dharma Teachers, which demonstrates the importance of this sutra, and how for the sake of this world it must continually be passed down. If we are able to reverently accept this sutra, we will be covered by the Buddha’s robes. This means that the Buddha will protect us. We know that this sutra must be spread throughout the world. It is wondrous medicine for the world. But wondrous medicine has a bitter taste. Not wanting to taste bitterness, people reject it. Most people are like this. It is the same principle. The Dharma taught by the Buddha, this sutra, is wondrous medicine to cure the world. To administer the Dharma in the world of the future is not easy at all. It is very difficult; naturally people will slander it and so on. There are so many difficulties. So, the Buddha transforms people so they will guard and protect [this Dharma]. We have talked about this previously.

So, the Chapter on Dharma Teachers says that, although [teaching this Dharma] is so difficult, it is wondrous medicine for saving the world. So long as this sutra is in the world, the Buddha’s entire body is present, meaning that the spirit of the Buddha-Dharma is fully present. So, [this chapter] reveals the essential spirit of this sutra. “The Dharma and its teachers are both worthy of respect.” We must respect the Dharma and we must respect those who teach the Dharma. Those who put the teachings into practice as they walk upon this path, those who walk the Bodhisattva-path, are also people we need to praise and respect. They are those who make offerings of the Dharma by putting the teachings into practice. They do more than just read, recite and teach [the Dharma]. They are people who put the teachings into action. We must respect these people.

Now, in this chapter, the Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures, it tells of how, wherever someone teaches the Lotus Sutra, “Many Treasures Tathagata in His stupa of treasures will certainly appear as a testimony to those who listen to the sutra.” This is the vow of Many Treasures Buddha. He knows that this sutra is the unsurpassed and supreme wondrous Dharma. Whenever someone can expound it in the world, His stupa of treasures will certainly appear. This is the message of the Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures.

The stupa of treasures emerged to reveal that sentient beings and the Buddha are equal. The Dharmakaya abides forever. It never departs from the ground of our minds, but ignorance closes off the ground of our minds and has not yet opened. This is why this stupa does not reveal itself or appear for the assembly to see.

The stupa of treasures emerged to reveal that sentient beings and the Buddha are equal. Sentient beings and the Buddha are equal. “The Dharmakaya abides forever, never departing from the ground of our minds.” This Dharmakaya, the Buddha’s Dharma-body, is in fact intrinsic to everyone. [It is] our nature of True Suchness. This nature of True Suchness abides in us forever. When we form aspirations, [we discover] that this Dharma is something we all possess in the ground of our mind. We each have a stupa on our Vulture Peak. Indeed! Within every person, “The Dharmakaya abides forever, it never departs from the ground of our minds.” Whenever a person is able to accept the teachings in the Lotus Sutra and put them into practice, this person’s Dharmakaya is also like this; the Dharmakaya is the true principles. It already exists within the ground of his mind.

“But ignorance closes [us] off.” Our minds, the ground of our minds, is completely covered over by ignorance. So, because of this, “this stupa does not reveal itself or appear for sentient beings to see.” The stupa cannot appear before us because we are still unenlightened beings. We are still at the ground of dry wisdom, still digging a well in [this state of] ignorance. We spoke of this before. So, although we are teaching the Lotus Sutra, we have not seen the stupa of treasures. Right? Because we are still unenlightened beings, the stupa of treasures will not appear for us. It cannot appear for the assembly to see. This refers to the state of unenlightened beings.

During the time of the Buddha, when the stupa of treasures appeared, it was actually a revelation of the principles. [The stupa] was 500 yojanas high and 250 yojanas wide.

At that time, before the Buddha, a stupa of seven treasures, 500 yojanas in height and 250 yojanas in length and width, emerged from the ground and stayed in the air.

Vertically, its height represents transcending this place where the Five Destinies coexist. Horizontally, it was 250 yojanas wide. This represents our life as humans. “Width” represents the minds of unenlightened beings. The varieties of unenlightened beings’ minds number in the thousands and millions. We are still in this place where the beings of the Five Destinies coexist. So, vertically, we must [transcend] to be able to cross over from this place where the Five Destinies coexist.

That is what this represents. The stupa’s foundations are in this world, within the place where the Five Destinies coexist. All Buddhas come to this world in order to transform sentient beings, for people in this world to be able to attain Buddhahood. So, the Buddha came to this world because this is where the beings of the Five Destinies coexist. This is what [the stupa’s] width represents. It [symbolizes] “the 25 forms of existence,” which refers to the many forms of ignorance we unenlightened beings have. The foundation of this stupa represents the hope that we will be able to transcend [the Five Realms]. These are the principles behind the appearance of the stupa of treasures.

The next sutra passage says,

“All kinds of treasures dignified the stupa. It had 5000 railings with posts and ten million chambers. It had countless banners and streamers as majestic adornments and was draped in strings of precious jewels.”

This passage describes the stupa’s magnificence. “Myriad good merits and virtues served as solemn and dignifying adornments.” To be able to erect such a high stupa of treasures requires engaging in spiritual practice. We must cultivate myriad good merits and virtues to serve as solemn and dignifying adornments.

All kinds of treasures dignified the stupa: Myriad good merits and virtues served as solemn and dignifying adornments. With much Samadhi and wisdom, we cultivate the seeds and seek the fruits to dignify ourselves.

When we engage in spiritual practice, we must follow the precepts. We must have [the right] demeanor. Our appearance arises from our mind. Our appearance and our conduct all originate in our minds. To engage in spiritual practice and turn toward goodness, in our conduct, we must practice good deeds. As we engage in spiritual practice, we must follow the Six Points of Reverent Harmony. We must be in harmony with everyone and in every action [cultivate] “myriad good merits and virtues.” The seeds of the Bodhisattva[-practice] lead to the fruit of Buddhahood. So, [to attain] myriad good merits and virtues, we must practice, work hard and do [good deeds]. Then, naturally our appearance will be one of “solemn and dignifying adornments.” We will be very dignified.

“With much Samadhi and wisdom….” We must have much Samadhi and wisdom. To accept and uphold this sutra, it is very important to have Samadhi and patience [in order] to seek this Dharma, which contains such great principles. We must have wisdom for this. If we can recognize and believe in [this sutra] and put it into practice, this is what it means to “cultivate the seeds.” Through cultivating Bodhisattva-seeds, we seek the fruit of Buddhahood. This is what we look forward to the most. So, this is what it means to “dignify.” This is how we dignify ourselves.

What about “5000 railings with posts”? They “serve as guards on the stupa of treasures.”

5000 railings with posts: The horizontal railing and its vertical supporting posts serve as guards on the stupa of treasures 5000. This signifies protection from the Five Realms.

All the floors have railings. The railings are handrails. The horizontal railings are the parts our hands touch. The horizontal parts are the railings and the vertical parts are the posts. The railings “serve as guards on the stupa of treasures.” If someone goes into [the stupa], [the railings] are there to protect them. The railings hold them in and keep them safe. The railings represent guarding against wrongs and stopping evils in the course of spiritual practice. This is the function of railings. Our course of spiritual practice is like climbing up a stupa. As we ascend level by level, to ensure our safety, we are surrounded by railings.

The number 5000 signifies “protection from the Five Realms.” The Five Realms is the place where the beings of the Five Destinies coexist. From this place where the Five Destinies coexist, we hope to raise [ourselves] up. This is the way for us to earnestly engage in spiritual practice. We must not slip or take a wrong step. As we practice, we should ascend ever higher. In order to be able to see farther, we must climb very high. Only then can we have a very extensive view. But we must keep ourselves safe. The “5000 railings with posts” are there to protect us

“5000 railings with posts” can also represent our Five Roots and Five Powers. [The first] is faith, the root and power of faith. We must also have diligence, the root and power of diligence. Next is thought; our every thought must be on spiritual practice.

So, we must have the root and power of thought. Then comes the root and power of Samadhi and the root and power of wisdom. This is what the 5000 railings represent.

5000 railings: These represent the Five Roots and Five Powers; the Five Roots and Powers of faith, diligence, thought, Samadhi and wisdom thought, Samadhi and wisdom.

We must uphold the precepts in our minds. We cannot allow external states to entice us or affect our faith. We must be diligent and have the power of thought and the power of Samadhi. Then we will have firm resolve.

Railings and posts represent retaining and upholding. They guard and protect us from all sides. This is the significance of the railings. “Chambers” represents “the room of infinite compassion.” Great compassion is the room. Gentleness and patience are the clothing. The emptiness of all phenomena is the seat. The chambers are full of so many principles.

“Banners and streamers” represents the superior appearance of spiritual powers.

The railings represent retaining and upholding. The chambers are the room of infinite compassion. The hanging banners represent the wonderful appearance of spiritual power.

Many Treasures Buddha vowed that wherever the Lotus Sutra was taught throughout the worlds of the ten directions, the stupa of Many Treasures Buddha would appear in that place to act as a testimony. This is Many Treasures Buddha’s spiritual powers. In fact, everyone has [spiritual powers]. Right now, there are so many people who use the power of the heavenly ear to hear things thousands of miles away or use the power of the heavenly eye to see things thousands of miles away. They can listen and watch at the same time. Are these not spiritual powers? They are! In any case, there are many principles within this stupa.

Ten million chambers: The cavernous treasure chambers in the stupa numbered ten million. This means that wherever practitioners abide, there will be infinite Dharma-doors.

As for “ten million chambers,” inside the stupa was one chamber after another. We call them Buddha-chambers. When we enter a stupa today, inside the stupa there is chamber after chamber, one after the other. These chambers are like caves. They are “cavernous treasure chambers.” Each treasure chamber is like a hollowed-out cave. These chambers, these treasure rooms, “number ten million”; there are so many inside. Inside the stupa of treasures, there were also great numbers of chambers; it had all of these inside. [They] “numbered ten million”; they were so many. This represents “wherever practitioners abide.” These are people who are willing to put [the Dharma] into practice. We all have a Vulture Peak stupa in our minds. Wherever our minds abide, this stupa is there. So, “Wherever practitioners abide, there are infinite Dharma-doors.” Wherever we abide, there are infinite Dharma-doors.

You have all been reading and reciting this in the Sutra of Infinite Meanings, isn’t that right? “Infinite Dharma-doors readily appear in front of them.” Within this sutra, [Dharma-doors] are constantly revealed to help us attain understanding. We all intrinsically possess what is concealed within the stupa of treasures. What we all possess is infinite amounts of Dharma, equal to that of the Buddha. So, the Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures reveals that sentient beings are all equal to the Buddha.

Thus, [the sutra] also speaks of “chambers.” [They represent] “the room of infinite compassion.” The chambers represent a place of infinite compassion. “The ten million chambers illustrate that those who uphold and practice the sutra with Samadhi and wisdom” are very many.

“Chambers” also means: The room of infinite compassion. The ten million chambers: This illustrates that those who uphold and practice the sutra with Samadhi and wisdom are so many.

Those who uphold and practice the sutra with the precepts, Samadhi and wisdom should be quite many. Since they have entered this chamber, they are replete in precepts, Samadhi and wisdom. Practitioners who vow to uphold the sutra and put it into practice are also very numerous.

“It had countless banners and streamers as majestic adornments.” The many banners and streamers represents a dignified [appearance].

It had countless banners and streamers as majestic adornments: Banners represent calmness. Streamers represent inspiration. Calmness is Samadhi. Inspiration is wisdom. With Samadhi and wisdom in balance, we will be dignified with virtues.

The banners represent calmness. When those banners unfurled, they brought calm to everyone. The streamers represent inspiration. The streamers would fly in the wind. Calmness refers to Samadhi and inspiration refers to wisdom. With Samadhi, our mind is very steady. No matter what kind of circumstances emerge, our mind will remain steady. No matter how many people praise us, we will still not begin to think highly of ourselves, not at all. What is so special about praise? What we do is just our duty. What have we done to be worthy of praise? We need to keep our minds steady. We should do our duty. So, we must keep our minds settled.

When we encounter adverse circumstances or abuse or are threatened with knives, sticks, bricks or stones, likewise, our minds must be very steady. We must not be fearful; our mind must remain settled. This is the meaning of “banners.” We must be very calm and settled. The streamers represent inspiration. Inspiration refers to wisdom. No matter what conditions we encounter, we will have a way to adapt to these conditions. This is using our wisdom. We must exercise compassion and wisdom in parallel. With compassion and wisdom, we must go among people. We must not be lacking in Samadhi and wisdom. So, “With Samadhi and wisdom in balance….” We must have these things in parallel. Having decided to go among people and transform sentient beings, we must have Samadhi. As we go among people, we must find a way to use [the Dharma] to transform afflictions into Bodhi. This requires wisdom. So, we must be replete in both Samadhi and wisdom. We must be replete in both. [They must be] equally balanced. So, this is what it means to be dignified with virtues. We must be very mindful of this.

Moreover, the banners and streamers represent “the loftiness and prominence of [the Buddha’s] virtue of wisdom.”

Banners and streamers: An analogy for the loftiness and prominence of [the Buddha’s] virtue of wisdom and the superior appearance of spiritual powers. The Tathagata uses impartial wisdom to illuminate all phenomena completely and without obstruction. This is the virtue of wisdom.

The banners and streamers were hung high; they were very eye-catching. They are an analogy for helping everyone to see the Buddha’s wisdom and virtues. The wisdom and virtues of all Buddhas and. Bodhisattvas are lofty and prominent. “The superior appearance of spiritual powers” is just like the sudden appearance of the stupa of treasures, like how this superior appearance suddenly emerged before them.

“The Tathagata uses impartial wisdom to illuminate all phenomena.” In His wisdom, the Buddha sees all sentient beings as equal. Whether they are humans or animals, in the Buddha’s eyes, all beings are equal. Among all things in the world, there is nothing that is particularly precious, nor is there anything that is particularly lowly. He has eliminated all desires. All the Buddha owned was three garments and an alms bowl. He was very content with this. His love encompasses the entire world without discrimination. He was content and accommodating. These are the Buddha’s virtues; they are complete and without obstruction. He “illuminates all phenomena completely and without obstruction.” This is like how the universe accommodates all things without obstruction. This is called the virtue of wisdom.

“Draped in strings of precious jewels.” This means that it was draped in all kinds of precious jewels strung together. This is a description.

Draped in strings of precious jewels: All kinds of precious jewels were linked into strings and draped everywhere. They represent the jewels of wisdom that drape all skillful means to teach and transform sentient beings. The majestic Dharmakaya above embraces the sentient beings below.

“Draped everywhere….” They were strung together and placed with the banners and the canopies, so [the stupa] was adorned in layers of precious jewels hanging down from above. This represents “the jewels of wisdom that drape all skillful means to teach and transform sentient beings.” [The jewels] draping them represent using all kinds of skillful means. What the Buddha wants to teach sentient beings is not distant or unattainable. It is not distant, nor is it very profound. He drew near to our human nature, using all kinds of skillful means to guide us. This is like lofty banners and streamers. He used strings of precious jewels and so on, stringing them together and hanging them down in order to reach people. This represents using “skillful means to teach and transform sentient beings.”

“The majestic Dharmakaya above….” The banners and canopies above were very majestic. When speaking of the Buddha, this represents His Dharmakaya. This majestic Dharmakaya “embraces sentient beings below.” The Buddha-Dharma’s true principles will always be high above us. The universe has so many principles. These principles are constantly right before our eyes. These principles are supreme and very profound. The way we express this is by saying they dignify [the stupa]. Because sentient beings’ minds are in chaos and are constantly enshrouded in afflictions and ignorance, they need the Dharma.

Sentient beings must aspire to seek the Dharma. Seeking the Dharma is not easy at all. For some, it is a very long road. “We travel 1000 miles to find a teacher and 10,000 miles to learn a skill.” This is what the ancients said, and it is truly the same for people today. To seek the Dharma, some travel very far. Right now, [this is happening] in China. China is very big. In its northernmost area, there is a group of Bodhisattvas who have begun volunteer training. All they want is to become certified Tzu Chi volunteers, to be Living Bodhisattvas in the world.

So, they do not shrink away from hardship. They are from the very northernmost part of China on the Russian border; it is so far. In Heilongjiang, the northernmost province there is a city called Heihe. That place also has volunteers who have formed aspirations. In the past few years, they have gotten to know Tzu Chi. They too seek [the Dharma]. Here [in Taiwan], introductory and advanced training takes two years, but there, they require three years. So, for three years’ time, they must go to a training session every month. From Heihe city in Heilongjiang province, they have to go to Beijing where they gather together.

Besides [Heihe], people also come from Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin and so on. From the far north, from Heihe on the China-Russian border, how long does it take to go [to Beijing]? It takes more than one day by train. Exactly how far is it? It is 1809 kilometers.

They “travel 1000 miles” seeking the Dharma. They travel nearly 2000 kilometers, nearly 4000 kilometers round trip. Each time they travel back and forth like this, they have two days of classes but the trip takes three to four days. This is how they travel back and forth to receive training. In order to become certified Tzu Chi volunteers, they undergo such hardship seeking the Dharma. How many are they? At present, there are over 400 people from northeast China. Every single one of them is very appreciative and diligent.

Everyone, these are Bodhisattvas. They seek the Dharma with all their heart. No matter how difficult it is, they wish to complete. Tzu Chi’s certification training. So, we who are so close, shouldn’t we be even more appreciative?

Every year, Tzu Chi volunteers abroad come to Taiwan to become certified. They travel several thousand kilometers! In summary, the Dharma encompasses everything in the universe. To complete the Bodhisattva-path we must be very mindful. Moreover, we must have patience, Samadhi and wisdom. Only then will we be able to reach [our goal]. Therefore, we must always be mindful.


Episode 1255 – Revealing Initial Enlightenment

>> “In the state of True Suchness of the great enlightened Dharmakaya, He first, with a ray of light, thoroughly illuminated the east. He perfectly demonstrated that sentient beings and the Buddha have always been the same and thoroughly revealed the wondrousness of the minds of sentient beings.”

>> The Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures reveals the Tathagata’s ever-abiding Dharmakaya. [The Buddha] directly demonstrated that the true reward of the pure land is tranquility and clarity. He wished to help sentient beings resonate with the Buddha’s one true perfect teaching. The Dharma was opened and revealed through the Buddha’s speech for sentient beings to realize and enter.

>> To see the stupa of treasures means using the wisdom of initial enlightenment to see the nature of the Tathagata-garbha. This means, in the ground of peoples’ minds, to open and reveal the intrinsic nature of the Tathagata-garbha.

>> In the Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures, long and distant kalpas in the past when Many Treasure World-Honored One was about to enter Parinirvana, He announced to the great assembly, “Those who wish to make offerings” “to my entire body” “must form aspirations to erect a great stupa. In the world of the ten directions,” “wherever the Lotus Sutra is taught,” “because they listened to this sutra,” “my stupa of treasures” “will emerge before them” “to serve as testimony.” Now, because the Buddha was teaching this sutra in this land, Many Treasure Buddha, with His power of vows, heard from afar and emerged from the ground.

>> “At that time, before the Buddha, a stupa of seven treasures, 500 yojanas in height and 250 yojanas in length and width, emerged from the ground and stayed in the air.”    
[Lotus Sutra, Chapter 11 – Seeing the Stupa of Treasures]

>> 500 yojanas in height: This refers to the mind of the Tathagata-garbha, which does not correspond to the defiled minds of sentient beings and transcends the Five Destinies.

>> The Five Destinies: This is also known as the place where the Five Destinies coexist. It can also mean the Five Realms. These are the realms of heaven, humans, hell, hungry ghosts and animals

>> 500 yojanas in height: This is 20,000 li. This vertical measurement represents myriad actions in the causal ground and the myriad virtues of fruition. Looking to the fruit from the cause is the meaning of “height.”

>> 250 yojanas in length and width: This refers to the Tathagata-garbha being the true essence and nature of the 25 forms of existence.

>> Length and width: The appearance of the stupa, 250 yojanas in length and width, is measured in yojanas, which is approximately 10000 li. To cultivate and attain the Dharmakaya, we must take the precepts as our body. There are 250 precepts in total for Hearers. Now, He opened the Small Vehicle teachings and returned them to the Path to Buddhahood. By following the three studies of precepts, Samadhi and wisdom, we will manifest them in our appearance. Thus, it says that the measurement of the base of the stupa is as such. Our Four Demeanors share the same measurements. So it says: 250 [yojanas] in length and width.

>> [It] emerged from the ground and stayed in the air: In terms of appearance, it is easy to see. In terms of the Dharma, it emerges from the mind and stays in the emptiness of the ultimate Great Nirvana.

>> Emerged: This refers to the Tathagata-garbha mind, which emerges from the hindrances of afflictions of views and thinking etc. Stayed in the air: This is an analogy for abiding in the true emptiness of ultimate reality.

>> The stupa of treasures emerged from the ground. It was an ancient Buddha from the past, Many Treasure Tathagata, who personally came to listen to the sutra in order to testify how superior and wondrous this sutra is.

“In the state of True Suchness of the great enlightened Dharmakaya,
He first, with a ray of light, thoroughly illuminated the east.
He perfectly demonstrated that sentient beings and the Buddha have always been the same
and thoroughly revealed the wondrousness of the minds of sentient beings.”

We must mindfully understand this. “In the state of True Suchness of the great enlightened Dharmakaya….” The Buddha is already in the state of great understanding and great awakening. All the Buddha’s teachings are true principles and wondrous Dharma. Everyone should remember the term Dharmakaya; “Dharmakaya” refers to the principles. The One True Dharma is the true principles that pervade the universe. The Buddha has already attained enlightenment. [His mind] penetrates everything in the universe; it has converged with the nature of True Suchness. This is the state He is in.

At Vulture Peak, when the Buddha was about to begin to expound the Lotus Sutra, He sat in meditation and began to radiate light. A ray of light from between His eyebrows illuminated 18,000 Buddha-lands in the east. This is the beginning of the Introductory Chapter. Everyone should remember this. So, this ray of light illuminated the east. He did this to indicate that now, after more than 40 years of expounding the Dharma, He should be able to fulfill the objective of His life, to reveal this perfect teaching. This was the Buddha’s vow in coming to the world, His one great cause. This one great cause was not yet finished. Now, at the Vulture Peak Assembly, He wanted to bring His vow to completion. So, He “perfectly demonstrated” this. What was this vow? Upon attaining enlightenment, the Buddha’s first words, His initial realization, were. “How amazing! How amazing! All beings possess the Buddha’s nature of wisdom.” When the Buddha attained enlightenment, He realized that all sentient beings have the same intrinsic Tathagata-nature of. True Suchness as the Buddha. It is just that sentient beings are unaware and unawakened, lacking understanding and realization. So, the Buddha wanted to help us all attain knowledge and awakening, to thoroughly understand and realize this. This was the Buddha’s original intent.

“[He] perfectly demonstrated that sentient beings and the Buddha have always been the same. The mind, the Buddha, and sentient beings are no different [in their nature].” Since dust-inked kalpas ago, since Beginningless Time, this has been the case. Thus, at the Vulture Peak Assembly, the Buddha “thoroughly revealed the wondrousness of the minds of sentient beings.” This was the Buddha’s state. He hoped that all sentient beings can experience this state of mind. Before the Buddha expounded the Lotus Sutra, He taught “the unspoken Lotus Sutra.” Before He began to speak, He emitted a ray of light that illuminated 18,000 lands in the east. He hoped the perfect teaching of the Great Vehicle would begin [to take root] in the east, be preserved there and spread throughout the world.

As for “the unspoken Lotus Sutra,” before expounding the Lotus Sutra, [the Buddha] first taught the Sutra of Infinite Meanings. Then, He began to reveal the unspoken Lotus Sutra to confirm that the previous. Sutra of Infinite Meanings was “very profound, very profound, truly very profound.” It was truly very profound teachings. Now, with the Lotus Sutra, He would give an even more detailed analysis of this extremely profound, wondrous Dharma. This Dharma is medicine for saving the world.

This must begin with saving our minds. All sentient beings innately have Buddha-nature. We are equal to the Buddha; this has always been the case. It has always been like this. However, we unenlightened beings are unable to comprehend this. In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha wanted to bring the principles of “emptiness” and “existence” together as one. In the Lotus Sutra, this is what the Buddha wanted to reveal to us. This is the Middle Way. We should cling neither to emptiness nor existence. Wondrous existence is found in true emptiness. This is the medicine for saving the world, and it starts with awakening ourselves. Once we have awakened ourselves, we [discover] that we all have the nature of True Suchness. Then we help everyone to experience this.

Since we all have the same intrinsic, enlightened Buddha-nature, everyone is able to attain great awakening, comprehend the great path and become one with the universe. We must all thoroughly understand this principle. But the fact remains, we have layer upon layer of ignorance that obstruct us. Every day, after I finish my Dharma talk, when everyone has finished listening, [we chant,] “I vow to eliminate the Three Obstructions and all afflictions. I vow to obtain wisdom and true understanding. I vow to eliminate all karmic obstacles. I will follow the Bodhisattva-path, life after life.” Indeed, for life after life, we must follow the Bodhisattva-path. Life has so many obstructions, layer upon layer of hindrances, but as long as we can apply a pure and undefiled mindset, we can go among people without being obstructed by their afflictions. To do this, of course we need to eliminate our karmic obstructions.

When our karmic obstructions [manifest], when we encounter myriad sentient beings bringing wave after wave of difficulties, our every thought must be tranquil and clear. We must purify our every thought and eliminate all our afflictions. Only then can we fully and clearly understand the principles before us. This is why we must be very mindful. When the Buddha expounded the Dharma, He too was extremely mindful. So in the beginning of the Introductory Chapter, He first taught the Sutra of Infinite Meanings, then “the unspoken Lotus Sutra,” where He radiated light and manifested appearances. He illuminated 18,000 lands in the east. In this way He manifested auspicious appearances. Beginning in the Chapter on Skillful Means, He continuously praised the Tathagata’s wisdom, the subtle, wondrous wisdom of the Tathagata. The Tathagata’s wisdom-nature returns to the true principles of all things in the universe. But the people in the assembly were unable to understand this.

Sariputra was foremost in wisdom, so he understood the Buddha’s intent. All things in the universe are contained in the Buddha’s great awakening. Therefore, the Buddha-wisdom, this all-encompassing wisdom, encompasses all things in the universe. These are the principles that the Buddha awakened to. But how could He explain these principles? Sariputra requested [the Dharma] three times, and the Buddha refused three times. “Stop, stop; there is no need to speak further.”

Why was that? It was because this sutra is very profound and difficult to understand. Sentient beings cannot comprehend or awaken to it. In a moment of carelessness, “A slight deviation will take us far off course.” This is why the Buddha had to be very careful. Sariputra did not give up; he wanted to be in accord with the Buddha’s mind. So, he again requested the Dharma; only then could he realize that the Buddha did this to inspire everyone. He made them all give rise to questions. He wanted to first inspire everyone, but everyone needed to have this kind of determination [to learn it]. This is why the Buddha refused over and over. Only after refusing three times did He begin. He had to start by enabling them all to be resolute in their faith.

This was because sentient beings are hard to tame. When it comes to listening to this sutra, it is difficult for sentient beings to understand [this Dharma]. Everyone must have patience, and everyone must tame their stubborn views. If we cling to our own perspectives and do not wish to open the door to our minds, we cannot directly accept the Buddha’s teachings. Thus, in the Chapter on Skillful means, the Buddha continuously praised the Tathagata’s nature of wisdom. Sariputra, on behalf of the assembly, requested teachings, and [finally] the Buddha agreed. Now, He would open the door of skillful means.

In the past, the Buddha [used] skillful means; He taught the true principles with skillful means. Teaching about existence and emptiness was His way to guide sentient beings in the past so they could understand the worldly principles. Then He thoroughly analyzed the principles for us, how they are pure and undefiled, as pure as the void. Thus, all things are empty [in nature].

Sentient beings, during the Vaipulya and Prajna periods, [were taught] the emptiness of all phenomena, but what direction were they supposed to go in? In the vast emptiness of the universe, how do we find our bearings? The slightest misstep will cause our direction to deviate. This is why He had to use all kinds of analogies to gradually help us all develop faith and understanding. He painstakingly [did this], chapter by chapter, until reaching the Chapter on Dharma Teachers. There, the Buddha very carefully let everyone know that wherever the Lotus Sutra is present the Buddha’s entire body also abides.

“His entire body” [means] the perfect teachings, which are the true principles that encompass the entire universe. So, we must all very reverently accept this sutra. We must respect it and have deep faith in it. In the Chapter on Dharma Teachers, the Buddha repeatedly reminded the recipient of the teachings, Medicine King Bodhisattva, that everyone must be clear on the importance of this sutra. This sutra is important for the world.

After this, the Buddha wanted to reinforce our understanding that all Buddhas share the same Path. All Buddhas in the past, Sakyamuni Buddha in the present and all Buddhas of the future must all bring this perfect teaching to the world. The Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures reveals “the Tathagata’s ever-abiding Dharmakaya.”

The Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures reveals the Tathagata’s ever-abiding Dharmakaya. [The Buddha] directly demonstrated that the true reward of the pure land is tranquility and clarity. He wished to help sentient beings resonate with the Buddha’s one true perfect teaching. The Dharma was opened and revealed through the Buddha’s speech for sentient beings to realize and enter.

The Tathagata journeys on the Dharma of True Suchness to come to this world. [Tathagata means] “Thus Come One.” This Dharma is the path shared by all Buddhas, the True Dharma of Suchness, the Tathagata’s ever-abiding Dharmakaya. Everything in the universe contains principles, and these principles are the Dharmakaya of all Buddhas. Thus, “[The Buddha] directly demonstrated that the true reward of the pure land is tranquility and clarity.”

The spiritual state of all Buddhas is the Buddha’s pure land, which is the true reward-land of the Buddha. This mean returning to a state of tranquility and clarity. Thus, He wanted to enable all sentient beings to resonate with the Buddha’s one true perfect teaching. We must resonate with the Buddha’s mind. This means returning to all true principles, to the one true perfect teaching. Thus, the one great cause of the Buddha was to open and reveal the Dharma to sentient beings. So, with His speech, the Buddha opened and revealed the Dharma for sentient beings to realize and enter.

[We are] Dharma-children born of the Buddha’s speech. The Dharma was taught through the Buddha’s speech, so sentient beings must have firm faith when accepting the teachings of the Buddha. Only then will we have a way to experience, realize and enter [the Dharma]. Sentient beings need to realize and enter the Buddha’s understanding and views, the state to which the Buddha awakened.

The previous Chapter on Dharma Teachers was the 10th Chapter. Now, the following chapter is the 11th of the 28 chapters in the Lotus Sutra,

The Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures is intended to reveal “the wisdom of initial enlightenment to see the nature of the Tathagata-garbha.” Our wisdom is [no different from] the Buddha’s all-encompassing wisdom, the Tathagata-nature everyone intrinsically has. This is the Tathagata-garbha; it exists in the minds of us all. This Tathagata-garbha nature is found in the ground of our minds. He thus “opened and revealed the intrinsic nature of the Tathagata-garbha.”

To see the stupa of treasures means using the wisdom of initial enlightenment to see the nature of the Tathagata-garbha. This means, in the ground of peoples’ minds, to open and reveal the intrinsic nature of the Tathagata-garbha.

This is something we all have. It is just that it is concealed under layers of ignorance and afflictions. In fact, we all intrinsically have this, all possess the Tathagata-garbha. The Tathagata-[nature] is stored within our fundamental nature. Our nature of True Suchness is stored within the Tathagata-garbha; this is intrinsic to everyone.

In the Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures, long and distant kalpas in the past when Many Treasure World-Honored One was about to enter Parinirvana, He announced to the great assembly, “Those who wish to make offerings” “to my entire body” “must form aspirations to erect a great stupa. In the world of the ten directions,” “wherever the Lotus Sutra is taught,” “because they listened to this sutra,” “my stupa of treasures” “will emerge before them” “to serve as testimony.” Now, because the Buddha was teaching this sutra in this land, Many Treasure Buddha, with His power of vows, heard from afar and emerged from the ground.

So, the Chapter on. Seeing the Stupa of Treasures [describes how], “Long and distant kalpas in the past when Many Treasures World-Honored One was about to enter Parinirvana, He announced to the great assembly, ‘Those who wish to make offerings to my entire body must form aspirations to erect a great stupa.'”Before Many Treasures Buddha entered Parinirvana, He entrusted [His assembly] with His wish. Many Treasures Buddha wished that after He entered Parinirvana, sentient beings would build a great stupa for Him. Why did He want this stupa? Of course, Many Treasures had His reasons. He made a vow that, 「十方世界說法華經 / 的地方 /,我之寶塔因聽經故,湧現其前,為作證明」。

Before Many Treasures Buddha entered Parinirvana, He entrusted [the assembly] with building a great stupa for Him. “In the worlds in the ten directions, wherever the Lotus Sutra is taught, my stupa will go wherever people listen to the sutra, emerging before them to serve as a testimony.” It would serve as a testimony that this sutra is the path shared by all Buddhas. All Buddhas, when They manifest in the world, follow the same path of benefitting sentient beings by curing the world of turbidities and sentient beings of their ignorance. As it says in this sutra, [the Buddha] responds to the needs of the world. The Buddha appears in the world in response to the needs of the time to transform sentient beings. [He helps] sentient beings understand that the method to engage in spiritual practice is to walk the Bodhisattva-path. The Buddha teaches and transforms sentient beings so we can practice the Bodhisattva-path. Thus, this great Bodhi-path is the road that all Buddhas open for us as they come to the world.

This Dharma, this path, emerges from His speech. The Buddha’s speech paves the road for us and helps us understand how to return to our pure intrinsic Tathagata-nature. We just need to follow this road. “The sutras are a path. This path is a road to walk on.” This is the road we must walk. This is the road all Buddhas follow when they come to this world; it is the road they pave for all sentient beings of the future. Thus, all Buddhas share the same path.

“Now that the Buddha was teaching this sutra in this land….” At this time, in the Saha World, Sakyamuni Buddha was expounding this sutra. Thus, “Many Treasures Buddha, through His power of vows, heard this from afar.” So, [the stupa] “emerged from the ground.” This served as a testimony to the Lotus Sutra as expounded by Sakyamuni Buddha. In the Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures, this is the objective of the stupa’s emerging. Many Treasures Buddha came to support the Lotus Sutra. Wherever the Lotus Sutra is upheld, Many Treasures Buddha goes there to listen to that Buddha’s teaching. This was the vow of Many Treasures Buddha. When Sakyamuni Buddha taught the Lotus Sutra, the Stupa of Many Treasures Buddha suddenly emerged from the ground. This is the teaching we will discuss next. Now, as we listen to this, we [must] first understand the principles behind why the stupa of Many Treasures Buddha emerged. By reading this sutra passage, we understand the principle that all Buddhas share the same path. The Chapter on Seeing the Stupa of Treasures begins with the sutra passage,

“At that time, before the Buddha, a stupa of seven treasures, 500 yojanas in height and 250 yojanas in length and width, emerged from the ground and stayed in the air.”

“At that time” refers to when the Buddha had concluded the Chapter on Dharma Teachers. He hoped everyone could form aspirations to uphold the Lotus Sutra. [He wished we would] read, recite, transcribe and explain its principles and then put the teachings into practice as an offering to the Buddha. Now that He had finished this teaching, “At that time, before the Buddha, a stupa of seven treasures…. At that time,” refers to this moment when He had finished teaching the Chapter on Dharma Teachers.

At that time, before the Buddha was a seven-treasured stupa: At that time: When He finished teaching the Chapter on Dharma Teachers. Before the Buddha: This means at the Lotus Dharma-assembly. Seven-treasured stupa: This refers to the mind of the Tathagata-garbha, which is the pure nature. The seven-treasured stupa was the stupa of Many Treasure Buddha. Stupa: A representation of the ultimate truth, the place where the Dharmakaya resides

“Before the Buddha” refers to how in front of the Lotus Dharma-assembly a stupa of seven treasures emerged.

The stupa of seven treasures is an analogy for the Tathagata-garbha mind. The Tathagata-garbha mind is our intrinsic Tathagata-nature; it is our pure intrinsic nature. The Buddha lived in this world. In this world, could a stupa really suddenly emerge from the ground? This is intended to teach us a principle. All of this is an analogy. The stupa of seven treasures [represents] the Tathagata-garbha mind. We intrinsically have the Tathagata-garbha in the field of our minds. It is our pure intrinsic nature. Everyone innately has this pure, undefiled nature, the Tathagata-garbha. “The stupa of seven treasures was the stupa of Many Treasures Buddha.”

This stupa “represents ultimate reality.” This stupa was a physical object. In that place, people saw a stupa emerging [from the ground]. But actually, this is an analogy. Saying that the True Dharma is stored within the stupa means it is stored inside everyone’s minds, in the Tathagata-garbha. This represents the state of the ground of everyone’s mind.

“The place where the Dharmakaya resides” is the place where the principles reside. This is the Tathagata-garbha. Where does this Dharma reside? Although it pervades the entire universe, unenlightened beings are unaware of it. Actually, ordinary beings’ nature of True Suchness also contains the true principles of all things; it is wisdom equal to the Buddha’s. We have always had this; we truly have it

“500 yojanas in height.” How high was this stupa? “500 yojanas in height.” This is an analogy for “the Tathagata-garbha mind which does not resonate with the defiled minds of sentient beings; it transcends the Five Destinies.”

500 yojanas in height: This refers to the mind of the Tathagata-garbha, which does not correspond to the defiled minds of sentient beings and transcends the Five Destinies.

Our Tathagata-garbha mind and our ignorant, unenlightened minds cannot resonate now. We fundamentally have [this mind], yet, as unenlightened beings, our ignorance continuously covers it. Our defiled minds are covered in layer upon layer of ignorance, so we are unable to resonate with our nature of True Suchness. It “transcends the Five Destinies.” Our Tathagata-garbha mind transcends the Five Destinies.

What are the Five Destinies? The Five Destinies [are all found in this world]. They are also called the Five Realms. The Five Destinies are the heaven, human, hell, hungry ghost and animal realms. These are called the Five Destinies.

The Five Destinies: This is also known as the place where the Five Destinies coexist. It can also mean the Five Realms. These are the realms of heaven, humans, hell, hungry ghosts and animals

In the Five Destinies, everyone is unenlightened and creates ignorance, afflictions and all kinds of negative karma. Thus, all beings continuously transmigrate within the Five Destinies. The Five Destinies are five different paths. Unenlightened beings’ defiled minds are all within these five paths. Within the Five Destinies, the defiled minds of unenlightened beings cannot resonate with the Tathagata-garbha. The Tathagata-garbha has already transcended the Five Destinies. So, the description of 500 yojanas means it has already transcended [the Five Realms]. It is very tall, 500 yojanas [in height].

500 yojanas in height: This is 20,000 li. This vertical measurement represents myriad actions in the causal ground and the myriad virtues of fruition. Looking to the fruit from the cause is the meaning of “height.”

[How much is] 500 yojanas? One yojana is equal to 40 li (around 13 km) 500 yojanas is 20000 li (around 6500 km). [This stupa] was very tall.

Thus, the vertical measurement of the stupa represents “myriad actions in the causal ground.” Knowing this, we just need to keep following that one road. There is only one Bodhisattva-path, which is to actualize the Six Paramitas in all actions.

So, in “the myriad virtues of fruition,” this fruition refers to how the Bodhisattva’s causes lead to the fruition of attaining Buddhahood. “The myriad actions in the causal ground, actualizing the Six Paramitas in all actions,” require a very long time of walking on the Bodhisattva-path. This road is very straight and very long.

So, by “looking to the fruit from the cause,” by walking in the direction set by the cause, we will be able to attain the fruit we seek. This is the state of Buddhahood. Thus, “looking to the fruit from the cause” is the meaning of “height.” The Buddha’s virtue is supremely high. This is our goal. This is concealed inside the Tathagata-garbha. “We each have a stupa on Vulture Peak; we can practice at the foot of that stupa.” This stupa contains our intrinsic Tathagata-garbha nature. So, [the stupa] was this tall and was.

“250 yojanas in length and width.” This refers to “the Tathagata-garbha being the true essence and nature of the 25 forms of existence.” The Tathagata-garbha stores the true essence and nature of the 25 forms of existence.

250 yojanas in length and width: This refers to the Tathagata-garbha being the true essence and nature of the 25 forms of existence.

“The 25 forms of existence” will be explained later, since it will take a long time. In any case, this essence is very expansive. Length and width: The appearance of the stupa, “250 yojanas in length and width,” is measured in yojanas. This is approximately 10,000 li. To cultivate and attain the Dharmakaya, we must take the precepts as our body. So, “length and width” refers to “the appearance of the stupa.” It is not only high but also wide. This is its appearance. So, it is “250 yojanas in length and width,” which corresponds to 10,000 li. It is 10,000 li in length and width 250 yojanas is 10,000 li. Thus, the length and width correspond.

Length and width: The appearance of the stupa, 250 yojanas in length and width, is measured in yojanas, which is approximately 10000 li. To cultivate and attain the Dharmakaya, we must take the precepts as our body. There are 250 precepts in total for Hearers. Now, He opened the Small Vehicle teachings and returned them to the Path to Buddhahood. By following the three studies of precepts, Samadhi and wisdom, we will manifest them in our appearance. Thus, it says that the measurement of the base of the stupa is as such. Our Four Demeanors share the same measurements. So it says: 250 [yojanas] in length and width.

“To cultivate and attain the Dharmakaya, we must take the precepts as our body.” In our practice, to attain the Dharmakaya we must uphold the precepts. The precepts are our foundation. Precepts can guard against wrongs and stop evil. The things we do that are wrong must immediately be stopped. In our conduct, we are already making mistakes. We cause other people to feel unhappy and form negative affinities with others. This is not right! We must immediately stop. Our actions must not deviate even in the slightest. We need to guard against wrongs and stop evils. The wrong that we do must immediately stop. We need to constantly be vigilant to prevent ourselves from making the same mistake a second time.

One of Confucius’ disciples, Yan Hui, is known for “never committing the same wrong twice.” He never made the same mistake twice. The first time, if Confucius said to him, “You are in the wrong. Your attitude is incorrect,” Yan Hui would immediately stop. “I will not have this attitude in the future.” This is what Yan Hui was known for; he “never committed the same wrong twice.”

As Buddhist practitioners, we should also be like that. It is best to not even make one mistake or error, to say nothing of making the same mistake twice. If we still make the same mistake again, that shows we keep covering ourselves by ignorance. So, we must take the precepts as our body. In our spiritual practice, upholding precepts is very important. In our daily living, the words we say, the actions we take and the thoughts we have all require us to be very vigilant. These are all part of the body of precepts. So, we must take the precepts as our body.

“Hearers have 250 precepts. Now He opened up the Small Vehicle teachings.” The Buddha had now opened the Small Vehicle teachings. In the past, everyone was at the stage of the Small Vehicle teachings. Now, He opened up the Small Vehicle Teachings “and returned them to the path to Buddhahood.” There are not only the 250 Precepts, but also the 500 Precepts. Not only must we follow these 500 Precepts, there are countless, infinite numbers of precepts we must not violate. This is how we can gradually “return to the path to Buddhahood.” This refers to the Three Flawless Studies, precepts, Samadhi and wisdom; we have to be replete in these.

When it comes to the Dharma, we cannot listen to it and then let it go. After listening to it, we must take it to heart. So, “They will manifest in our appearance.” Our appearance and demeanor [shows] whether we engage in spiritual practice or not. Have we violated the precepts? Our appearance will show whether we have violated any precepts. This all depends on us.

“Thus, it says that the measurement of the base of the stupa” is as such, 250 yojanas. This is how wide it is. This [represents] our precepts. We should know that we need these precepts. “The measurement is as such. Our Four Demeanors share the same number.” Our Four Demeanors are expressed in our actions. Whether we talk or give rise to thoughts, it is all part of our Four Demeanors.

We must all be very mindful. Otherwise, it will truly result in great sadness. Must we spend our every day as unenlightened beings? Why can’t we immediately refocus our unenlightened minds and follow the footsteps of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? We ought to be very mindful and pay attention to our Four Demeanors in our daily living.

So, [it is] “250 yojanas in length and width.” This is the width and length [of the stupa]. We must take the precepts as our foundation. The precepts are [represented by] 250 yojanas. This is called “the 25 forms of existence.” There are many precepts that we must not violate. We must use them as our foundation.

“[It] emerged from the ground and stayed in the air.” This stupa of seven treasures which was so tall and so wide emerged from the ground and stayed in the air.

[It] emerged from the ground and stayed in the air: In terms of appearance, it is easy to see. In terms of the Dharma, it emerges from the mind and stays in the emptiness of the ultimate Great Nirvana.

By using its appearance [as an analogy], it is easier to understand. In this analogy, the stupa’s appearance is easily seen.

“In terms of the Dharma,” speaking in terms of the Dharma, “it emerges from the mind.” After hearing the Chapter on Dharma Teachers, this stupa of seven treasures should also emerge from the ground of our minds. Wide and tall, its height and width transcend the Five Destinies. Our minds should not remain in this place where the beings of the Five Destinies coexist. We must transcend this place where the Five Destinies coexist. We must transcend the Five Realms. So, in terms of our minds, this represents the Dharma. In terms of appearance, it is the stupa, while in terms of the Dharma, it is what emerges from the ground of our minds. “[It] stays in the ultimate Great Nirvana.” We should let our minds be tranquil and still. We must calm our minds and not give rise to discursive thoughts. We need to pay careful attention to our Four Demeanors.

“Emerged” refers to “the Tathagata-garbha mind” which emerges from afflictions of views and thinking.

Emerged: This refers to the Tathagata-garbha mind, which emerges from the hindrances of afflictions of views and thinking etc. Stayed in the air: This is an analogy for abiding in the true emptiness of ultimate reality.

Delusions of views and thinking and other afflictions all hinder us. This is why we cannot manifest [True Suchness]. We ordinary beings are covered by ignorance which hinders us. Our afflictions of views and thinking, our dust-like delusions, stand in our way.

Staying in the air “is an analogy for abiding in the true emptiness of ultimate reality.” All Buddhas abide in the true emptiness of ultimate reality. This is the state of the Buddha, which is wondrous existence in true emptiness.

“The stupa of treasures emerged from the ground.” This [originated] in the past; the ancient Buddha of the past, “Many Treasures Tathagata, personally came to listen to the sutra.” This Buddha of the past came to hear the Dharma to “testify to the superiority and wondrousness of this sutra.”

The stupa of treasures emerged from the ground. It was an ancient Buddha from the past, Many Treasure Tathagata, who personally came to listen to the sutra in order to testify how superior and wondrous this sutra is.

[He came to] testify to how superior and wondrous this sutra is. Of course, the Dharma that the ancient. Many Treasures Buddha came to listen to contains principles that are truly great, very profound and broad. Vertically, it is both deep and high. Horizontally, it is very wide and broad. These are the principles that we must comprehend. Where are these principles found? They are in the Tathagata-garbha mind, in the mind of every person. It is just that they are constantly covered by layer upon layer of ignorance. So, as we listen to and learn the Buddha-Dharma, we must always be mindful.


Episode 1201 – Making Offerings and Spreading the Lotus Sutra

>> All Bodhisattvas make offerings not just to one Buddha or one land but to Buddhas as numerous as dust particles with their body, life, wealth and all kinds of items of offering.

>> The Buddha told Medicine King, “After the Tathagata enters Parinirvana, if there are people who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one verse or one phrase, and give rise to a thought of joy, I also bestow on them predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.”

>> Furthermore, if there are people who accept and uphold, read and recite, explain and transcribe even one verse of the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, reverently viewing this sutra as the Buddha….

>> Furthermore, if there are people who accept and uphold, read and recite [and] explain [this sutra]: With faith, they accept and uphold the teachings. If they have the sutra, they open it and read it. Without the sutra, they recite it in their minds. They explain the sutra according to its meaning.

>> Transcribe even one verse of the. Wondrous Lotus Sutra and reverently view this sutra as the Buddha: This is transcribing this wondrous sutra on paper. Even if it is only a single verse, they revere the sutra highly, regarding it as the Buddha Himself.

>> This first explains that they accept, uphold and make offerings to this sutra, if even a single verse of it, due to compassionate vows in past lives. Accept and uphold: This means that with faith they accept and uphold the meaning of this sutra in their hearts and never forget or lose it.

>> After the Buddha enters Parinirvana, people who properly engage in these six kinds of practice are called Dharma masters. Six kinds of practice” refers to “accepting and upholding, reading and reciting, chanting, explaining, transcribing and making offerings.” These are the six kinds of practice.

>> Reading and reciting: Reading this sutra aloud. Chanting: Reciting it and taking it to heart. Explaining: Elucidating and expounding it. Transcribing: Copying, inscribing, printing and circulating the sutra and so on.

>> Making offerings in many different ways. What should we use to make an offering? We use “flowers, perfumes strings of jewels, scented powders, fragrant oils, incense, silken canopies, hanging banners, clothing and music or even putting our palms together in reverence.”

>> There are five ways to teach the Dharma. The first is accepting and upholding the sutra. The second is reading the sutra. The third is reciting the sutra. The fourth is explaining the sutra. The fifth is transcribing the sutra. These are the five was to teach the Dharma. These five represent ways that we can advance the Lotus Dharma. They are all ways to teach the Dharma.

“All Bodhisattvas make offerings
not just to one Buddha or one land
but to Buddhas as numerous as dust particles
with their body, life, wealth and all kinds of items of offering.”

This is discussing the offerings made by all Bodhisattvas. Beginningless kalpas in the past, they formed vows and aspirations to serve sentient beings, to seek the path to Buddhahood and transform sentient beings. They make offerings to all Buddhas, infinite numbers [of Buddhas]. “Making offerings” refers to practicing giving, forming vows and aspirations and serving others. In spiritual practice, we must give of ourselves, complete dedicating our bodies and life. The body is a vessel for spiritual cultivation. Lifetime after lifetime, since we have this body, we should completely dedicate our bodies and lives to constantly seeking the Buddha-Dharma and the true principles and to constantly serving sentient beings. This is “making offerings”; it is the practice of giving.

This practice of giving is not temporary; it is not just for one lifetime, but something we must do for countless lifetimes. So, it is “not just to one Buddha or one land” but to countless worlds and countless Buddhas. For the 2000 disciples, when the Buddha bestowed predictions on them, He used the number of dust particles from 50 worlds being ground to dust, with each particle corresponding to one land, to indicate the great number of. Buddhas they will need to make offerings to. So, there are not just one Buddha and one land. There are countless Buddhas who appear in the world. Over infinite lifetimes, [the disciples] must put the teachings into action by practicing giving and making offerings, seeking the path to Buddhahood, practicing the Buddha-Dharma and serving sentient beings. This is what it means to be a Bodhisattva.

Life after life, Bodhisattvas keep returning to this world to use all their strength in serving others. So those who can “make offerings to Buddhas as numerous as dust particles” are Bodhisattvas. It is not just to one Buddha in one land; they must make offerings to. Buddhas as numerous as dust particles. Each speck of dust corresponds to a land, and each land has a Buddha. If we count them like this, we will see what the Bodhisattvas must do.

So, “with their body, life and wealth….” They completely devote their bodies and lives. They are willing to offer their lives, so what about material things? These too are offered; they give them freely. The sutras, the Jataka Sutra or the sutra about the karmic conditions of the Buddha and His disciples, all these sutras contain many stories of causes and conditions. This shows that spiritual practice requires a very long time. We must realize that when we completely devote our bodies and lives in giving to others and walk the Bodhisattva-path life after life, this process will ultimately lead to Buddhahood. Yet, this will take a very long time. So, walking the Bodhisattva-path is very important.

Every day, [we can look back] at history. On this day in past years, what were we doing then? Let us take a look. On May 30 in the year 2000, on this day [in history], a hospital in Ethiopia that we helped [renovate] and expand started operations. This was the Debre Birhan Hospital in Ethiopia, which had been built in 1935.

This country was extremely impoverished due to constant civil war. The people had no livelihood, so their lives were very hard. The provincial government was building a hospital since many years, but they would keep interrupting the construction due to lack of funds. This continued until Tzu Chi, working with Medecins Du Monde from France, helped them finish the hospital construction. It was completed on May 30, 2000.

When we saw them at the opening ceremony, everyone was very joyous. Everything we helped them construct was what they needed the most, an operating room, a maternity ward, a blood bank, an examination room, hospital beds etc. This provincial hospital was servicing 180,000 people in the surrounding area, and yet the hospital only had 70 beds. Its construction had been ongoing for many years, but it had never been completed. So, Tzu Chi helped them finish it. This happened on this day in history. When they opened the hospital, it was very bright and beautiful and everyone was very happy. This happened in Ethiopia. It was a big event, which brought much joy to the people there.

Also in Turkey, [an important event] happened on this day. It was last year, in 2015. We went to Turkey to help them set up a school for Syrian refugee children so that they would be able to attend school. Tzu Chi volunteers went from Taiwan to Turkey. They saw the schools there, the schools we provided, and how these children were able to happily go there to study. With sincerity, integrity, faith and steadfastness. Tzu Chi volunteers with their genuine love very naturally brought this love into [this community]. Whether facing adults or children, refugees or locals, they are always very warm and friendly. With this sincerity, they made both Turkish people and refugees, families who had fled disaster to come to Turkey feel a deep-seated sense of trust and gratitude. In their interactions, everyone was very joyful.

From that point on, we began to understand these refugees’ situation. Their suffering is truly unbearable. The [Turkish] people are very sincere; they are willing to take in these refugees and give of themselves for their sake. So, they knew that they must not only help these children go to school, they also felt that for these people, getting sick was their most grievous hardship. If they needed to see a doctor, they had no money. Even when a doctor would see them for free, there was still a language barrier. And even if they did manage to communicate, after seeing a doctor, they still needed money to buy medicine. Of course, they had no money for medicine. The government was at a loss. How were they to look after the health of these refugees?

The mayor proposed a program. He was willing to help them and hoped that Tzu Chi could assist. He said that he wanted to help, and that he had found a space for us. It was a house that belonged to a friend of his who was willing to rent it out to Tzu Chi for just a symbolic amount. He was also willing to remodel this building so it could be used as a clinic. So he started discussing with us and provided us with this news.

We too felt that, indeed, there is no suffering in life worse than illness. These refugees had already suffered enough in fleeing [the civil war], and on top of that they suffered from illness without access to medical care. What could we do? Upon receiving the mayor’s proposal, Mr. Faisal Hu passed his message along to us. We were very happy to hear this. We were willing to help them provide medical treatment there, but when it came to doctors, we had to ask them for help to find some. In the end, this was not difficult. Actually, as it turned out, in this refugee camp, there were many doctors who were also refugees. Some were professors of medicine and some were superintendents of hospitals. Some doctors were even in charge of running networks of hospitals. They had all become refugees. When they heard we wanted to provide medical care and were hiring doctors to care for these patients, many doctors suddenly emerged. They were willing to accept. Tzu Chi’s offer of employment.

Although their salary was minimal, they were willing to accept it. They said that taking care of their compatriots was what made them most happy. They too had fallen into hardship. Being refugees in a foreign country, they too experienced great difficulties. So, they were willing to accept this [job]. So now, in May [of 2016], the clinic in Turkey has already opened for operation. A few days ago, we saw the doctors smiling as they donned their white doctor’s coats again and picked up their stethoscopes to see the patients. The patients were grateful, and the doctors were very happy. This was another international event in May, which we can add to this month’s rich history.

This is why we say, “Every month contains the history of the world; every day contains the history of Tzu Chi.” These people are Living Bodhisattvas. Wherever there is suffering, Bodhisattvas will promptly appear. There are such causes and conditions. Syrian refugees have had their fill of suffering, fleeing danger to come to Turkey. This country, Turkey, was able to open its heart wide and accept those who had the causes and conditions to arrive in this city of Sultangazi.

The person who gave Tzu Chi this opportunity was Mr. Faisal Hu. He is a Muslim, but he has these causes and conditions to have formed a deep affinity with Buddhism. For many years, He has been serving people in Turkey. This time, with these unfortunate Syrian refugees coming to that place, he saw a great opportunity. We were able to help thousands of people. It must be over 2,000 families and children that we were able to serve. Now, we again had this opportunity. This mayor is very compassionate. Although he follows a different religion, he is also an awakened sentient being who was able to open his heart. People with wisdom will exercise their compassion; Regardless of religion, they are willing to work together with us and provide resources to help the refugees. Indeed, this is what marks a Living Bodhisattva.

Our karmic conditions are different, with different circumstantial and direct retributions, but our causes and conditions could converge in the time and space of this world, enabling us to help each other. Actually, this is not a simple matter. This is due to the power of love. This is what it means to be a Bodhisattva, to be an awakened sentient being. When we help others, [we know that] everyone possesses Buddha-nature. Regardless of our ethnicity, we all have a nature of True Suchness. In this life, someone may be a Syrian, but in a future lifetime, he might be Taiwanese. In the cycle of life and death, we are reincarnated according to our circumstantial retributions. So, we must all help one another. This is what it means to be a Bodhisattva. This is what it means to make offerings.

In their current situation, they are in need. They will also be Buddhas one day, so whatever their need now, we must quickly go help them. This is practicing giving. Practicing giving is also called making offerings. Making offerings to Buddhas is done by seeking the Dharma. We must be respectful and make offerings with utmost reverence, make offerings in accordance with the teachings. We need to transform sentient beings. Sentient beings intrinsically have Buddha-nature. It is just that due to karmic retributions, they fall into places of suffering. Bodhisattvas must quickly give of themselves to help these future Buddhas, these sentient beings who are suffering right now. These are the offerings that Bodhisattvas make. We must not stop at one Buddha or one land. It is not only for one Buddha or for beings of a single country; [our offerings] must reach a vast number.

Ten or twenty years ago, we went to Ethiopia. The hospital I just spoke about was the second project we worked together on. We completely rebuilt that provincial hospital. The previous time, we likewise went to a very desolate area, a very rural area, to help them build health centers and health clinics. We likewise went there to serve. In addition to building two health centers, we also helped them train their nurses in how to prescribe and apply medicine. We also built 15 health clinics for them. That was in 1993. It was the first time we collaborated with Medecins Du Monde.

And it was the first time we went to Ethiopia. We helped them by building two health centers as well as 15 health clinics. In this way, since early on, we have been serving [there]. This is making offerings by helping others; we serve them by relieving their hardships. At that same time, in many villages, we built water stations. They had no potable water, so we helped them build water stations. What they needed, what they lacked, we helped provide to them.

Whatever hardship they were suffering, we always helped them. This is not just in one country; in many countries, when people are suffering, we can go there to serve, to help them. Thus, we can “make offerings to Buddhas as numerous as dust particles.” There are so many people we have helped. There is no way to count them all or to divide them by ethnicity or religion. They are all people. They are all future Buddhas.

Everything we are able to give to others is considered offerings. It is not just about prostrating to the Buddha and making offerings [to Him]. “I engage in spiritual practice before the Buddha and respectfully give [to Him]. This is making offerings.” That is not it. There are always many opportunities to give of ourselves, and there are so many things we can do. So, as long as we are willing to put [the teachings] into practice, we will be able to reach any place, no matter how far away. Then, our footprints will be preserved in history.

For example, on the screen we saw Mr. Andy Hsu. He also went [to Ethiopia]. Mr. Xie Jinggui also went there, as did Mr. Xu Xiangming. We could name many others who have left their footprints in history out of willingness to serve. So long as we are willing to serve others and take action by going to these places, isn’t this dedicating our bodies and lives? They dedicate themselves and even pay themselves as they keep going back and forth to these very distant places. They go not once, but many times over. Thus, [they make offerings] “with their body, life, wealth and all kinds of items of offering.”

Some people hear this [and think] that being a Bodhisattva means sacrificing one’s life. Really, to dedicate one’s life is very simple. When we make use of this life to turn our bodies into vessels for spiritual cultivation and use our strength in the service of others, this is dedicating our lives! This is very simple. Willingness to make use of our physical abilities and to go out to help others is what makes someone a Bodhisattva. And so, if people help us with something, we will say, “Bodhisattva, thank you!” Aren’t they making an offering of their energy? They are using their vitality to help us in this way. Indeed, [they are Bodhisattvas].

Yesterday, the Bodhisattvas from Hualien all gathered together here. In this place, they shared everything that they have accomplished of late. I was so happy listening to them; I reveled in this [atmosphere] of Bodhisattvas. Every one of them is a Bodhisattva who uses their sincerity to help those in suffering. They go three times a week to the prison in Hualien to teach the Dharma and help [the inmates]. They also go to juvenile detention centers to aid [the youth] and keep them company. In the remote countryside, they find ways to look after the seniors etc. There is nowhere they will not go. So much love of this world is found in these Tzu Chi volunteers’ every action. They give of their time and give of the power of their love. By serving others like this for such a long time, they are accumulating countless [merits].

Aren’t they “as numerous as dust particles”? “As numerous as dust particles” means that if we tried to count every instance one by one, if we wanted to say, “I have formed affinities with this many people” or “This is how many people I have helped,” the number would be impossible to calculate. We [have helped so many in this life], not to mention life after life; isn’t that making offerings as numerous as dust particles? There is no falsehood in this; it is the truth. If in this way we tried to count [the good deeds] done in just a single day by all Tzu Chi volunteers around the world, how many have they accomplished? It is incalculable!

All at the same time, we are working on earthquake relief in Ecuador, while in Sri Lanka, we are launching [flood relief] efforts. Moreover, in Canada, we are still engaged in [wildfire relief]. Isn’t this a great number of people engaged in helping others? In a few days, we will begin large-scale relief for [the drought] in Vietnam. We are making preparations right now. In a few more days, [our volunteers] will set out to go to Vietnam. There are so many different countries where we have already accomplished a great deal. In the present, we are continuing our work. In the future, we will continue without rest. We must prepare to set out on new journeys.

You see, in this space, at this time and in our interactions with others, we are constantly making the offerings of Bodhisattvas. If we look at things from this perspective, as we listen to the Dharma, we can attain a very clear understanding. Otherwise, as we listen to the Dharma, it will go in one ear and out the other. [When we hear things like] “numberless dust-inked kalpas of time, Buddhas as numberless as dust particles” or “dust-inked kalpas of lands,” are these things real or are they false? If we seize the present moment and, based on the present, contemplate past, present and future, we find there is never a “present.” What we call the present has already passed; the present is [already] the future. We must utilize all these countless moments to give of ourselves and accomplish [our practice]. Think about it, aren’t they like dust particles? With time as dust particles, can’t we second by second accomplish [offerings to] countless people and matters? So, we must have faith [in the sutras].

The previous sutra states,

“The Buddha told Medicine King, ‘After the Tathagata enters Parinirvana, if there are people who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one verse or one phrase, and give rise to a thought of joy, I also bestow on them predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.'”

Here, Sakyamuni Buddha is explaining to Medicine King Bodhisattva what will happen when the Tathagata enters Parinirvana. Before, He talked about when He was in the world. As long as people are willing to form aspirations, with this thought, there is a seed. This thought of joy when we hear even a single line or verse, whether we wish to uphold it or rejoice in it, it all becomes seeds. Those who do this will have the karmic conditions to gradually come to know the Dharma, enter into it and put it into practice among people. Because they will have this opportunity, the Buddha bestowed predictions on them.

It will be the same in the future. For one who hears a sentence or a verse and gives rise to a thought of joy, the Buddha also bestowed predictions of Buddhahood upon such future sentient beings. Thus, more than 2000 years ago, the Buddha already bestowed predictions upon us. See, we are now also listening to the Lotus Sutra. We have not merely heard one sentence of it; we have already gone through ten chapters. Who knows how many lines we have heard. Whether prose or verse, we have heard them all.

Does this bring joy to our hearts? We should be very joyful. I myself am very joyful. I trust that more than 2000 years ago, I also received the Buddha’s predictions for the future, which is now the present. We should have faith in this. This is what the Buddha said in this sutra passage. If future sentient beings are able to listen to the Lotus Sutra, even one sentence or one verse and give rise to a single thought of joy, for people like that, He also bestowed predictions. This confirms for us that we have already received predictions of Buddhahood. So, we must be even more earnest and have even stronger faith.

Next, [the sutra] continues,

“Furthermore, if there are people who accept and uphold, read and recite, explain and transcribe even one verse of the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, reverently viewing this sutra as the Buddha….”

It further speaks of people who in the future accept and uphold, read and recite and explain [this sutra]. This demonstrates their faith. After listening to this sutra, they give rise to faith and understanding. In their hearts, they have faith, so they are willing to accept and uphold it. If they have the sutra in front of them, they open it and read it, or else they recite it from memory.

Furthermore, if there are people who accept and uphold, read and recite [and] explain [this sutra]: With faith, they accept and uphold the teachings. If they have the sutra, they open it and read it. Without the sutra, they recite it in their minds. They explain the sutra according to its meaning.

Each day, as part of our morning lecture, everyone is already engaging in recitation. Whether chanting mantras or reciting sutras, many people come to know them by heart.

If we are less familiar with them, we need the sutra text to read until we know it very well. This is learning by heart and reciting in our minds. We always hold them in our hearts. If I ask you about the Heart Sutra, could you recite it from memory? Of course! It is only [260] characters long. How could we not be able to recite it? If you have not recited it aloud yet, you recite it in your mind and contemplate it inwardly. This is what it means to recite in our minds. Reciting it oneself, so no one can hear, that is reciting in one’s mind. “They explain the sutra according to its meaning.” [This means] they understand it. “I am very familiar with this sutra. I can read it, recite it and explain it.” They can explain the sutra according to its meaning.

Moreover, they “transcribe even one verse of the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, reverently viewing this sutra as the Buddha.” Not only must we accept, uphold, read and recite, we must also earnestly transcribe this sutra. This is how we reverently view this sutra as the Buddha.

Transcribe even one verse of the Wondrous Lotus Sutra and reverently view this sutra as the Buddha: This is transcribing this wondrous sutra on paper. Even if it is only a single verse, they revere the sutra highly, regarding it as the Buddha Himself.

When we transcribe it, as we form each character, we do so with reverence from our hearts. As we copy each word, we learn it by heart. As we write it, we come to understand it. So, as we transcribe the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, in addition to helping our memory, other people will see us as we write it, which allows us to transmit it.

So, using a clean piece of paper to write on, we copy down this sutra. Even if we copy down just one verse, meaning four lines, as we write each verse down, we must be very reverent. When the ancients copied the sutras, they were extremely reverent. They would sometimes even pierce themselves and use their blood as ink to write down the sutras. Thus, they literally dedicated their body to ensuring that this sutra could be transmitted. This was the reverence with which they transcribed the sutras. We must write each line with deep reverence. We must respect this sutra. We must be as reverent as if the Buddha Himself were before us. This Dharma is the Buddha’s Dharmakaya, so we must treat the sutras as if the Buddha is present within them. Wherever the Dharma is, the Buddha is there also, so we must be filled with reverence.

“This first explains that they accept, uphold and make offerings to this sutra, if even a single verse of it.” This is due to “compassionate vows in past lives.”

This first explains that they accept, uphold and make offerings to this sutra, if even a single verse of it, due to compassionate vows in past lives. Accept and uphold: This means that with faith they accept and uphold the meaning of this sutra in their hearts and never forget or lose it.

We must be willing to mindfully accept and uphold this sutra. We must earnestly protect this sutra. We must not only preserve it but also mindfully and reverently transcribe it. In our past lives, we made these vows and formed aspirations to spread this sutra.

So, to “accept and uphold” means to faithfully accept and uphold the meaning of this sutra in our hearts. We have already vowed to accept and uphold it for lifetime after lifetime. Our wish is that in the course of our lives, we will not forget this sutra. This is not just in this life; [we hope that] in our future lives, we will also have the conditions to encounter this sutra. When we see this sutra, we become especially joyous. We want to have it, understand it and explain it. This means that in our lives it has made a deep impression, not just in this life but in our future lifetimes also. In our past lives, we formed a lasting affinity with this sutra.

Since dust-inked kalpas ago, since the 16 princes’ Dharma-assembly, we have this enduring affinity. This is why, in this present time and place, we can expound and listen to the Lotus Sutra. Simultaneously, in different countries, we are all listening to the Lotus Sutra. This is all due to our karmic affinities.

And so “After the Buddha enters Parinirvana, people who properly engage in these six kinds of practice are called Dharma masters. Six kinds of practice” refers to “accepting and upholding, reading and reciting, chanting, explaining, transcribing and making offerings.” These are the six kinds of practice.

After the Buddha enters Parinirvana, people who properly engage in these six kinds of practice are called Dharma masters. Six kinds of practice” refers to “accepting and upholding, reading and reciting, chanting, explaining, transcribing and making offerings.” These are the six kinds of practice.

We accept and uphold, read and recite [it]. “Chanting” refers to singing [the text], singing it in a loud voice. Then there is explaining, transcribing and making offerings. These are the six kinds of practice.

Thus, we do not stray from this Dharma. Whether we are accepting and upholding it or reading and reciting it, it is all effective. When we chant it loudly, the sound of it fills the air. At the beginning of the “Chapter on Dharma Masters,” [it mentions] 80,000 Bodhisattvas, including the eight classes of Dharma-protectors. If we chant each line loudly and clearly, the eight classes of Dharma-protectors will hear, and this will bring them great joy. Each line and each verse brings its own merits and virtues. So, when we chant them, our voices should be loud and clear. This also brings merits and virtues. This is [how to treat] the Dharma. One who is replete with the six kinds of practice is what we call a Dharma Master. Chanting in a loud voice as if teaching to the Dharma-protectors is something that brings merit and virtue.

Once again, when we read and recite, we must do so with a resounding voice.

Reading and reciting: Reading this sutra aloud. Chanting: Reciting it and taking it to heart. Explaining: Elucidating and expounding it. Transcribing: Copying, inscribing, printing and circulating the sutra and so on.

When some people read the sutra, they do not wish to read it aloud. But actually, when we read aloud it is like teaching the Dharma to the eight classes of Dharma-protectors. This is because while our minds are focused on reading out the sutra, they also clearly comprehend the Dharma in it. This is our state of mind as we teach the Dharma. We must “read this sutra aloud.”

There is also “chanting.” When we do not have the sutra text, we use our memory to chant it aloud in a resounding voice. Wherever we are, anywhere and everywhere, the eight classes of Dharma-protectors will hear us. We also do this for ourselves, so that we are able to take the Dharma to heart.

“Explaining” means elucidating the meaning of this sutra. When everyone is listening together like this, we must seize this opportunity to explain it. Then, there is “transcribing,” which is either writing, engraving or printing the sutra to circulate it. We need to be very dedicated in.

We must make offerings in many different ways. What should we use to make an offering? We use “flowers, perfumes strings of jewels, scented powders, fragrant oils, incense, silken canopies, hanging banners, clothing and music or even putting our palms together in reverence.” These are ways to make offerings.

Making offerings in many different ways. What should we use to make an offering? We use “flowers, perfumes strings of jewels, scented powders, fragrant oils, incense, silken canopies, hanging banners, clothing and music or even putting our palms together in reverence.”

As Buddhist practitioners, we can make offerings in many different ways to give with sincerity from our hearts. Even putting our palms together is a kind of offering. We make offerings, prostrate and so on, not to mention our daily morning recitation. So, when we are earnestly mindful, everything we do becomes an offering.

There are five ways to teach the Dharma. The first is accepting and upholding the sutra. The second is reading the sutra. The third is reciting the sutra. The fourth is explaining the sutra. The fifth is transcribing the sutra. These are the five was to teach the Dharma. These five represent ways that we can advance the Lotus Dharma. They are all ways to teach the Dharma.

There are five ways to teach the Dharma. The first is accepting and upholding the sutra. The second is reading the sutra. The third is reciting the sutra. The fourth is explaining the sutra. The fifth is transcribing the sutra. These are the five was to teach the Dharma. These five represent ways that we can advance the Lotus Dharma. They are all ways to teach the Dharma.

If no one accepts or upholds it, the Lotus Sutra will quickly disappear. If no one reads or recites it, there will be no way to understand the Dharma. We must read, recite, and explain the sutra so we can ensure that it is passed down. This is very important. These are the five ways to teach the Dharma and advance the Lotus Sutra. I hope that we can be mindful in doing this.

I hope that as Buddhist practitioners, we will have the mindset of making offerings in every situation. To make offerings is to practice giving, giving to others with utmost reverence. The Dharma the Buddha taught is for us to put into practice. It is not just for us to recite, to listen to or to seek. He gave us this Dharma for us to put it into practice and to give of ourselves for others in this world. We should seek the Buddha-Dharma and take it to heart; we should transform sentient beings, putting the teachings into practice. In this way, we will always be making offerings, to past Buddhas as well as future Buddhas. We should make offerings to the people right before our eyes, for they can all attain Buddhahood. In sum, when we [make offerings] everywhere, we easily reach “as numberless as dust particles.” This means to every day practice giving and be reverent. So, we must all always be mindful.


Episode 1200 – Past Affinities and Intrinsic Nature Always Exist

>> If we fasten a jewel to a conscious man, the man may hear [us fastening it] but not understand. If we fasten a jewel to a drunken man, he would still have difficulty making a living. Great Unhindered Buddha, dust-inked kalpas ago, promoted the Lotus teachings. These were given to the 16 princes to expound again and pass down. The Conjured City is an analogy for how past affinities have not fallen. Fastening a jewel indicates that the intrinsic nature always exists. This means that we all have great capacities, yet prefer to be people of limited wisdom.

>> Upon all those present before the Buddha who listen to the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, if hearing one verse or phrase of it they give rise to a thought of joy, I bestow on all of them predictions of attaining Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

>> The Buddha told Medicine King, “After the Tathagata enters Parinirvana, if there are people who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one verse or one phrase, and give rise to a thought of joy, I also bestow on them predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.”

>> After the Buddha entered Parinirvana, those who accept and uphold this wondrous sutra will be called Dharma masters. After the Buddha entered Parinirvana, there will be those who, hearing the Dharma, can instantly give rise to joy, accept, uphold and expound the teachings.

>> The Buddha told Medicine King, “After the Tathagata enters Parinirvana”: The above describes the time when the Buddha was in the world and after He entered Parinirvana.

>> If there are people who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one verse or one phrase, and give rise to a thought of joy: This refers to those who hear one verse or one phrase of this sutra and give rise to a thought of joy. A verse is composed of four lines. The power of one verse is as much as that of giving rise to a thought of joy.

>> I also bestow on them predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi: I also bestow on them predictions of attaining Buddhahood.

>> I will also bestow on them predictions: In the future, people will hear only few teachings. The Buddha also bestowed on them distant predictions.

>> This shows that for this sutra, whether during His manifestation or after His entering Parinirvana, once people are able to hear it, one verse will open their hearts and one phrase will illuminate their minds. If we give a jewel to a conscious man, the man may hear but not understand. Those who are unaware or have no faith are like a drunken man being given a jewel.

>> This is exactly like the 16 princes sitting in their places of practice as they expounded the Dharma again. Thus, the jewel attained today is the one the novices gave us in the past. The jewel being given today is the cause for the attainment of future disciples.

“If we fasten a jewel to a conscious man,
the man may hear [us fastening it] but not understand.
If we fasten a jewel to a drunken man,
he would still have difficulty making a living.
Great Unhindered Buddha, dust-inked kalpas ago,
promoted the Lotus teachings.
These were given to the 16 princes
to expound again and pass down.
The Conjured City is an analogy for how past affinities have not fallen.
Fastening a jewel indicates that the intrinsic nature always exists. This means that we all have great capacities,
yet prefer to be people of limited wisdom.”

This passage is to remind everyone about the Chapter on the Parable of the Conjured City, how everyone’s intrinsic nature has, since Beginningless Time, since dust-inked kalpas ago, continually and permanently existed. Our nature of True Suchness is intrinsic; it is beginningless and endless. In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha compassionately continued to remind us that we all intrinsically have the Buddha-nature. He hopes that we all make good use of it.

“If we give a jewel to a conscious man” is like [saying] to a conscious man, “Come, I will give you a jewel. When you receive this jewel, you must earnestly seek to experience and understand it.”

We each have a jewel within us, our nature of True Suchness. But we are like this, covered by ignorance life after life. So, there is a jewel within us, but we do not know that the jewel is priceless, that it is very valuable; we only envy others for having a jewel. Actually, we have a jewel within us, but we do not know it.

This is similar to when we listen to the Dharma. We are willing to listen to the Dharma, yet we listen and do not seek to understand it. We are not willing to earnestly and mindfully seek to experience it. Why do we say that the Buddha-Dharma is inseparable from our daily living? We should ask ourselves, “In my daily living, how often in my mind does the thought, ‘This is in accord with the Dharma’ appear?” Actually, the way in which we live is inseparable from the Buddha-Dharma. It is inseparable from the Buddha-Dharma, yet when we listen to the Buddha-Dharma, we do not understand it in the context of our daily living. This is something we must mindfully reflect on. We must reflect on why, though we clearly know that the Buddha-Dharma is to be applied to and is inseparable from the human world and that all Buddhas attain Buddhahood in this world, though the Dharma is clearly in our lives, we still do not know or understand it. We listen but do not understand. Even if we are listening, [we say,]. “I know, I know, but I do not really understand.”

We all intrinsically have the nature of True Suchness, yet we do not know that this intrinsic nature of True Suchness has actually been following us life after life, without beginning or end; it never stops. However, unfortunately, in life, a single thought of ignorance stirs up afflictions, and it is due to these afflictions giving rise to our actions that we create the karmic causes and conditions. With the karmic causes and conditions, they lead us, so we do not have control. We transmigrate in the Four Forms of Birth and. Six Realms in this way; everything is beyond our control. This is what we unenlightened beings need to come to realize ourselves; we must reflect on ourselves.

We need to listen, contemplate and practice. Once we listen, we must contemplate mindfully. In our daily living, the mind is inseparable from the Dharma, and the Dharma is inseparable from the Buddha, so the Buddha-Dharma is intrinsically in our lives. If we can do this, then we have the Buddha in our minds, and there is a spiritual training ground in our actions. The training ground of the Buddha-Dharma is in our daily living. But we have not been mindful, or we listen, but do not understand.

It is as if “we fasten a jewel to a drunken man.” A drunken man is already intoxicated so when we put a jewel on him, he does not even know it. “He would still have difficulty making a living.” He has a priceless jewel and yet he continues to wander in destitution. His life truly remains one of poverty; he still has difficulty making a living.

This is about Great Unhindered Wisdom Superior Buddha. In the Parable of the Conjured City, [we learned] that Great Unhindered Buddha’s time was dust-inked kalpas before Sakyamuni Buddha’s. Sakyamuni Buddha talked about a time incalculably long ago, using dust-inked kalpas as an analogy. At the time, He “promoted the Lotus teachings.” Back then, Great Unhindered Buddha had begun to teach the Lotus Sutra. After teaching the Lotus Sutra, He entered the meditation room, and the 16 princes began to expound the Lotus Sutra again, passing down the One Vehicle Dharma, which is the Wondrous Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra.

The Wondrous Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra has been taught since dust-inked kalpas ago. It was not Sakyamuni Buddha who [first] taught the Lotus Sutra. Already, a very long time ago, the 16 princes had continuously transmitted the Dharma, passed down the teachings, so that everyone’s memories of it would be strong. That was the time told of in the Chapter on the Parable of the Conjured City. The Buddha brought up the long past by describing the time of Great Unhindered Wisdom Buddha. So, we know that already in ancient times, the Lotus Sutra was beginningless and endless, coexisting with our nature of True Suchness. It coexists with the true principle of all things in the world. This means we have been one with the universe, been present in the Lotus Period; it means our nature of True Suchness has been fully present, never damaged or lost. It is just that we do not understand.

The fastening of the jewel, the analogy of having a jewel on our persons, shows that our true nature always exists. The truth and everyone’s nature of True Suchness always exist. It is just that, despite all having great capacities and all being able to attain Buddhahood, we sentient beings are willing to let ourselves regress. We are unwilling to, after listening to the Dharma, quickly listen, contemplate and practice, to practice according to the Dharma. After listening, we must experience it and put it into action. Then we can inherit and transmit the Dharma, can go among people to teach and transform sentient beings. We are all able to do this; we all have this potential for goodness, all have this innate ability. We all have great capacities, but we are willing to just be people of limited wisdom.

Everyone just really wants to benefit themselves. They do not wish to have to face the Great Vehicle and walk the Bodhisattva-path of going among people. This is truly a pity! People fundamentally have this intrinsic nature, this innate ability, but we are unwilling to accept [the teachings]. As long as we have deep faith and understanding, there is nothing we cannot do. We should earnestly believe this; this is what the Buddha’s teachings tell us. If we could eliminate our doubts and grow very deep roots in our hearts, let those roots extend deeply downward, then we would naturally flourish upward; this is to “seek the Dharma and transform others.” On the Bodhisattva-path, we must seek the teachings, and at the same time, we must provide for others and be able to expound the teachings we understand, speak of the things we have done.

For instance, a few days ago, some of our Pure Practitioners participated in an [international Buddhist] conference. Everyone was speaking about theories, but we go by [the principle] “say what we do and do what we say.” We have practical evidence and proof of how we apply the Dharma among people. When people are suffering, we apply the Dharma to relieve sentient beings’ suffering. For those who are lost in life, we apply the Dharma to guide them to return to the Bodhisattva-path. We use the True Dharma to talk about what we have seen, what we have heard, what we have done and what we have said. They are thus backed with evidence and proof. These principles are not empty nor without substance or appearance. For that which is empty and has no substance or appearance, we can use all kinds of matters, things and people to serve as analogies for it.

So, the Buddha, in teaching the sutras, gave many analogies. He used these analogies to explain and used the law of karma to analyze things for us. This is because intangible principles require the use of tangible people, matters and things to be explained so that they are clear. This is how we can prove that the Dharma is for us to apply in this world. It helps us understand intangible principles in hope that when we go among people, we have abundant ways to transform sentient beings, “have the Dharma to transform sentient beings.” This is the principle.

For instance, in southern Taiwan there is a Mr. Wang Baoyu. He is still young. He originally was only a hotel employee, but he had a strong desire to advance, and the hotel chairman noticed the way he handled luggage in the hotel; when customers came, he helped them look after their luggage, and that was it. The chairman kept observing this young man, who was so diligent, honest, always smiling with an open heart, easy to get along with people and willing to work. So, the chairman found this talented man and kept him by his side, and he became the chairman’s executive assistant.

For a while, he was praised by everyone, but he still felt that a life of [working] in the hotel was not what he wanted ideally. He hoped to have the chance to be in contact with the general public and more people. So then, having a strong desire to advance, he took English lessons, becoming an English teacher.

Later, he felt that he could have even broader contact with people, so he left to become a radio station host. And so, he was at the radio station for nine years. This lasted until 2014. He was already a donating member at that time, but whenever someone invited him to volunteer with Tzu Chi, he always said, “OK! OK, when I find time.” So, time passed like this, until one year on Mother’s Day, in 2013. He could not go back to celebrate Mother’s Day with his mom. So, on the radio, he told his mom, “Today is Mother’s Day, but I am unable to go back and be with you. So, I will be here in this place, in the radio station, and let people [call in and] request songs to thank our mothers.” He gave a tribute to his mother in this way.

At the time, a taxi driver, who was a Tzu Chi volunteer, heard him. Listening to the broadcast on the radio station, the taxi driver heard him and began to feel that this radio host was very filial. We were about to have a Buddha Bathing Ceremony, so the driver, a Tzu Chi volunteer, called to contact him and said, “We are about to have a Buddha Bathing Ceremony. You miss your mom a lot, and Tzu Chi’s Buddha Bathing [Ceremony] is also a [Mother’s Day celebration]. [You can come] and pray for blessings for your mom. I would like to invite you to join the Buddha Bathing Ceremony.” This was how he began to participate.

When he entered the large venue of the Buddha Bathing Ceremony, he was deeply moved. Thus, he began to get involved with Tzu Chi. He began to form a resolve. In Tzu Chi, he felt he was doing good deeds among people. There were so many brothers and sisters, and what everyone did was for the world’s sake. There were many conditions, many opportunities, to come in contact with people, and he could form good affinities with others. So, he listened to the Dharma, went through introductory and then advanced volunteer training and became very diligent.

Later, he resigned from his job and wholeheartedly devoted himself to Tzu Chi. Over the course of volunteer training, six other [trainees] were his radio show listeners. Actually it should be eight, but there were six who truly became certified. This is going among people and transforming sentient beings. Now, whenever there is a big event, he is very lively and always comes forward to be the host. He truly puts his heart into it! He has always had great capacities. As long as he had the aspirations, he could go from the Small to the Great. His aspirations had always been great ones. He formed Great Vehicle aspirations; he wanted to go among people and form good affinities with others. So, he went from a Hearer to a Solitary Realizer, from the Small to the Great. He went from a bellman at a hotel, all the way to becoming an executive assistant to a chairman. Then he hoped to escape this kind of life working in the hotel and be able to freely form good affinities with more people. So, he was willing to take lessons to learn English, and he became a teacher. Later he served as a radio host.

In this way, he had many listeners. So, he began to advocate for a vegetarian diet. He had his radio show listeners all get together and started some kind of coffee meeting. In any case, this young man, who is only in his 40s, truly had a great mission in mind and made great vows, so naturally, it was not difficult for him to go among people and transform sentient beings. He said, “I just usually say what I do and do what I say. This was what Master said. Everywhere in our daily living is a spiritual training ground.” Indeed! We should take the Dharma and apply it, apply it in our living, apply it among people and use it to transform sentient beings. We have the Dharma to transform them; it is not impossible.

What sentient beings need now is for everyone to form great aspirations to bring purity to people’s hearts. It is a very pressing time now. The Buddha said that the Lotus Sutra was not taught first by Sakyamuni Buddha. It was taught dust-inked kalpas before, during. Great Unhindered Wisdom Superior Buddha’s time. All Buddhas share the same path. When a Buddha appears in the world, He must finish teaching the Lotus Sutra by the end [of His life], to let everyone know that they have a jewel on them. “When you listen to the Dharma, I let you know the jewel you were given.” We already have this jewel, but have we used it? If we do not use it, we will not understand. When we use it, this jewel can develop our wisdom-life, enrich our wisdom-life. But we have not used it, so we are like the man who laid down drunk; we are still not rich in our wisdom-life. So, we must be mindful. We all have an abundance of invaluable jewel. We must be mindful!

Come, let us look at the previous sutra passage.

“Upon all those present before the Buddha who listen to the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, if hearing one verse or phrase of it they give rise to a thought of joy, I bestow on all of them predictions of attaining Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.”

These were 80,000 great beings. “Medicine King! Do you see them? Do you understand? Although the 80,000 great beings do not frequently listen to the sutras, if they are able to listen, to hear in the presence of a Buddha a verse of Wondrous Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra,” with a verse being four lines, “or one phrase and from one phrase they have even one thought of joy arising in their minds, as they have this kind of affinities, as they have planted these affinities, I bestow predictions on them all.” This is a seed that has entered their minds. So, this is the Buddha’s compassion.

The following sutra passage says,

“The Buddha told Medicine King, ‘After the Tathagata enters Parinirvana, if there are people who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one verse or one phrase, and give rise to a thought of joy, I also bestow on them predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.'”The Buddha told Medicine King, “After the Tathagata enters Parinirvana, if there are people who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one verse or one phrase, and give rise to a thought of joy, I also bestow on them predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.”

He called again, “Medicine King! During my time, if they hear one phrase or one verse and give rise to a thought of joy, I bestow predictions on them. If after I enter Parinirvana, someone hears the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one phrase or one verse, and gives rise to a thought of joy, I likewise bestow predictions on them.” This is the Buddha [talking]. He is everlasting, neither arising nor ceasing, and His great enlightenment is always in the world. After the Buddha had entered Parinirvana, as in our time now, though His physical body entered Parinirvana, His great enlightenment and. His Dharmakaya are ever-abiding. We should now take the Buddha’s teachings and apply them [in our lives]. Whether it is one phrase or one verse, if we take joy in it and take it to heart, we can likewise receive the Buddha’s blessings. This represents the Three Treasures of our nature. “The mind, the Buddha and sentient beings are no different [in their nature].” Everyone intrinsically has an enlightened nature. [We must] accept the Dharma [and realize] the Buddha within us. This is what we must mindfully seek to experience.

So, “After the Buddha enters Parinirvana, those who accept and uphold this wondrous Dharma will be called Dharma masters.”

After the Buddha entered Parinirvana, those who accept and uphold this wondrous sutra will be called Dharma masters. After the Buddha entered Parinirvana, there will be those who, hearing the Dharma, can instantly give rise to joy, accept, uphold and expound the teachings.

The Buddha began to bestow predictions for the future. Regarding the future, the time after the Buddha entered Parinirvana, as Sakyamuni Buddha said, “After I enter Parinirvana, if someone is willing to accept and uphold the Wondrous Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, they will be called a Dharma master, because they will, according to the Dharma, accept, uphold and expound it.” When one listens to the Dharma, takes it to heart, puts it into action, and expounds and transmits it, one is called a Dharma master. This means, after the Buddha enters Parinirvana, if someone, after hearing the Dharma, becomes joyful and is willing to accept and uphold this Dharma, the Wondrous Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, then this person will take the Dharma and the precepts as his teacher. When one takes the Dharma as one’s teacher, one becomes a teacher for others, a teacher of those who practice the Dharma.

This is how we should transmit the Dharma. The Buddha bestowed predictions on us in this way, for a time in His future, which is our time now. If we can take the Dharma to heart, if we can learn extensively the Dharma and its essence, the Dharma’s essence can be applied to our daily living. We can apply it among the many sentient beings who are ignorant and afflicted to help them return to this path, to guide them in [their life’s] direction. In this way, we are also those who rely on, expound and transmit the Dharma. The Buddha bestowed predictions on us in this way, for our time now, after He entered Parinirvana. So, in the Chapter on Dharma Masters, this is the key point. He hoped that everyone values the Lotus Sutra. The Lotus Sutra is the path to Buddhahood. The Lotus Sutra is to help us understand that everyone can attain Buddhahood. It is a path that requires us to put the teachings into practice. It is a path we are able to walk.

So, “The Buddha told Medicine King, ‘After the Tathagata enters Parinirvana….'” This refers to the period after. Sakyamuni Buddha enters Parinirvana.

The Buddha told Medicine King, “After the Tathagata enters Parinirvana”: The above describes the time when the Buddha was in the world and after He entered Parinirvana.

This expresses how, during the Buddha’s time, He had already taught the Lotus Sutra. In the seven to eight years of [teaching] it, He was getting near the time when He was to enter Parinirvana, so He constantly intensified His tone. He kept on hoping that everyone would value the Lotus Sutra, value listening, contemplating and practicing. Everyone needs to put it into action on the Bodhisattva-path. So, from the time the Buddha was alive, until after He entered Parinirvana, He constantly hoped to quickly help everyone know the importance of this sutra, the key point of transmitting it in the world; He felt most urgent about this, because the Lotus Sutra [contains] the Buddha’s original intent. This Lotus Sutra [contains His intent], from when He attained Buddhahood until. He freely expressed it in the end. So, He repeatedly reminded us, hoping everyone would truly put it into action.

Thus, [it says,] “If there are people who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one verse or one phrase, and give rise to a thought of joy….” They were like this. When they listened to this sutra, to one verse or phrase, they would have a thought of joy; they would give rise to a thought of joy.

If there are people who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, even one verse or one phrase, and give rise to a thought of joy: This refers to those who hear one verse or one phrase of this sutra and give rise to a thought of joy. A verse is composed of four lines. The power of one verse is as much as that of giving rise to a thought of joy.

A verse is composed of four lines. We often pay respect and prostrate to the sutra.  The verses we make prostrations to are four lines each. These are things we understand very well. Each verse contains a wondrously profound teachings, so we should be mindful. A verse composed of four lines has a complete teaching in it. If we can remember this verse in our hearts, in our daily living, with one phrase every day, or a verse every day, we can experience [the truth] in our lives. Among the Dharma and all true principles of the universe, we should be able to know everything. We should be able to comprehend how the Buddha put His heartfelt effort into this.

After the prose passages follow the verses that repeat [the teachings]. These help us remember. The same Dharma must be repeated like this, so that we are very familiar with it, so we can take the Dharma to heart and imprint it in our minds. Everything we do and everything we say, all of our actions, are all inseparable from the Dharma in our lives. This is the Buddha’s compassion and the Buddha’s teachings for us. Look at how long the Lotus Sutra is. The Buddha, with His compassion, worried that we would become indolent. He worried that with such a long sutra, we would not have the heart to recite and read it all the way through and understand it all, that we might not have the patience. So, the Buddha quickly told us, “You just need to listen right away. With even one phrase or one verse of four lines, what you hear can arouse your interest, and from what you hear you can realize and understand.” We can comprehend in our daily living that actually our lives are the Dharma in this four-line verse. He hoped everyone, with regard to this Dharma, would plant these seeds in the fields of our minds. As long as we plant the seeds, we will have the causes and conditions to encounter the Buddha-Dharma again.

This is like what we just said about the young Mr. Wang. He was already a Tzu Chi member and people had invited him [before]. When he became a Tzu Chi member, he already planted the seeds in his mind. So, he listened to the Dharma and knew “Doing good and being filial cannot wait.” He had to go among people and form good affinities. He knew all of this. But, once the causes and conditions matured, during Mother’s Day, as he was hosting the radio show, he asked people for songs thanking their moms. His missed his mom on Mother’s Day. These are causes and conditions! Our Tzu Chi volunteer just so happened to hear it. This Tzu Chi volunteer, a taxi driver, was himself undergoing dialysis. Afterwards, after they met, Mr. Wang was moved by [the taxi driver]. Mr. Wang felt that though the [taxi driver] was not healthy, the man wanted to be self-reliant, so the man drove a taxi and kept on sharing my teachings with his passengers. He was thus able to guide Mr. Wang to join Tzu Chi. Mr. Wang was moved by this man. This is what we call causes and conditions.

Each phrase, each verse are all seeds; they are all causes and conditions. So, “The power of one phrase and one verse is as much as that of giving rise to a thought of joy.” This is how it is; even with one phrase or one verse, when they hear it, they are happy. Whether we speak one phrase or one verse to others does not matter; once others hear it, they are happy; they take joy in it. This is also spreading seeds. Being a farmer of the minds of ordinary people is very good too. [We can] sow the seed of a single thought in people’s minds.

“I also bestow on them predictions of. Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.”

I also bestow on them predictions of. Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi: I also bestow on them predictions of attaining Buddhahood.

As long as everyone can, in a single thought, accept this Dharma, even a short phrase, one verse or one phrase, this can awaken the joy people have toward the Dharma. For these kinds of people, the Buddha began to bestow upon them predictions for the future, which means that all of them could be called Dharma masters. So now, when we see a monastic, we will call him a Dharma master. Has he spread the seeds of the Dharma in sentient beings’ minds? People who renounce the lay life are referred to as Blessed-field Monastics. I hope we cultivate our own fields of blessings and eliminate our afflictions and ignorance. The Buddha said that those who eliminate afflictions and help sentient beings spread the seeds and plant a blessing are called Blessed-field monastics. Blessed-field Monastics must have the Dharma to share with people who give [them alms]. Thus, they cultivate in each other’s minds, the minds of sentient beings. Everyone should be a farmer of sentient beings’ minds, cultivating purity to people’s minds. The Buddha taught us in this way, hoping we all would take the Dharma to heart.

So, the Buddha said, “I also bestow on them predictions.” He also bestowed predictions, bestowed predictions for the future. Although they had not heard much of the Dharma, the Buddha bestowed distant predictions, predictions for a long time into the future.

I will also bestow on them predictions: In the future, people will hear only few teachings. The Buddha also bestowed on them distant predictions.

It is like those 2000 disciples. It could be that these 2000 disciples had not yet formed Great Vehicle aspirations, but the Buddha also bestowed predictions on them. At the start of the Chapter on Dharma Masters, He asked Medicine King Bodhisattva if he had seen the 80,000 great beings. “Have you seen the 80,000 great beings?” Where are these 80,000 great beings? [They were] the eight classes of Dharma-protectors and those in the world who sought to be Hearers and Pratyekabuddhas and those who sought the path to Buddhahood. For those who have the aspirations, the Buddha bestowed predictions on them all. Of course, for future sentient beings who would likewise accept this Dharma, the Buddha also bestowed distant predictions; He bestowed predictions for far in the future. Now, we can uphold the Lotus Sutra, which means we likewise can become Dharma masters. We can be teachers who uphold, expound and transmit the Dharma.

So, “This shows that for this sutra, whether during His manifestation or after His entering Parinirvana….”

This shows that for this sutra, whether during His manifestation or after His entering Parinirvana, once people are able to hear it, one verse will open their hearts and one phrase will illuminate their minds. If we give a jewel to a conscious man, the man may hear but not understand. Those who are unaware or have no faith are like a drunken man being given a jewel.

Whether in the present or the future, although the Buddha’s time has passed, this sutra will always be in the world, always helping people become Bodhisattvas. So, whether before, during His manifestation or after His entering Parinirvana, this sutra is always everlasting. “One verse will open their hearts.” One phrase can make people happy; one verse can let people rejoice and change their perspectives on life. We often hear about people turning their lives around, changing their perspectives and changing from the past confusion of their lives to being well-grounded now. There are many such stories! This is how “One verse will open their hearts.” As long as we listen and, after listening, implement it in our lives, we can use all kinds of analogies to share this with everyone.

So, “[with] one phrase,” our minds open up entirely. The meanings are so great; [Our minds] are like the sky, completely illuminated and bright.

Just now, everyone was diligently practicing in the morning recitation. When I came out, the sky was dark, but after I finish later, look to the front and you can see the sky is already bright. This means time had passed. Actually, when we listen and take the Dharma to heart, it is like the sky becoming illuminated; our minds become radiant. “If we give a jewel to a conscious man,” it is like saying to a clear-minded man, “Come, I will give you a jewel. Once you receive this jewel, you must earnestly comprehend and understand it.”

“The man may hear but not understand. Those who are unaware or have no faith are like a drunken man being given a jewel.” If we only listen to the Dharma and are unwilling to understand it, to believe in it, then we are like the drunken man. A jewel was put in his [clothes], but he did not know about it and remained very poor, wandering in the streets like that.

So, it is like 16 princes’ era, when they sat at the place of practice, repeating the Lotus Sutra.

This is exactly like the 16 princes sitting in their places of practice as they expounded the Dharma again. Thus, the jewel attained today is the one the novices gave us in the past. The jewel being given today is the cause for the attainment of future disciples.

So, we must know that beginningless kalpas ago, during the 16 princes’ time, we already listened to this sutra at the Buddha’s feet, but we did not apply it. Furthermore, we accumulated ignorance over lifetimes. Therefore, now, “We obtain the jewel today.” The causes and conditions have now matured in this life, and we listen to the sutra again. This is “the [jewel] the novices gave us in the past.” During the 16 princes’ time, we were in the same period as they were. We listened to the sutra the 16 princes taught, and they had already given us a jewel before. So, “The jewel being given today is the cause for the attainment of future disciples.” What we hear today will continue on in the future.

Dear Bodhisattvas, as Buddhist practitioners, we must be like this. We must understand that we have this jewel on us. From before Beginningless Time, we have already had it. This is just like now; when we listen to the Dharma every day, are we applying it in our daily living? If we are using it, if we make use of the jewel in our daily living, we should be able to spread seeds of goodness and thus continue on into the future. This is so as long as we are always mindful!


Episode 1199 – The Smallest Seed Leads to Buddhahood

>> Those taking joy in others’ merits will thus attain the fruit of Buddhahood. This is even more so for those who are replete in the teachings, who completely accept and uphold them and make offerings of the Threefold Karma. Those hearing the Dharma with little understanding will still receive predictions, which is to say nothing of those who safeguard the Dharma-treasury for dust-inked kalpas.

>> …of countless heavenly beings, dragon kings, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, human and non-human beings as well as bhiksus, bhiksunis, upasakas, upasikas, those seeking to be Hearers, those seeking to be Pratyekabuddhas, those seeking the path to Buddhahood, these and other kinds of beings.

>> Upon all those present before the Buddha who listen to the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, if hearing one verse or phrase of it they give rise to a thought of joy, I bestow on all of them predictions of attaining Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

>> Upon all those present before the Buddha who listen to the Wondrous Lotus Sutra: 80,000 great noble beings were all present before the Buddha and able to listen to the wondrous Dharma. Upon all those present before the Buddha: This explains that they all encountered the Buddha teaching the Dharma at the same time.

>> If hearing one verse or phrase of it they give rise to a thought of joy: Refers to those who hear even one verse or phrase, who, upon hearing the sutra, give rise to joy in their hearts. This means that those who heard this sutra, even one verse or one phrase, would ultimately attain Buddhahood.

>> If people with scattered minds enter the stupas or temples, once they recite, ‘Namo Buddha,’ they have realized the path to Buddhahood.

>> This even includes children at play who use grass, a tree branch, reeds or their fingernails to draw an image of the Buddha.

>> People like this will gradually accumulate merits and virtues and are replete with a heart of great compassion. They will already be on the path to Buddhahood.

>> This is to say nothing of those who encounter the Buddha now and faithfully accept this sutra, who cannot but give rise to faith and understanding. They put their understanding into practice and, through actions, fully realize the fruits. This sutra specifically reveals all kinds of the Tathagata’s teachings. Be they of the Small Vehicle or Great Dharma, they are all the Great Vehicle. This means they are all for the purpose of helping sentient beings gradually attain Buddhahood.

>> Taking joy in others’ merits: They experience joy at hearing the Dharma and rejoice along with others. This means they rejoice along with others but do not have the deep faith to accept and practice the teachings.

>> Those who take joy in others’ merits or even once thought to follow them will also receive the predictions of attaining Buddhahood in the future. Because their minds take joy in others, they do not reject others. With joy, they will be able to have faith. Faith is the source of the Way, mother of merits. This thought of faith and joy is the vajra for accepting and understanding the wondrous Dharma.>> I bestow on them all predictions that” “they will attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi”: The Buddha predicted that these people and so on would all attain enlightenment. The Buddha predicted that those people would all attain enlightenment. So, the Buddha gave predictions for those 2000. Regardless of whether their capabilities were deep or shallow, He still bestowed predictions upon them.

>> [The Buddha] established the Three Vehicles according to capabilities. They are each different but eventually return to one sutra, integrating the Buddha’s wondrous skillful teachings. From this, we know there is no Dharma that is taught for the Two Vehicle practitioners. Thus, for those in the presence of the Buddha who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, the Buddha bestowed predictions upon them.

“Those taking joy in others’ merits will thus attain the fruit of Buddhahood.
This is even more so for those who are replete in the teachings,
 who completely accept and uphold them
and make offerings of the Threefold Karma. Those hearing the Dharma with little understanding will still receive predictions,
which is to say nothing of those who safeguard the Dharma-treasury for dust-inked kalpas.”

Let us mindfully understand this! “Those taking joy in others’ merits will thus attain the fruit of Buddhahood. This is even more so for those who are replete [in the teachings].” This means that merit exists in taking joy in the merits of others. In the Chapter on 500 Disciples Receiving Predictions and the Chapter on Those at and beyond Learning, there were those who, due to their causes and conditions, found themselves there at that Dharma-assembly listening to the Buddha-Dharma, who listened to the Buddha there as He bestowed predictions upon His great disciples. They rejoiced and gave rise to thoughts of joy. They were able to receive predictions of Buddhahood. How much truer it is for those who are truly mindful, form great aspirations and make great vows and practice according to the teachings by going among the people. Whether they transformed sentient beings, used their wisdom, spiritual power and their virtue, they devoted their entire lives and dedicated themselves to the Buddha’s Sangha.

It took great causes, great conditions and great retribution to be there assisting the Buddha in His Dharma-assembly. The Buddha bestowed predictions upon each of them one by one. Even those who took joy in other’s merits and formed aspirations received predictions from the Buddha. “Those who took joy in others’ merits will thus attain the fruit of Buddhahood.” Just like that, for those who formed the aspiration to seek [the Dharma], the Buddha bestowed predictions upon them, telling them for how much longer in the future they must practice like this, making offerings to very many Buddhas, and they would all attain Buddhahood in the future. This is not to mention if we form great aspirations and make great vows? We have been mindful. In the past, we dedicated all our lives to accepting and upholding the Dharma and mindfully made offerings of our Threefold Karma of body, speech and mind. We accepted the Buddha’s teachings and put them into practice among the people. Of course, this way we too will receive the Buddha’s predictions.

This all helps us understand the merit from “faithfully accepting and practicing.” Even if we are only taking joy in others’ merits, when we take the Dharma to heart, we must be mindful and exercise a heart of joy and faith. Truly, even just a few words, or even a single phrase or verse, if we can absorb it, we can apply it. If it benefits others, we can go give of ourselves. This also brings merit. Having had the chance to listen, even a few words will be enough for us to accept and uphold through our entire lives.

This is like when I took refuge under my Master, Master [Yin Shun]; the teaching he gave me was short. It was only six words, [“For Buddha’s teachings,”] [“for sentient beings”]. Yet, I have devoted my entire life to it! Although I did not have much understanding, I was nevertheless determined to just do it. For the past 50 years, it has been the same for me every day; this is what I have been doing. I will do this not only in this lifetime, but in every lifetime to come. I will do this wherever I may be in the future. Though they are only six words, I dedicate my entire life to serving others, always willingly and joyfully. Since I do it willingly and joyfully, whatever the future may bring, wherever I may go in every lifetime to come, I will still do the same. I feel that I have not yet finished, that I must continue in whatever realm I may be in.

One time 20 or 30 years ago, there was a group of newly-inspired. Tzu Chi commissioners in Taipei. I was in Taipei. This group was very happy, and everyone gathered around me. There were three sisters, called “Eldest, Second Eldest and Third Eldest.” Although not sisters by blood, they were sworn sisters and were united by the same mission and path. From the beginning, they went around to different spiritual centers [together]. Wherever there was a Dharma-assembly, they would go and support that spiritual centers.

Later, through Jing Ming’s guidance, they all came into Tzu Chi. Whenever I was in Taipei, these three sisters would almost always be there by my side. They were very devoted to Tzu Chi, and they also brought in many members. They loved listening to the Buddha-Dharma, and they loved asking questions as well. One day, Second Eldest said to me, “Master, your formed such great aspirations to build the hospital. We are very grateful and joyful, for it allows us to form good affinities with others. Whether someone donates a single brick or bag of cement, when we think that these can build a hospital and save people, we rejoice! Master, your merits are boundless! But, Master, what about the future? In your next lifetime, where will you go?”

I looked at them and said, “Wherever I go next life, will you follow me?” One exclaimed, “Yes! Master, you have to let me follow you closely!” I sighed, then I asked them, “And should I choose to go to hell next lifetime?” At this, they were taken aback momentarily. They just kept looking at me. “You don’t dare to follow me, right?” After thinking for a moment, Eldest said, “I will go, Master!” Patting Second Eldest, she told her, “Silly child! If Master should go to hell, she is going there to transform people! Earth Treasury Bodhisattva [vowed], ‘Until hell is empty, ‘I will not attain Buddhahood.’ If Master goes to help transform others there, then how could we not follow her?” Third Eldest then said, “That’s right, we don’t need to be afraid. We just need to follow Master closely!”

When I think of this, I realize that taking joy in others’ merits also brings merits. Whatever the future may bring and whether it brings merit, we do not need to think that much about it. We just do it. We choose what is right, and then we just do it. We should listen to the Dharma, but what is the Dharma? Whatever my Master wanted me to do, I just did it. It was just six words, just two phrases. Was this actually the Dharma? I just did it. If I say I will go to hell, is this actually the Dharma? I told them [about going to hell], and they took joy in it. Everyone listened, and they were all very joyful. Everyone said, “That’s right! It was exhausting for Earth Treasury Bodhisattva to transform sentient beings in hell. Didn’t Master just mention this a few days ago? We must stand before the gates of hell. As humans, we should form more aspirations to help everyone to do more good deeds, so they naturally will not end up in hell. Just a few days ago when. Master was teaching the Medicine Buddha Sutra, wasn’t this what she was saying?” They thought about it again and said, “That’s right! We should do good deeds every day! We should just do it!”

So, taking joy in others’ merits also brings merits. The merit of taking joy in others’ merits is just as great of a merit. Why is it just as great? Because we can call many together to all form aspirations at the same time. Through the strength of numbers, we can naturally bring purity to the world. Many are needed at the same time if we are to bring purity to the world. It is possible to take joy in good, but it is also possible to take joy in evil. So, in rejoicing with others, we must be mindful in understanding just exactly what we are “taking joy” in.

In the past, when the Buddha was in the world, there lived a great elder in the city of Rajagrha. He was very wealthy and had a son about to marry. When his son was getting married, many relatives and friends came to wish them well. The wedding was very lavish and lively. After seven days, the newlyweds thought, “Why not go out for a stroll?” There was a beautiful back garden, so they said, “Come, let’s go for a stroll in the back garden!” And with that the young man invited his beautiful wife, and with hands held, they went to the back garden. Being very much in love, they enjoyed the spring day there. Spring had just begun, and though the trees were just starting to bud, some flowers were already blooming lushly.

Some were just then blooming, while others were already in full bloom. The young wife spotted a cluster of flowers, just then in full bloom. She became excited, and turning to her husband, she said, “Look at those flowers in full bloom! They are all so beautiful! Every branch is so lush!” The young wife became overjoyed. The husband looked at where she was pointing, and she said, “Look how pretty those flowers are!” The young man wanted to make his wife even happier, so he climbed up the tree to reach out and break off the branch with the flowers. As he tried to break the branch, he took another step. The branch he stood on was not thick enough, so it could not support him. The branch [he stepped on] broke; both he and the branch fell to the ground, and he died there on the spot.

This was a bolt from the blue for that family. How sad it was! They had only the one son, and his wedding had just taken place seven days earlier! How could such a thing happen? When word got out, all of those relatives who had come to celebrate seven days before, who came from afar for just a few days before returning, had only just returned home. And now they received this news, so friends and relatives from near and far again had to come back to this family. The wedding lanterns were still hanging in the family’s home. The servants had begun to take them down and began changing the wedding decorations into funeral decorations. Mournful weeping was nevertheless heard within, for family and friends kept arriving in groups.

During this time, everyone in the city talked about this every day, but several days later, it was time for the funeral. At this time, the Buddha just happened to be entering the city. He heard people discussing how that family was shrouded in a mist of sorrow and was suffering unbearably. As the Buddha walked around, He heard the story. During this time, someone brought news of the Buddha’s arrival to the family. One of the family’s relatives said to the elder, “Perhaps we can invite the Buddha to come here to speak to us. Why did such a thing happen to us? Why should such a thing happen to us? Shall I invite the Buddha to see if perhaps. He can explain this to us?” So, he quickly went into the city to invite the Buddha and His disciples to their home.

The Buddha’s magnificence and the demeanor of the disciples was such that when they entered the family’s home, the sorrowful atmosphere there totally lifted, like black clouds completely dispersing. Their melancholy lifted, their minds had calmed down and the sound of wailing was no longer heard. Being able to admire the Buddha’s dignified appearance, everyone was [filled with] Dharma-joy. Merely laying eyes upon the Buddha caused joy to arise in their hearts. The elder prostrated himself before the Buddha, all the family and relatives did the same, and the elder said to the Buddha, “Venerable Buddha! I had only the one son, and we had just celebrated his wedding when such a thing happened to him. What could possibly be the causes and conditions for such a thing to happen to us?”

The Buddha said, “Life has always been impermanent. Those flowers are blooming so lushly on that tree. In this season, those flowers are blooming lushly; but after the bloom, after the season has passed, what happens to the tree then?” Someone answered, “After the flowers bloom, some flowers bear fruit while other flowers just fall to the ground.” The Buddha replied, “Yes, some flowers just fall to the ground, while other flowers bear fruit. And what happens when the fruit ripens? If the fruit is not picked, what happens to it when it ripens?” Again, everyone answered, “If the fruit ripens without being picked, then it too will fall to the ground.” The Buddha told them, “Yes! Our lives as humans are just the same. When causes and conditions mature, we come to the world. When causes and conditions are exhausted, they follow the law of nature; when affinities have ended we then leave.”

But then another exclaimed, “Venerable Buddha! He was so very young! Why did something like this happen to someone so young?” The Buddha told them, “The present fruit is the result of a past cause.” Everyone drew nearer to hear what this past cause might have been. He said, “In the past there was a youth, a teenager; he was very young. He was fond of archery and liked shooting down birds. That was his life; he liked to hunt and shoot down birds. One day, he went out to play with three friends and brought his bow and his arrows with him. The youth who brought his bow and arrows then saw some birds in a tree, and said to his three friends, ‘Watch! I can shoot accurately Do you believe me?’ The three replied, ‘We believe you can shoot accurately!'”

But the one who wanted to shoot told them, “Look at those birds. Point to a bird for me. No matter which branch this bird is on, I will shoot him and bring him down.” One of them then pointed, “That bird, the one in that tree, sitting on the tip of the branch. Would you be able to hit him? Why wouldn’t I?” So, raising his bow and arrow, and taking his stance, he shot that arrow and the bird fell to the ground. The three clapped excitedly, praising him, saying, “You are amazing!”

The Buddha told the story up to here and said, “Did you know? The one who always carried the bow and arrow with him everywhere, the one who liked to hunt was your son. The two broken-hearted parents, the two of you, were the ones who were taking joy.”

So, when we speak of “taking joy,” it does not mean we simply take joy in whatever we may see others doing. In our society today, when it comes to mistakes, or things we do not understand, if we take joy in these, we can also create great karma. People today need to be even more mindful. Nevertheless, taking joy in others’ good deeds creates boundless merit! Look at the internet today. There are so many things on it that are untrue, yet people nevertheless support these falsehoods. “When one speaks a lie, thousands propagate it as the truth.” This too creates karma. Look at how calamities are created and how people became refugees. This is something we can all understand well.

In terms of the Buddha-Dharma we teach now, since over 2000 years ago the Buddha, wanted us to take joy in it, to rejoice in goodness when we see it and continually pass it on like this. [This is like] the three sisters who said, “Master, we are so grateful! Because you are building the hospital, for every single bag of cement or brick, we can put our hearts into getting to know so many other people, into guiding and transforming so many others.” This is taking joy in others’ merit. Even if it was a single brick or bag of cement, they could take joy in others’ merit, for it resulted in many people being saved. Moreover, those taking joy in the merits of others were all Tzu Chi commissioners. Who knows how many good affinities they have formed by going among people? Although time has passed and they too have gotten older in accordance with the laws of nature, even in this lifetime, they have already planted so many good causes. They paved a smooth Bodhi-path inch by inch with love.

There are many who say, “So-and-so brought me [into Tzu Chi]. Although he is no longer with us, we still miss him very much!” Those whom we miss may even now be among our many little Bodhisattvas. That might be the case. For dust-inked kalpas, they have been replete in the teachings, completely accepting and upholding them, making offerings of their Threefold Karma. This was how they listened to the Dharma. After hearing it, they put it into practice. After practicing it, they passed it down. We are quite certain that people like this right now are among our little Bodhisattvas. [There are also others] of “little understanding,” [who say] “I have heard it. OK! Out of joy I will donate.” Taking joy like this enables us to attain merit ourselves, as donation become drops in a vast ocean [of merits].

People will say, “I too donated money to help build this hospital! When so-and-so approached me for money, I never dreamed that one day my own life would be saved by this hospital!” It is true! This is the cycle of love, the cycle of goodness. It is like those 2000 who listened to the sutra; the Buddha bestowed predictions on them too. Some time in the very distant future, they too will attain Buddhahood, will all simultaneously attain Buddhahood and go and transform sentient beings. There were also many with deep affinities who have protected and upheld the Dharma-treasury for dust-inked kalpas. The Buddha specifically named them to bestow predictions on them and described their causes and conditions. Indeed! Some had deep affinities, while others had shallow ones, but all had begun by taking joy in the merit of others. Some had very mindfully gone and served others.

So, we must put effort into doing good deeds. It is not enough with a person’s two hands; thousands of hands are needed if we are going to change the world. This is why we often recite the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva; she has 1000 hands and 1000 eyes. The Sutra of Infinite Meanings [says], “One gives rise to infinity; infinity arises from one.” When everyone shares the joy, when everyone shares about the good deeds, then our society will be harmonious, and there will be many good deeds done!

Let us look at the previous sutra passage,

“…of countless heavenly beings, dragon kings, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, human and non-human beings as well as bhiksus, bhiksunis, upasakas, upasikas, those seeking to be Hearers, those seeking to be Pratyekabuddhas, those seeking the path to Buddhahood, these and other kinds of beings.”

The World-Honored One asked Medicine King Bodhisattva, “Do you see that? There are 80,000 great beings.” These 80,000 great beings included the eight classes of Dharma-protectors and included humans. [Monastic] practitioners, [such as] bhiksus and bhiksunis, and lay practitioners, [such as] upasakas and upasikas, as well as Small Vehicle practitioners, Middle Vehicle practitioners and also those who sought the Great Vehicle Dharma are all included there. These were the ones who took joy in others’ merits. The eight classes of Dharma-protectors and humans are of a total of 80,000. The Buddha is asking Medicine King Bodhisattva, “Do you see them?”

Next it goes on to say,

Upon all those present before the Buddha who listen to the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, if hearing one verse or phrase of it they give rise to a thought of joy, I bestow on all of them predictions of attaining Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

In other words, He referred to all 80,000 great beings there as “Bodhisattvas.” Those 80,000 sentient beings were “present before the Buddha.” All 80,000 were there before the Buddha, listening to the Wondrous Lotus Sutra. There were even associators who happened to be there listening. The eight classes of Dharma-protectors were all there listening, and there were also humans listening too. All the 80,000 great beings were there listening to the Dharma like this.

Upon all those present before the Buddha who listen to the Wondrous Lotus Sutra: 80,000 great noble beings were all present before the Buddha and able to listen to the wondrous Dharma. Upon all those present before the Buddha: This explains that they all encountered the Buddha teaching the Dharma at the same time.

So, it says “at the same time.” All were there at the same time. Even if it was just for a short while, they were all born during the Buddha’s lifetime. Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood. At that time, besides humans, there were the eight classes of Dharma-protectors present at that same time. When the Buddha taught the Lotus Sutra, if they were able to stop for a while to listen to even “one verse or phrase of it they give rise to a thought of joy.” Upon hearing it, joy arose inside of them.

If hearing one verse or phrase of it they give rise to a thought of joy: Refers to those who hear even one verse or phrase, who, upon hearing the sutra, give rise to joy in their hearts. This means that those who heard this sutra, even one verse or one phrase, would ultimately attain Buddhahood.

This is saying joy arose in them just by hearing the Dharma. When they heard this sutra, even a single phrase or verse from it, would give rise to joy. Any sentient being like this, after listening to this sutra, “hearing one verse or phrase of it,” would ultimately be able to attain Buddhahood. If you listen to even a single verse or phrase of this sutra and take it to heart, it will become causes and conditions, it will become a seed. Even if you hear just a phrase once, a seed will have already entered your mind.

In the Lotus Sutra’s Chapter on Skillful Means, there is a sutra passage that says,

“If people with scattered minds enter the stupas or temples, Once they recite, ‘Namo Buddha,’ they have realized the path to Buddhahood.”

Does everyone still remember this passage from reciting the Lotus Sutra?

Then it says, “This even includes children at play who use grass, a tree branch, reeds or their fingernails to draw an image of the Buddha.”

This even includes children at play who use grass, a tree branch, reeds or their fingernails to draw an image of the Buddha.
“Use grass, a tree branch, reeds” means using grass as a pen. “Or their fingernails” means one may even use the hands and nails to make a drawing, “to draw an image of the Buddha.” Even if a child, while playing, using a piece of grass, a tree branch, or a reed, like a stalk of grass, draws an image of the Buddha at will, “People like this will gradually accumulate merits.” Sine he is drawing an image of the Buddha, it means that the Buddha is in his heart. No matter how or what the conditions he is in is like, he just needs to have an image of the Buddha in his mind. “People like this will gradually accumulate merits and virtues.”

People like this will gradually accumulate merits and virtues and are replete with a heart of great compassion. They will already be on the path to Buddhahood.

When you draw an image of the Buddha, if you draw it joyfully, if the image is magnificent, then that image of the Buddha will gradually enter your mind, so that you become “replete with a heart of great compassion.” By taking that image to heart, our minds will naturally take the Buddha-mind as our own, and gradually we become replete with great compassion. We “will already be on the path to Buddhahood.” Most importantly, it is to have such a beginning, for the compassion then gradually accumulates. Even for a child at play, he may think, “I want to draw the Buddha.” Having drawn the Buddha, he then pays respect to the Buddha. This comes from already having good thoughts in his mind.

As he continues drawing magnificent images of the Buddha, it leaves an impression upon his mind. Naturally, in his own mind, he begins cultivating great compassion, wishing he could save sentient beings. Great compassion, “unconditional loving-kindness, universal compassion,” gradually accumulate in his mind. By putting this [compassion] into action, he is then able to save others. This way, he is walking the Bodhisattva-path, gradually on the path Buddhahood. This is a passage in the Chapter on Skillful Means.

So, “Hearing one verse or one phrase of it,” by hearing even a single verse or phrase and keeping it in mind, it is called a seed. When a child draws an image of the Buddha, it does not matter if he uses a stalk of grass, his fingernail or his hand to draw. When someone draws an image of the Buddha, or hears even a single verse, the seeds of drawing near the Buddha and seeds of the Dharma have been taken to heart.

So, “This is to say nothing of those who encounter the Buddha now and faithfully accept this sutra.”

This is to say nothing of those who encounter the Buddha now and faithfully accept this sutra, who cannot but give rise to faith and understanding. They put their understanding into practice and, through actions, fully realize the fruits. This sutra specifically reveals all kinds of the Tathagata’s teachings. Be they of the Small Vehicle or Great Dharma, they are all the Great Vehicle. This means they are all for the purpose of helping sentient beings gradually attain Buddhahood.

“Now” refers to the time of the Buddha, when there were 80,000 great noble beings, when the Buddha turned to Medicine King and said, “These 80,000 are all Bodhisattvas. Even if they only hear a single phrase or verse, they too will one day attain Buddhahood,” So, “they cannot but give rise to faith and understanding.” We must have faith. The Buddha spoke to Medicine King Bodhisattva about “faith.” When we listen to the Dharma, we must take it to heart and have faith; we must believe. Because if we believe, we will be able to understand. If we do not believe, then we will never understand. You have to believe, for only when you believe can you then realize, can you then understand. “Through actions, [they] fully realize the fruits.” Without faith and understanding, how can you practice it? If you do not practice it, how will you ever be able to realize the fruit? So, with faith, if we can have deep faith in a single phrase, we can naturally come to realize, come to comprehend the great path and naturally form supreme aspirations. This is how it has always been.

So, “This sutra specifically reveals all kinds of the Tathagata’s teachings. Be they of the Small Vehicle or Great Dharma, they are all the Great Vehicle.” All [teachings] come together as the Great Vehicle Dharma. In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha returned the Three to the One. The Small Vehicle and Middle Vehicle had by then already been returned to the One. The Great and Small Vehicles had already been brought together. The Buddha-Dharma is universal. The few verses and phrases from the Small Vehicle are all part of the treasury of the Buddha-Dharma. He started with the Four Noble Truths and the Twelve Links of Cyclic Existence, which contain profound and mysterious Dharma. When we put effort into believing, understanding, cultivating and putting it into practice, we are always actualize the Six Paramitas in all of our actions. So, they are all the Great Vehicle, [meaning that they are] “all for the purpose of helping sentient beings.” According to their capabilities, it helps them gradually engage in spiritual practice, gradually accept the Dharma, practice it and attain Buddhahood. This is the function of the Lotus Sutra.

Taking joy in others’ merits means they experience joy upon hearing the Dharma and “rejoice along with others.”

Taking joy in others’ merits: They experience joy at hearing the Dharma and rejoice along with others. This means they rejoice along with others but do not have the deep faith to accept and practice the teachings.

When they first hear of how everyone is listening to the Dharma, how everyone is listening so intently, they also listen to it. Even by just listening once, hearing only one phrase, or hearing only one verse, a seed has been planted inside them.

“Seeing everyone so joyful in such a magnificent Dharma-assembly and listening to the Dharma, it makes joy arise in me too!” So, we rejoice along with others. This is “rejoicing along with others.” They may still not have the deep faith to accept and practice it; they are merely taking joy in others’ merits. Some people say, “Since you have asked me for a donation, I will donate for just this once.” Even once is fine. They still gain great merit from this.

Even if you say, “I will come today, but not tomorrow,” this is fine too! You came today, so we have one more person at the spiritual center. The more who come, the more magnificent the spiritual center. This is also taking joy in others’ merits.

For “those who take joy in others’ merits or even once thought to follow them,” it will be the same; they “will also receive the predictions of attaining Buddhahood in the future.” It is like the 2000 there at the training ground. They never dared think, “Will we receive the Buddha’s predictions?” They never imagined the Buddha would bestow predictions on them all. It is the same principle.

Those who take joy in others’ merits or even once thought to follow them will also receive the predictions of attaining Buddhahood in the future. Because their minds take joy in others, they do not reject others. With joy, they will be able to have faith. Faith is the source of the Way, mother of merits. This thought of faith and joy is the vajra for accepting and understanding the wondrous Dharma.

So, “Because their minds are supple and joyful, they do not reject others.” As long as they take joy in listening to the Dharma,

“With joy, they will be able to have faith.” By rejoicing with the others, they had gained faith. Even if it is a small amount of faith, “Faith is the source of the Way, mother of merits.” It starts with “one thought of faith and joy.” Once you begin to believe, then joy arises. This then becomes “acceptance and understanding.” One can then take this Dharma and become willing to accept it. Even if it is small amount, just a little, there is still some faith there. If even a single thought of joy arises from listening to the Dharma, then this becomes the diamond seed for accepting and understanding the wondrous Dharma.

Once the Dharma is in the mind it never disappears. It remains there forever. Dust-inked kalpas ago, this seed was there. Even if we multiplied our ignorance over the course of many lifetimes, that seed from dust-inked kalpas ago still remains. This is because we all intrinsically have intrinsic Buddha-nature; our minds are intrinsically good. “Human nature is inherently good.” It is always there. So, as soon as we hear the Dharma, we have the ability to take it to heart. The seed is still there, so we in the future too will have the causes and conditions to receive predictions.

So, the Buddha said, “I bestow on all of them predictions that they will attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.” For people like these, their seeds will very gradually come to ripen in the future, so they too will in the end attain Buddhahood.

The Buddha bestowed predictions upon those 2000. Regardless of whether their capabilities were deep or shallow, He still bestowed predictions upon them.

So, “[The Buddha] established the Three Vehicles according to capabilities. They each are different but eventually return to one sutra, integrating the Buddha’s wondrous skillful teachings.”

[The Buddha] established the Three Vehicles according to capabilities. They are each different but eventually return to one sutra, integrating the Buddha’s wondrous skillful teachings. From this, we know there is no Dharma that is taught for the Two Vehicle practitioners. Thus, for those in the presence of the Buddha who hear the Wondrous Lotus Sutra, the Buddha bestowed predictions upon them.

So, we can understand why the Buddha established Three Vehicles. It was because sentient beings’ capabilities are all different. The Buddha’s compassion was such that. He could not bear to lose even a single sentient being, so He used wondrous skillful teachings. “We know that there was not just one Dharma that was taught to the Two Vehicle practitioners.” He taught every teaching for the Great Vehicle practitioners. He would never have finished at the Two Vehicles. He had the Small Vehicle and the Middle Vehicle, but the Buddha ultimately had to complete them with Great Vehicle teaching.

“Thus, for those in the presence of the Buddha who hear the wondrous Lotus Sutra, the Buddha bestowed predictions upon them.” When the Buddha began teaching the Lotus Sutra, this was considered the Great Vehicle Dharma. In the Lotus Sutra, even a short phrase is part of the Great Dharma, for it plants a seed of the Great Vehicle Dharma in the mind. So, the Buddha was certain to bestow predictions upon all [of those listening].

In summary, the seeds of the Great Vehicle teaching that enter our minds all are there to teach us. The smallest seed, the smallest goodness, whatever you give, will bring merit. Your thoughts of faith are the seeds of Bodhi in your mind. The Buddha had compassion such that. He taught us with skillful means. We should always be mindful!


Episode 1198 – Diligently Protecting the Dharma

>> “He used the Medicine King’s burning of his arms as a cause to support the wide spread of this chapter on. Dharma Masters so that [people] can uphold [the teachings] and diligently advance. Moreover, He addressed the 80,000, entrusting this Dharma to those Bodhisattvas. Only the original disciples of the intrinsic could take on this responsibility. This showed that other people could not do so.”

>> “At that time, the World-Honored One, through Medicine King Bodhisattva, addressed the 80,000 great beings ‘Medicine King, you can see this great assembly.'”

>> “…of countless heavenly beings, dragon kings, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, human and non-human beings.”

>> The Eight Classes of Dharma-protectors: Heavenly beings, dragons, yaksas. Gandharvas: heavenly musician gods. Asuras: those lacking heavenly virtues. Garudas: golden-winged birds. Kinnaras: musician gods. Mahoragas: great python gods.

>> Human and non-human beings: First, this is another name for kinnaras, because kinnaras look like humans, yet are non-human. Second, this is a general term for the eight classes of Dharma-protectors.

>> As well as bhiksus, bhiksunis, upasakas, upasikas, those seeking to be Hearers, those seeking to be Pratyekabuddhas, those seeking the path to Buddhahood, these and other kinds of beings.

>> “Bhiksus” is a term everyone knows. “Those who have renounced the lay life and are replete in the precepts are called bhiksus. Men are called ‘bhiksus,’ while women are called ‘bhiksunis.'”

>> Upasakas: This means lay devotees, laymen, good householders and so on. These are laymen who draw near to, honor and serve the Three Treasures, as well as accept and uphold the five precepts. Upasikas: This means female lay devotees, women of pure faith, female disciples, laywomen and so on. These are laywomen who draw near to, honor and serve the Three Treasures, as well as accept and uphold the five precepts.

>> Those seeking to be Hearers: Those who seek the Four Noble Truths and the attainment of Arhatship. Pratyekabuddhas: Those who seek the Links of Cyclic Existence and see [the world] as illusory are called Realizers of Conditions or Solitary Realizers. >> Those seeking the Buddha-path: Those who seek the highest vehicle in hopes of attaining Buddhahood. And so on like this: The practitioners of the Three Vehicles.

>> Those who achieved wondrous awakening by listening to the Dharma before the Buddha, like the 5, the 500, the 2000 and so on, had all been bestowed predictions. Now, those chosen and distinguished were the. Dharma-protectors and the Fourfold Assembly, the newly-inspired Three Vehicle practitioners. So, it says “these and other kinds of beings.”

“He used the Medicine King’s
burning of his arms as a cause
to support the wide spread of this chapter on Dharma Masters
so that [people] can uphold [the teachings] and diligently advance. Moreover, He addressed the 80,000, entrusting this Dharma to those Bodhisattvas.
Only the original disciples of the intrinsic could take on this responsibility.
This showed that other people could not do so.”

This chapter is the Chapter on Dharma Masters. The Chapter on Dharma Masters is meant to advance the spirit of Dharma masters. Thus, [the Buddha talked about]. Medicine King Bodhisattva’s burning of his arms. This was his spirit of safeguarding the Dharma, seeking the Dharma and upholding the Dharma. [The Buddha] took Medicine King Bodhisattva as a model for this spirit of diligence. So, at the beginning, the World-Honored One called on. Medicine King Bodhisattva and these 80,000 great beings. We discussed this before to help everyone understand how the Chapter on Dharma Masters and Medicine King Bodhisattva are very closely related.

Dharma masters must accept and uphold the teachings of the Dharma. They must earnestly accept and uphold it, absorbing the Dharma and then safeguarding it. Not only must they protect the Dharma, they must also apply it and, at the same time, transmit it. Why must we teach the Dharma? Why do we need to transmit the Dharma? This is because we must apply it in the world; it is for everyone to put into practice. The Dharma is for us to apply in the world. So, we must be diligent in seeking the Dharma, for we must use it to transform sentient beings.

We must also continuously seek ways we can make use of the Dharma in our minds. This requires us to have a spirit like that of Medicine King Bodhisattva. First, he sought the Dharma. He sought the Dharma without regard for himself, without regard for losses of his own. He always kept advancing in seeking the Dharma. The spirit with which he sought the Dharma is truly praiseworthy and admirable. So, at the beginning of the Chapter on Dharma Masters, the Buddha called out the name of. Medicine King Bodhisattva as well as the 80,000 great beings. Did you see this? [The presence of] 80,000 great beings means that at this spiritual training ground, there were many beings, both human and non-human. These human and non-human beings all had affinities with the Dharma, and they all needed to accept and apply it. This shows us that we must all apply the Dharma in the world. So, “to support” refers to helping [the spread of] the Chapter on Dharma Masters by helping everyone take Medicine King as a role model for how we must diligently advance.

“Moreover, He addressed the 80,000, entrusting this Dharma [to them].” He was handing this Dharma over to everyone; [He] was entrusting it to them all. He entrusted it to all Bodhisattvas. These 80,000 were Bodhisattvas; whether human and non-human, they were all Bodhisattvas and Dharma-protectors. These eight classes were also protecting the Dharma; having accepted the Buddha-Dharma, the eight classes of Dharma-protectors are all Bodhisattvas. So, [it speaks of] human and non-human beings. The Buddha made a painstaking effort to ensure that the Buddha-Dharma will long abide in the world. He hoped that everyone would apply the. Right Dharma of the Buddha by putting it into practice. He hoped that this Dharma would not be damaged by non-humans. He needed everyone to protect the Right Dharma and not only protect [the Right Dharma] but also put it into practice without obstruction. To [practice] without obstruction, Dharma-protectors are needed to protect the Dharma. In this way, the Dharma can become widespread in the world, and the Right Dharma will be able to long abide without being damaged.

So, in this way, “Only the original disciples of the intrinsic could take on this responsibility.” The Buddha manifested to transform [people in] this world. For those who make contact with the Dharma, it is their responsibility to protect and uphold the Buddha-Dharma. It is their duty to practice and promote it. This [speaks of] the human world. Since the Buddha manifested in the Saha world, it is for the sentient beings of the Saha world to enter the Buddha’s door. This is everyone’s responsibility. So, [these people] were called “the original disciples of the intrinsic.” This refers to the Buddha’s disciples. They should realize, “I can also undertake this duty! I am able to take on responsibility!”

Before, as practitioners of the Small Vehicle, they thought, “This is not my responsibility.” The Small Vehicle Hearers and Solitary Realizers all thought, “I cannot handle this responsibility. I do not have the ability to shoulder this duty. I dare not contrive affinities with others. I want to end cyclic existence. The world is terrifying! Cyclic existence in the Six Realms is frightful! The four forms of birth and Six Realms are filled with suffering! I do not want to return again. I do not have the strength to go among people and shoulder the mission of the Tathagata.”

Most of them were afraid to undertake this duty. In the Chapter on Dharma Masters, the Buddha wanted everyone, that is, all the Buddha’s disciples, to take on this responsibility. So, He bestowed predictions in stages. He bestowed His predictions first on one [disciple], then on four, followed by 500 and then 2000. Thus, He bestowed predictions on them in stages as their capabilities were gradually elevated. This was the Buddha’s dedication. Now, the Buddha said of all humans and non-humans that they were all “great beings.” He called all of them Bodhisattvas. He hoped that the eight classes of. Dharma-protectors could all protect the Dharma. Those who can protect the Dharma have all made great aspirations to protect the Dharma and benefit people. This is why they are called Bodhisattvas.

Moreover, we are also original disciples of the intrinsic teachings. We should all realize that we can “take on the responsibility.” By now, we all should know that every of us has the strength to take responsibility for the Dharma in the world, to go among people and transform sentient beings. It is not someone else’s duty, not the duty of beings from other worlds. It should be a matter for us in the Saha World. We must be very mindful. We need to understand that for the Buddha-Dharma to be in the world, we need people to spread it.

The teachings of the Buddha-Dharma were established for the sake of the world. So, when the Buddha came to the world, he was so dedicated and worked so hard in the hope that everyone would have a chance to listen to the Buddha-Dharma. This applied not only to His own era. His hope was that, starting from His own era and through to the future, beings of this world can listen to the Buddha-Dharma. [He hoped] they can listen and contemplate, listen well and earnestly contemplate how to apply the Buddha-Dharma in the world to educate people and bring purity to their hearts. If we can all put forth our best effort, the most effective tool for saving the world is the Buddha-Dharma.

Now, we should know that the order of the world has fallen into disarray. The climate is changing, and we are already unable to mitigate it. The ways we now educate people in this world. The way we now educate people in this world has also begun to fall out of pace. It has lost its order. Since this is the case, if our steps in educating [children] in society are in disarray, how can proper family relations be preserved? The ethics of family life is completely lost. With such disorder in education, how can a moral spirit be maintained among people in society? Now, there is an urgent need to tame and purify people’s minds and bring people’s footsteps back in pace. We must not deviate in our direction, and we must teach [our children] well. To do this, we absolutely need the principles of the Buddha-Dharma. We must help everyone understand suffering.

The climate is out of balance, and natural disasters increase in frequency. These are not things that we small human beings can change with our own insignificant power. All we can do is return to knowing and understanding ourselves. Many people do not understand themselves. They mistakenly believe that they have the power to conquer nature. They are very stubborn and unyielding. Their [attitude toward] the world is, “I want these things! Whatever I want, I will take it all.” Most people are like this. Think about it. They do not know their limits. Overestimating their strength, they keep fighting to satisfy their desires. When will these desires ever be satisfied? “Having one, they lack nine”; having acquired a little, they feel they are lacking a lot. This is the bottomless pit of human minds; their desires can never be satisfied. So, this desire gives rise to anger and hatred. When they do not get what they want, anger arises. This anger and hatred turns into ignorance, which brings about many disasters in the world, creating suffering for countless people!

This suffering is what makes so many people cry out in grief each day. When can they return to their homes? When will there be a stable place where they can settle? When can their lives be such that their family can live in safety? The number of people left homeless like this, lacking clothing and food, already exceeds hundreds of millions. They are suffering in this world, awaiting humanitarian [organizations] to exercise love by coming to their aid and improve their situation by facilitating their path back home. [They also hope] someone will have the power to stop these conflicts between people. This will depend on people with strength, on a large number of people to join their strength together. Only then can this be accomplished.

Where does such strength come from? [It comes from] the Dharma. People must collectively follow the pure and undefiled Dharma. To find courage, people must look to their selflessness, look to seeking nothing in return and to giving freely with love. If [people with] such pure, undefiled Dharma can come together, then there will be peace in the world. Thus, the Buddha needed for the Dharma to become widespread in the world. So, He continuously taught the Dharma and bestowed predictions of Buddhahood in stages according to sentient beings’ capabilities. He did not miss a single person. He hoped that everyone would have the opportunity to attain Buddhahood, and He thus bestowed predictions on them stage by stage, in sequence.

The 2000 disciples who received their predictions last actually still had very limited capabilities. However, the Buddha still gave them the opportunity to attain Buddhahood. Furthermore, they will all attain Buddhahood at the same time. This means that every one of us must simultaneously awaken the love in our hearts. We must all mobilize our strength at the same time to teach and transform sentient beings. So, it is very timely that we are about to discuss the Chapter on Dharma Masters. It asks of us to emulate the spirit of a Dharma master, to absorb the Dharma into our minds and put it into practice by applying it to ourselves. We must still digest the Dharma in our minds. Then, after applying it, we will feel, “I didn’t realize until I had done it that helping others is such a joyful thing!”

In our relief efforts in Ecuador, we brought this method there. In the first and second city [we helped], we simultaneously mobilized [the local residents] through the Cash for Relief program. These disaster survivors were feeling lost and uncertain of their fate; what would their lives be like moving forward? They had no hope at all. Now that they had been mobilized, they stood up. They no longer felt hopeless. By contributing their strength, they all felt there is hope. Everyone in the city got involved [in the cleanup]. The city was in ruins. [Many buildings] were completely destroyed. [The rubble] needed to quickly be removed to be able to start reconstruction. When they saw the debris cleared away, their hope arose again. Reconstruction could begin. Only when we rebuild our minds will we be able to rebuild the material things in our surroundings.

In this way, they opened their hearts wide with the hope of rebuilding [their community]. One by one, their hometowns began to recover. They were truly joyful! Although our Tzu Chi volunteers [returned home] and another team came, [the new team] has likewise dedicated itself to a third and then a fourth city. [Local] people have also formed aspirations and organized themselves in groups to help, joining our Tzu Chi volunteers in guiding [the people] in these third and fourth cities. They likewise used the Cash for Relief program to clean up their cities.

This work is now nearly finished, and people’s hopes have been raised. When people have not taken action, when they have not walked the path, they will think that “It is too far! I cannot make it!” But once we begin walking, moving forward one step at a time, we realize that walking and exercising is actually good for our well-being. We can increase our physical strength, and with physical strength, we can keep moving forward. Only then can we see the beauty of the scenery. The beautiful scenery then increases the strength in our legs and develops our wisdom-life. Then, naturally, we continue to form aspirations.

So, these 2000 disciples will simultaneously attain Buddhahood in the lands of the ten directions. They will not attain Buddhahood one by one; at the same moment, all 2000 of them will attain Buddhahood in the lands of the ten directions. Attaining Buddhahood is becoming enlightened. Becoming enlightened, for us humans, is when [we can say], “I know! I have awakened! I have accepted the principles. I understand.” In the Chapter on Dharma Masters, the principle is more or less the same.

Tzu Chi volunteers, Living Bodhisattvas, emerge from the ground to go to provide relief in Ecuador. It is the same in Canada; there too, a group of Bodhisattvas is dedicated [to relief]. During the severe (2016) forest fires in Canada, Tzu Chi volunteers from different places have come together to provide comfort for the [people] there, to comfort their anxious minds. Some have had their houses and property destroyed by the fire. Others, although they still have their homes, are afraid to go back. They are still very scared and worried.

Tzu Chi volunteers are there to comfort them. It requires Bodhisattvas from the ten directions to comfort sentient beings everywhere. This is what living Bodhisattvas do; they must listen to the Dharma, contemplate it in earnest and put it into practice. They go into the world to help people, applying the Buddha-Dharma as wondrous medicine in the human world. This is what we must mindfully comprehend, now that we have started discussing the Chapter on Dharma Masters.

Let us look at the previous sutra passage,

“At that time, the World-Honored One, through Medicine King Bodhisattva, addressed the 80,000 great beings ‘Medicine King, you can see this great assembly.'”
“At that time, the World-Honored One, through Medicine King Bodhisattva, addressed the 80,000 great beings ‘Medicine King, you can see this great assembly.'”

At this time, the Buddha called to Medicine King Bodhisattva. “Medicine King Bodhisattva, look! There are 80,000 Bodhisattvas in the assembly.” Who were these 80,000 Bodhisattvas? The next sutra passage [continues],

“..of countless heavenly beings, dragon kings, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, human and non-human beings.”

These were all included among the 80,000 Bodhisattvas.

This required Medicine King Bodhisattva to resonate closely with the Buddha’s mind. In the scene before them, all they could see were humans. How could they see the eight classes of Dharma-protectors? Medicine King Bodhisattva had to resonate with the Buddha’s mind. He had to understand the Buddha’s state of mind. These were the eight classes of Dharma-protectors. So, there were countless heavenly beings of the eight classes of Dharma-protectors 80,000 refers to a very large number.

The Eight Classes of Dharma-protectors: Heavenly beings, dragons, yaksas. Gandharvas: heavenly musician gods. Asuras: those lacking heavenly virtues. Garudas: golden-winged birds. Kinnaras: musician gods. Mahoragas: great python gods.

As for heavenly beings, dragons and yaksas, we know of these already. “Heavenly beings” are those living in heaven. “Dragons” refers to dragon-gods. As for yaksas, whether in the heavens, the human realm or hell, they are common evil spirits.

But although they have created karma and are in the realm of yaksas and ghosts, they can still rise to heaven or live in the human world. [They are evil spirits], but they can still protect the Buddha-Dharma. Once they receive the Buddha-Dharma, they are also able to protect it. In this world, some might say, “That person is bad! He is a gangster!” But gangsters also speak of justice. Similarly, yaksas can also protect the Buddha-Dharma. It is the same idea.

There were also gandharvas, which are gods of heavenly music, musicians of the heavens. Asuras are ones who have heavenly blessings but lack heavenly virtues. Although they have blessings to be born in heaven, asuras actually exist throughout the Six Realms. They do not have heavenly virtues; they have not engaged in self-cultivation, so they often get angry, resort to violence and fight with others. These beings are called “asuras,” but they too can protect the Buddha-Dharma. Then there are garudas, also called golden-winged birds. There are such birds in the world.

Kinnaras are musical gods that can sing and play music. “Human and non-human beings” is another name for kinnaras.

Human and non-human beings: First, this is another name for kinnaras, because kinnaras look like humans, yet are non-human. Second, this is a general term for the eight classes of Dharma-protectors.

Mahoragas are great snake gods. These snakes are gods in the animal realm. Think about it. These beings were all described here as able to receive the Buddha-Dharma. The Buddha viewed all sentient beings equally. In the Three Realms and the Six Destinies, sentient beings can all have the opportunity to accept the Buddha-Dharma, because they all intrinsically have Buddha-nature.

Aside from the eight classes of Dharma-protectors, there were also bhiksus and bhiksunis. Let us look at the continued sutra passage.
“As well as bhiksus, bhiksunis, upasakas, upasikas, those seeking to be Hearers, those seeking to be Pratyekabuddhas, those seeking the path to Buddhahood, these and other kinds of beings.”

As well as bhiksus, bhiksunis, upasakas, upasikas, those seeking to be Hearers, those seeking to be Pratyekabuddhas, those seeking the path to Buddhahood, these and other kinds of beings.

[There were] all these [beings], from the eight classes of Dharma-protectors to human spiritual practitioners. Among the spiritual practitioners there were the fourfold disciples, bhiksus, bhiksunis, upasakas and upasikas. Some of them sought the Hearer’s path and used their ears to listen to the teachings given by the Buddha. Some of them, through the principles the Buddha taught, had realized the 12 Links of Cyclic Existence and the Four Noble Truths. [Some of them] sought the path to Buddhahood, to actualize the Six Paramitas in all actions and form Great Vehicle aspirations. These people were all included in the total of 80,000 Bodhisattvas. They were all among the 80,000 great beings.

“Bhiksus” is a term everyone knows. “Those who have renounced the lay life and are replete in the precepts are called bhiksus. Men are called ‘bhiksus,’ while women are called ‘bhiksunis.'”

“Bhiksus” is a term everyone knows. “Those who have renounced the lay life and are replete in the precepts are called bhiksus. Men are called ‘bhiksus,’ while women are called ‘bhiksunis.'”

As for “upasakas and upasikas, upasakas” is translated as “lay devotees.” Their minds are pure and [they] have faith in the Buddha’s teachings. They are “virtuous householders. Householder” [refers to] males who have roots of goodness from past lifetimes. When they listen to the Buddha-Dharma, thoughts of joy arise. They are lay practitioners who engage in spiritual practice at home. They draw near to, honor and serve the Three Treasures. These male lay practitioners who accept and uphold the five precepts are called “upasakas. Upasikas” is translated as “female lay devotees” or “women of pure faith.” They draw near to the virtuous Dharma, the Buddha-Dharma. They draw near to, honor and serve the Three Treasures. These female lay practitioners who accept and uphold the five precepts are called “upasikas.”

Upasakas: This means lay devotees, laymen, good householders and so on. These are laymen who draw near to, honor and serve the Three Treasures, as well as accept and uphold the five precepts. Upasikas: This means female lay devotees, women of pure faith, female disciples, laywomen and so on. These are laywomen who draw near to, honor and serve the Three Treasures, as well as accept and uphold the five precepts.

“Those seeking to be Hearers [and] those seeking to be Pratyekabuddhas….” Those seeking to be Hearers seek the teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the attainment of Arhatship. Those seeking to be Pratyekabuddhas seek the teachings of the 12 Links of Cyclic Existence. To them, the world is but a dream or an illusion, dew or lightning, a bubble or a shadow. They have realized that everything is impermanent. These people are called “Solitary Realizers.”

Those seeking to be Hearers: Those who seek the Four Noble Truths and the attainment of Arhatship. Pratyekabuddhas: Those who seek the Links of Cyclic Existence and see [the world] as illusory are called. Realizers of Conditions or Solitary Realizers.

Next, “those seeking the path to Buddhahood, these and other kinds of beings. Those seeking the path to Buddhahood” are “those who seek the Supreme Vehicle,” those who seek the Supreme Vehicle and the path to attaining Buddhahood. These are all practitioners of the Three Vehicles.

Those seeking the Buddha-path: Those who seek the highest vehicle in hopes of attaining Buddhahood. And so on like this: The practitioners of the Three Vehicles.

Among the teachings of the Three Vehicles, the Small Vehicle [is the] Hearer Vehicle and the Pratyekabuddha Vehicle of the Solitary Realizers who study the 12 Links of Cyclic Existence. Whether [they practice] the Four Noble Truths or the 12 Links of Cyclic Existence, as part of the Small and Middle Vehicles their spiritual practice benefits only themselves.

This does not apply only to monastic disciples. Actually, some lay disciples, upasakas and upasikas likewise hear the Dharma [and say,]. “This is what the Buddha-Dharma says, so we should just seek to awaken ourselves and take good care of ourselves.” They [are focused on] the five precepts and the Ten Good Deeds, so they are afraid of going among people to earnestly devote themselves. So, they keep to safeguarding themselves. These are upasakas and upasikas. However, they truly protect the Three Treasures. These upasakas and upasikas have roots of goodness, they accept the Buddha-Dharma and they uphold the Three Treasures. These are upasakas and upasikas. As for those seeking the path to Buddhahood, the Supreme Vehicle, they actualize the Six Paramitas in all actions. Their goal is to attain Buddhahood, but before attaining Buddhahood, they must walk the Bodhisattva path. They must undergo the tempering from dedicating themselves among people to be able to attain Buddhahood in the future.

“These and other kinds of beings…. Medicine King Bodhisattva, do you see them? There are a total of 80,000 great beings. Besides the heavenly beings, dragons, yaksas, the eight classes of Dharma-protectors, [there are] seekers of the Buddha-Dharma too. These people, do you see them?” This shows how much the Buddha valued. Medicine King Bodhisattva; He specifically called out. Medicine King Bodhisattva’s name.

“Those who achieved wondrous awakening by listening to the Dharma before the Buddha….” This includes them all. Every person there, as the Buddha was teaching, was able to listen to the Dharma and joyously take it to heart. This is called “wondrous awakening.”

Those who achieved wondrous awakening by listening to the Dharma before the Buddha, like the 5, the 500, the 2000 and so on, had all been bestowed predictions. Now, those chosen and distinguished were the. Dharma-protectors and the Fourfold Assembly, the newly-inspired Three Vehicle practitioners. So, it says “these and other kinds of beings.”

Whether they listened to a lot or very little, even if they heard only one line or verse, if they took that one line to heart and were able to understand and awaken to its meaning so that they felt joy in their hearts, that is called “wondrous awakening.” Just as He bestowed predictions on those five disciples before and then on Purna Maitrayaniputra, He then went on to the 500 people and then to the 2000 people. Aside from Ananda and Rahula, He at the same time bestowed predictions of Buddhahood for 2000 people.

So, for those 500 and 2000 people, although their capacities were not very deep, as they listened, they became joyful and began to form aspirations. So, they also received predictions of Buddhahood. Now, in the Chapter on Dharma Masters, Medicine King is the recipient of the teachings. So, He called out Medicine King’s name. “You should know, there are 80,000 great beings who are about to receive predictions of Buddhahood.” There were the eight classes of Dharma-protectors as well as many humans. This shows that “all had been bestowed predictions.” Now, those who had heard the Dharma could all receive predictions of Buddhahood.

Even the eight classes of Dharma-protectors. The Buddha called them “great beings.” He called them “great beings” [because] they were all able to protect the Dharma and form aspirations. Are they all human beings? [His predictions were] for all sentient beings, even those who would begin only in the future to seek various kinds [of practice]. Whether seeking the Hearer path, the Pratyekabuddha path or the Great Vehicle Dharma, in the future, they can all gradually enter the door to the Buddha’s teachings, practice the Buddha-Dharma and ultimately attain Buddhahood.

“Now, those selected were the. Dharma-protectors and the Fourfold Assembly, the newly-inspired Three Vehicle practitioners.” Now [the Buddha] was about to [bestow predictions] on all these beings who could accept the Dharma, including the Dharma-protectors and the Fourfold Assembly. The previous 500 and 2000 people were all monastic disciples whose capabilities were very deeply rooted. [The Buddha] called their names to separately bestow predictions on them. But even those with very shallow capabilities can all attain Buddhahood. This is entering the Buddha’s door to engage in spiritual cultivation.

So, next, all of these beings, the eight classes of Dharma-protectors, all kinds of sentient beings, were to be included in this. They were able to accept and uphold the Buddha-Dharma. This means that in the future, those in the Chapter on Dharma Masters would comprehend the Buddha-Dharma. Medicine King Bodhisattva was the recipient of these teachings. In the future, the Dharma masters will uphold, practice and teach the Dharma. This was the starting point for the Buddha to teach the Chapter on Dharma Masters. He wanted to help us first understand the importance of upholding and protecting the Dharma. Everyone can attain Buddhahood, and all sentient beings can listen to the Dharma. So, we must always be mindful!


Episode [number] – Dharma Masters and the Source of the Dharma

>> The Tathagata’s teachings were supporting conditions for revealing [the Dharma]. All the great disciples received predictions from the Buddha. He now confirmed what had happened in the past, so they knew that from then until now, their original causes and conditions from Great Unhindered Wisdom Superior Buddha had never been lost. They knew that today’s assembly was a gathering of [people with] Dharma-affinities, and it was also for the sake of inexhaustible seeds to come. Thus, “Dharma Masters” is used as title of this chapter. This is precisely because He wanted to invite Dharma masters to open and reveal [the teachings].

>> The Chapter on Dharma Masters is part of revealing the state of the One Vehicle. It is divided into three sections: The first clarifies what is provisional and what is true when those of the three capabilities attain predictions. This section includes the eight chapters beginning with the Chapter on Skillful Means. The second praises those practitioners who cultivate the Dharma with wisdom and virtue. It urges them to uphold the Dharma-treasury. These are people who have deep respect and faith, who uphold the wondrous Dharma as well as urge others to have deep faith and uphold the wondrous Dharma.

>> “Dharma master” has two meanings: First, it refers to one who has faith in, understands, accepts and upholds this wondrous Dharma and expounds it for others. Such a person is a model for other spiritual practitioners. This person is a teacher for those who honor the Buddha-Dharma. Hence he is called a Dharma master. Second, the wondrous Dharma is the teacher of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and future practitioners. Because all merits and virtues arise from this wondrous Dharma, it is the teacher of those who honor the Buddha-Dharma. Hence it is called “Dharma master.”

>> Now in this chapter, those in the great assembly and the eight classes of Dharma-protectors who can accept, uphold, recite, explain and transcribe this sutra, or even hear a single verse or line and momentarily recall it, will all attain Buddhahood.

>> At that time, the World-Honored One, through Medicine King Bodhisattva, addressed the 80,000 great beings, “Medicine King, you can see this great assembly.”

>> At that time, the World-Honored One, through Medicine King Bodhisattva, addressed the 80,000 great beings: The Buddha, through Medicine King, addressed the great assembly. Through: This means to rely on Medicine King burned his body and his arms. The Buddha spoke of Medicine King Bodhisattva’s original causes and conditions of making offerings to the Lotus Sutra in the past.

>> So, Medicine King had long upheld this sutra and burned his body as an offering. He could cure the Dharma-body of the illnesses of the afflictions of the Five Abidings. He was the recipient of the teachings, so the Buddha called his name and spoke to him. Thus, He formally declared who would receive predictions. >> The Illness of the Five Entrenched Afflictions: First are entrenched delusions due to mistaken views. Second are entrenched delusions due to craving in the desire realm. Third are entrenched delusions due to craving in the form realm. Fourth are entrenched delusions due to craving in the formless realm. Fifth are entrenched delusions due to ignorance. These are known as the Illnesses of the Five Entrenched Afflictions that harm people’s wisdom-life.

>> Addressed the 80,000: He entrusted the original intent of the Lotus Sutra to those Bodhisattvas. This is as in the Chapter on Emerging from the Ground in the part on the intrinsic, where only His disciples could take on this responsibility. This showed that other people could not do so.

>> “80,000” refers to “the assembly of the eight classes of Dharma protectors” mentioned later. The unit of ten thousand refers to a very large number.

>> “Great beings” refers to Bodhisattvas. Everyone knows this. “Regarding the Lotus Dharma-assembly,” in the Lotus Dharma-assembly, “all those who aspired to seek the Path, whether the fruit they sought was great or small, were all equally called Bodhisattvas.” They could all be called Bodhisattvas.

>> “Medicine King,” “you can see this great assembly”: This refers to the great assembly present in the Dharma-assembly. This means that the people who were there to receive and uphold the wondrous teachings from the Buddha were Dharma Masters.

“The Tathagata’s teachings
were supporting conditions for revealing [the Dharma].
All the great disciples

received predictions from the Buddha.
He now confirmed what had happened in the past,
so they knew that from then until now,
their original causes and conditions from Great Unhindered Wisdom Superior Buddha
had never been lost.
They knew that today’s assembly
was a gathering of [people with] Dharma-affinities,
and it was also for the sake of
inexhaustible seeds to come.
Thus, ‘Dharma Masters’ is used as title of this chapter.
This is precisely because He wanted to invite
Dharma masters to open and reveal [the teachings].”

Previously, we finished discussing the “Chapter on Those at and beyond Learning.” In His compassion, Sakyamuni Buddha had now finished bestowing predictions on different groups of disciples with different capabilities and different causes and conditions. Among the 2000 disciples who received predictions were Ananda and Rahula. Ananda and Rahula were known and recognized by all, and their causes and conditions for practice were plentiful. In the distant past, infinite kalpas ago, they formed aspirations and made vows. With profound faith, they began to follow the Buddha lifetime after lifetime. They appeared in the human realm, upheld the Dharma-treasury and engaged in secret practice. These two [were among] those on whom the Buddha bestowed predictions, beginning with Sariputra and the four great disciples. Next, there were the 500 disciples and Purna Maitrayaniputra. Each had their own causes and conditions. They all engaged in Bodhisattva-practices within while manifesting the appearance of Hearers. From their previous lives, they had the great causes and conditions to come to this world and support and promote the Buddha’s Dharma-assembly. They were all Bodhisattvas!

Now we continue on to the Chapter on Dharma Masters. We will discuss how, “The Tathagata’s teachings were supporting conditions for revealing [the Dharma].” Everyone who received predictions had been Bodhisattvas with [great] capabilities all along, but to support [the Buddha’s] Dharma-assembly, they had to continue to further their own practice. Thus, they too came as His family and followers. So, “the Tathagata’s teachings were supporting conditions for revealing [the Dharma].” They came to support the Dharma-assembly, having practiced lifetime after lifetime. “All the great disciples had received predictions from the Buddha.” Thus, after many lifetimes, now the causes and conditions had ripened, and they received the Buddha’s predictions. This was to confirm [what happened] in the past, a very, very long time ago, dust-inked kalpas ago.

The Chapter on the Parable of the Conjured City [speaks of] “dust-inked kalpas.” 〈化城喻品〉,塵點劫,很多的世界磨以為墨,再這樣一點一點,點點滴滴成為國土,每一點滴的國土成為沙塵,一塵一數(以上兩句慎用,塵點劫見註二),—— 待確認,需向師父請益 是否有誤

This amount of time is impossible to measure. [They had practiced] for such a long time, “from then until now.” The “now” mentioned here refers to Sakyamuni Buddha’s era more than 2000 years ago. The future, as seen from that era, is our present time. In our present now, we also have a future, an infinite and immeasurable time ahead of us. We must be very clear that from then until now, all that time, every one of them had these causes and conditions. It was during Great Unhindered Buddha’s era, at that original Dharma-assembly, that these causes and conditions originated.

Whose was this original Dharma-assembly? It started with the 16 princes, at that time when Great Unhindered Wisdom Superior Buddha transformed great numbers of sentient beings. At that time, many heavenly kings came from all directions, along with people of this world, kings, ministers and many others who came to seek refuge and faithfully uphold the Buddha-Dharma. Great Unhindered Wisdom Superior Buddha at that time taught the Lotus Sutra. All Buddhas share the same path; in the end, they must all teach the Great Vehicle sutras. He expounded The Lotus Sutra for a very long time. At this Dharma-assembly, the 16 princes were very diligent. Just like Rahula, they also practiced in secret. The Buddha-Dharma entered their minds drop by drop. Just like Ananda, they safeguarded and upheld the Dharma-treasury; they took the entirety of the Buddha-Dharma to heart.

After a very long time, having finished teaching the Lotus Sutra, Great Unhindered Wisdom Superior Buddha entered His meditation room. The 16 princes then knew it was their duty to uphold the Dharma-treasury by listening to, teaching and transmitting the Dharma. To every person with whom they had affinities, [they said], “Come, listen to the Lotus Sutra!” At that time, the 16 princes each brought along those they had affinities with and all simultaneously taught the Lotus Sutra. Each of the 16 princes, before those who followed them based on their affinities, spread the seeds of goodness. Each of the seeds that they planted in those they had affinities with started [to grow], lifetime after lifetime.

A very long time has passed from then until now. Since Great Unhindered. Wisdom Superior Buddha’s era, those original, most fundamental causes and conditions have persisted up until the present time, Sakyamuni Buddha’s era. For those people, from the time of Great Unhindered Buddha when these causes and conditions were planted in those who heard the Lotus Sutra and until the time when Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, [this affinity] was never lost. Thus, in life after life, they followed [Sakyamuni Buddha] until He attained enlightenment. “The Tathagata’s teachings were supporting conditions for revealing [the Dharma].”

To teach the Dharma, we need people to listen. If we teach and nobody listens, then we do not have the affinities. Therefore, when someone is willing to listen, those teaching the Dharma can teach continuously. This is like how now, we have the opportunity to discuss the Lotus Sutra every day. I need to keep teaching. Why? Today, we have the technology to pass on what I say now by sending it to the cloud. From the cloud, it is then broadcasted to many countries around the world. There is a time difference, but there is no delay. For some of them it is now night, for some it is afternoon, for some it is morning, and some share the same time zone as us. So, there is a difference in time due to the rotation of Earth. The time of day differs; it may be day or night. But while there is a time difference, there is no delay. At this moment, as I speak, everyone is receiving it at the same time and take my words to heart. It is because we have these causes and conditions that I can continue to teach the Dharma.

In the same way, in the Buddha’s era, He came to the world to open and reveal [the Dharma], to help sentient beings understand that everyone intrinsically has the wisdom of True Suchness. Buddha-nature and wisdom are intrinsic to us all. The Dharma permeates the universe; our minds, our nature of True Suchness, our intrinsic nature, can become one with the universe. This intrinsic nature, this ocean of awakening, is something everyone has, but we are unaware of it.

Out of compassion, the Buddha manifested in the human realm to teach us and help us understand. For us to understand the true principles and realize how to walk this great path, how to keep advancing on the great Bodhi-path without any deviation, that was the Buddha’s goal in coming to the world. There had to be many willing to accept and listen. Only when these causes and conditions were ripe was He able to attain Buddhahood. The goal of attaining Buddhahood is to teach the Dharma. Therefore, with these causes and conditions, “They knew that today’s assembly was a gathering of [people with] Dharma-affinities.” Those with Dharma-affinities had gathered together. “It was also for the sake of inexhaustible seeds to come.” During the Buddha’s time, He taught this Dharma to the people of that time in the hope that they would come to assist in the Dharma-assembly and create further affinities. One gives rise to infinity, and infinity arises from one.

Take for example Purna Maitrayaniputra. After absorbing the Dharma, he went everywhere to spread the seeds and teach the Dharma. He wanted everyone to have the opportunity to receive the Buddha-Dharma. This is why Purna Maitrayaniputra could be [willing] to sacrifice his body. Even when the fiercest of people sought to kill him, he was still unafraid, since he did it to spread the Buddha’s principles, to spread the seeds by which they would be able to accept the Buddha-Dharma in the future. Such were the affinities between the Buddha and His disciples. Lifetime after lifetime, they met. Lifetime after lifetime, they formed aspirations. Lifetime after lifetime, they went among people to assist in creating affinities.

Therefore, not only were they supporting the causes and conditions for the Buddha to teach and transform but were also aiding their own spiritual practice, forming future affinities with sentient beings. In this way, they could on one hand support the Buddha’s Dharma-assembly and on the other work for the causes and conditions of their own spiritual practice to mature. When the causes and conditions have matured, they themselves can attain Buddhahood. This is the same principle. So, we must understand that in the Buddha’s era, “They knew that today’s assembly was a gathering of [people with] Dharma-affinities.” Likewise, we also presently share such Dharma-affinities. It is not only we who are present here now. How many people are there around the world who, at this very moment, without a second’s delay, have the causes and conditions to receive the Dharma? We have all gathered in this world. These people will in the future give rise to infinite seeds.

In the past, we also, at the time of the 16 princes and. Great Unhindered Wisdom Superior Buddha, listened to the Dharma together at that place. Maybe those who heard and taught the Dharma then formed vows to spread the Dharma. Thus, they kept passing down this lineage, in this way handing it down until today. This is to [give rise to] infinite seeds. “Thus, ‘Dharma Masters’ is used as title of this chapter.” Now, this chapter that we are about to discuss is called the Chapter on Dharma Masters. “Dharma Masters” is used as the title here precisely because. “He wanted to invite Dharma masters to open and reveal [the teachings].” The words “Dharma masters” refer to how the seeds will be spread in the future and how the Dharma will continue on. So, I often speak of those who listen to, teach and transmit the Dharma. It is in the Chapter on Dharma Masters that it is explained how we can spread the Dharma.

It is “part of revealing the state of the One Vehicle. [This process] is divided into three sections.”

The Chapter on Dharma Masters is part of revealing the state of the One Vehicle. [This process] is divided into three sections: In the first, to clarify what is provisional and what is true, those of the three capabilities attain predictions. This section includes the eight chapters beginning with the Chapter on Skillful Means. The second praises those practitioners who cultivate the Dharma with wisdom and virtue. It urges them to uphold the Dharma-treasury. These are people who have deep respect and faith, who uphold the wondrous Dharma as well as urge others to have deep faith and uphold the wondrous Dharma.

The first section starts at the beginning, where [the Buddha] wants to help us understand the provisional and the true. This begins in the Chapter on Skillful Means. In the Introductory Chapter, the Buddha radiates light. Manjusri and Maitreya Bodhisattvas engages in a dialogue to explain how the Buddha, compared to His teachings in the past, will now teach the Dharma differently. This is the Introductory Chapter. Next, in the Chapter on Skillful Means, the Buddha wishes to open up the provisional so He explains to everyone that they need to depart from the skillful means of the past. At this time, He is going to start revealing the ultimate truth, the principles of the ultimate reality of the One Vehicle. This is where He first begins [to reveal the true]. This continues into the Chapter on Dharma Masters. Starting in the Chapter on Skillful Means up to now in the “Chapter on Those at and Beyond Learning,” these previous eight chapters make up the first section. [In this section], He begins to help everyone understand what “provisional” means and how this provisional Dharma can connect to the True Dharma, how they can connect with the One Vehicle Dharma.

In the second section, it “praises those practitioners who cultivate the Dharma with wisdom and virtue. It urges them to uphold the Dharma-treasury.” Now, this sections begins to praise those practitioners who cultivate their wisdom and the means through which they attain these virtues. “It urges them to uphold the Dharma-treasury.” I hope everyone will earnestly practice and uphold this. We must take the Dharma-treasury into our minds. When we hear the Dharma, we cannot just let it pass. After we hear it, we must make it our own so it becomes our own Dharma. We must put it into practice to comprehend it and share what we have comprehended with others. To stay alive, we must regularly take in nutrients. We need food to nourish our bodies. Likewise, we must absorb the Dharma in order to nourish our wisdom-lives. This follows the same principle. “It urges them to uphold the Dharma-treasury.” I hope everyone will put effort into this.

So, here it begins to praise their virtuous wisdom and the virtues of spiritual practice. “The virtuous attain.” [It describes] the virtue that is attained and the methods of spiritual practice. In particular, we must be very mindful. This is urging us not just to hear the Dharma, but also to uphold the Dharma and take it to heart. It thus speaks of “people who have deep respect and faith and uphold the wondrous Dharma.” Here, it begins to praise those people who uphold the wondrous Dharma as well as “urge others to have deep faith and uphold the wondrous Dharma.” It is encouraging everyone to be very mindful.

Deep faith is repeatedly mentioned in the Chapter on Skillful Means; we must have faith from the depth of our hearts. When we hear the Dharma, we must definitely uphold it mindfully. We must take it to heart. Only then can we benefit from it and apply it. Otherwise, once we hear it, we will lose it. This makes listening to the Dharma useless. Therefore, we must take it to heart and put it into practice. We must also encourage others [to practice it]. We should call on everyone to come hear the Dharma and to earnestly uphold the Dharma-treasury.

Previously, wasn’t it Ananda who upheld the Dharma-treasury? This required great mindfulness. Though Rahula had habitual tendencies in the past, after the Buddha’s strict teaching, he completely changed and became a person with great patience, someone who practiced the teachings and humbled himself. He practiced the Buddha-Dharma secretly. He truly took it to heart. In the Chapter on Those at and Beyond Learning, these two very particular [disciples] were presented as role models for us.

Therefore, “Dharma master” has two meanings.

“Dharma master” has two meanings: First, it refers to one who has faith in, understands, accepts and upholds this wondrous Dharma and expounds it for others. Such a person is a model for other spiritual practitioners. This person is a teacher for those who honor the Buddha-Dharma. Hence he is called a Dharma master. Second, the wondrous Dharma is the teacher of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and future practitioners. Because all merits and virtues arise from this wondrous Dharma, it is the teacher of those who honor the Buddha-Dharma. Hence it is called “Dharma master.”

“Dharma master” means, first, “one who has faith in, understands, accepts and upholds this wondrous Dharma and expounds it for others.” When we are able to have faith and deeply believe in the Dharma we hear, with this deeply faithful mindset, we can uphold [the Dharma]. Then we can expound the wondrous Dharma for others and be “a model for other spiritual practitioners.” Our spiritual practice is not just for ourselves. Our spiritual practice must remain dignified; we must have the demeanor of a spiritual practitioner. Our body should be a spiritual training ground, so that when others see us, [they think,]. “Oh, so this is spiritual practice!” So this is such a role model. 所以這軌範。

[Thus, such a role model]”is the teacher of those who honor the Buddha-Dharma.” When we are able to uphold the demeanor of a spiritual practitioner, naturally, we can inspire people and guide them to form aspirations. Then, they too will follow this example for engaging in spiritual practice. They will give rise to joy and form aspirations to engage in practice. As for us, we have this mission to listen well to the Dharma and earnestly uphold it. Through our demeanor and conduct, we present ourselves among people and can in this way transform sentient beings.

Spiritual practice is about cultivating our minds. When our intent is on spiritual practice, everything we say is Dharma and we present ourselves with dignity. This is being a role model. We need to abide by the precepts, uphold our demeanor and serve as an example for others. This is the meaning of Dharma master, “a teacher of those who honor the Buddha-Dharma.” It is one who serves as  teacher for those who wish to practice and hear the Dharma.

“Second, the wondrous Dharma is the teacher of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and future practitioners.” We must uphold the wondrous Dharma. The wondrous Lotus Sutra is the path to Buddhahood; it is “the teacher of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and future practitioners.” We must earnestly uphold the wondrous Lotus Sutra and put it into practice. “All future Buddhas” [refers to] those who form aspirations to engage in practice; they will become Buddhas in the future. Never-Slighting Bodhisattva said, “I dare not look down on you because in the future, you will all be able to attain Buddhahood.” Indeed, we must not look down on anyone. Every person who forms aspirations, makes great vows and walks the Bodhisattva-path, can in the future also attain Buddhahood. Right now, we can guide and transform people using our body, speech and mind. When our body and mind are in harmony, our body becomes a spiritual training ground. When people see us, joy arises within them. When people hear us, they form great aspirations and can enter into the Buddha-Dharma. These all mark a teacher of future practitioners.

“Because all merits and virtues arise from this wondrous Dharma, it is a teacher of those who honor the Buddha-Dharma.” All merits and virtues arise from this wondrous Dharma. Having understood the principles, we realize we must “refrain from all evils and practice all good.” We understand that we must form more affinities with sentient beings. This is the wondrous Dharma. A kind heart paves the path, inch by inch, with love. Every bit of love we bring when we go among people is the wondrous Dharma. The wondrous Dharma is the teacher of those who honor the Buddha-Dharma; it is this Dharma. For us practitioners, the Dharma is our teacher. We take the precepts and the Dharma as our teacher. This is what the Buddha taught us. Thus, we call it our “Dharma master.” The masters in the Chapter on Dharma Masters uphold the Buddha-Dharma and place importance on the Buddha-Dharma.

“Now in this chapter, those in the great assembly and the eight classes of Dharma-protectors who can accept, uphold, recite, explain and transcribe this sutra, or even hear a single verse or line and momentarily recall it, will all attain Buddhahood.”

Now in this chapter, those in the great assembly and the eight classes of Dharma-protectors who can accept, uphold, recite, explain and transcribe this sutra, or even hear a single verse or line and momentarily recall it, will all attain Buddhahood.

This means that this chapter, the Chapter on Dharma Masters, was meant for all, not just the beings in the human realm but also the eight classes of Dharma-protectors. All of them can accept, uphold, recite and explain this sutra. We must make this sutra commonplace [and spread] the meaning it contains, even if it is just a single verse or line, that we momentarily recall. If we can do this, that is a seed. When we feel delight in the Lotus Sutra, even if it is just a short line or a verse, it has already become a seed which has been planted in our minds. When the wondrous Dharma enters our mind, it acts as a seed.

In the Lotus Sutra, the Chapter on Dharma Masters is already the tenth chapter out of its 28 chapters. The Chapter on Dharma Masters is very important to those of us who accept and listen to the Dharma. So, we must put our heart into hearing and upholding the Chapter on Dharma Masters. We must be mindful. The Chapter on Dharma Masters places strong emphasis on the Dharma; the Dharma is our teacher. Accepting and upholding the Buddha-Dharma and passing the wondrous Dharma on to others creates merits and virtues. Even if it is just a short verse, if they can accept it, take it to heart and put it into practice accordingly, it creates merits and virtues. So, we must be very mindful. Let’s return to the sutra text.

At that time, the World-Honored One, through Medicine King Bodhisattva, addressed the 80,000 great beings “Medicine King, you can see this great assembly.”

At the beginning of this passage, the Buddha [spoke again]. At the beginning of this sutra passage, “the World-Honored One” [spoke] “through Medicine King Bodhisattva.” The Buddha spoke to Medicine King Bodhisattva. He wished for everyone to know. With “80,000 great beings,” we can see just how many people there were present. There were 80,000 great noble beings. How great must that space have been to accommodate 80,000 beings? This must have included the eight classes of Dharma-protectors.

At that time, the World-Honored One, through Medicine King Bodhisattva, addressed the 80,000 great beings: The Buddha, through Medicine King, addressed the great assembly. Through: This means to rely on Medicine King burned his body and his arms. The Buddha spoke of Medicine King Bodhisattva’s original causes and conditions of making offerings to the Lotus Sutra in the past.

When we teach the sutras, where there is Dharma, the eight classes of. Dharma-protectors are there to protect it. So, 80,000 was used to represent an approximate number. These eight classes of Dharma-protectors can also be called “Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattva” is a label that is used to encourage people to form great aspirations and uphold the virtuous Dharma; anyone like this is a Bodhisattva. “Great beings” are Bodhisattvas.

[When it says] “through,” it means he relied on [Medicine King Bodhisattva]. [He made] no distinctions based on status, whether they practiced the Great Vehicle or the Small Vehicle. Thus it says, “through Medicine King.” This word, “through,” [means that] at the assembly, there were many people of different capabilities and categories. Why did He address Medicine King Bodhisattva and mention the 80,000 great beings? This is such a great number.

Medicine King Bodhisattva’s spiritual practice was such that he truly devoted his life. In the Lotus Sutra, it describes Medicine King Bodhisattva. In the process of his spiritual practice, he burned his body and arms [as an offering]. “The Buddha spoke of Medicine King Bodhisattva’s original causes and conditions of making offerings to the Lotus Sutra in the past.” Throughout Medicine King Bodhisattva’s practice, for the sake of the Lotus Sutra and the Dharma, he disregarded his own life. The Dharma-protectors all knew this, and they could bear witness to it. This was because of Medicine King Bodhisattva, due to his aspirations, was the best example of forgoing oneself for the Dharma. In the beginning of the sutra passage, “The World-Honored One, through Medicine King Bodhisattva, addressed the 80,000 great beings.” Through Medicine King Bodhisattva, the Buddha addressed the many Bodhisattvas, speaking out into empty space. He wanted to mention. Medicine King Bodhisattva’s causes and conditions for upholding the Lotus Sutra. Thus, turning to these many great beings, the eight classes of Dharma-protectors, He began to speak.

So, “Medicine King had long upheld this sutra and burned his body as an offering. He could cure the Dharma-body of the illnesses of the afflictions of the Five Abidings. He was the recipient of the teachings, so the Buddha called his name and spoke to him.” The Buddha was about to talk about. Medicine King Bodhisattva’s causes and conditions, how he upheld the Lotus Sutra.

So, Medicine King had long upheld this sutra and burned his body as an offering. He could cure the Dharma-body of the illnesses of the afflictions of the Five Abidings. He was the recipient of the teachings, so the Buddha called his name and spoke to him. Thus, He formally declared who would receive predictions.

Why did Medicine King Bodhisattva want to uphold the Lotus Sutra? Why did he safeguard this Dharma? It was because he wanted everyone to know the importance of the Dharma and how to eliminate their attachment to their physical bodies. So, he burned his body in offering to cure the Dharma-body of the illnesses of the afflictions of the Five Abidings.

What are the illnesses of the afflictions of the Five Abidings?
The first is delusions due to the abiding state of views of all phenomena. We unenlightened beings have afflictions and delusions due to abiding views. This is afflictions and ignorance of views. The second is delusions due to the abiding state of cravings in the desire realm. This is [a kind of] ignorance. The third is ignorance and afflictions due to the abiding state of cravings in the form realm. The fourth is afflictions due to the abiding state of cravings in the formless realm. The fifth is afflictions of delusions due to the abiding state of ignorance. These illnesses of the afflictions of the Five Abidings can harm people’s wisdom-life.

The turbidities in sentient beings’ views all arise from craving; they start with craving, greed and attachment. Such cravings are all caused by form, by the desire for sensual pleasures. All things in the universe, with their various forms and colors, lead to desires, cravings and so on. These all create ignorance and afflictions. So, they are called “the illnesses of the afflictions of the Five Abidings.” These illnesses of the afflictions of the Five Abidings will harm our wisdom-life.

People are deluded by this ignorance. We intrinsically possess the awakened nature of the Buddha, the Buddha-nature and ocean of wisdom shared by everything in the universe. It is just that we are covered by ignorance. This is because of the illnesses of the afflictions of delusions due to the Five Abidings. They make us unable to develop our wisdom-life. So, since our wisdom-life is not well, how are we to go about curing it so that our wisdom-life can grow again? The answer is in the Chapter on Dharma Masters. How did Medicine King Bodhisattva honor the Dharma? Medicine King Bodhisattva was the recipient of the teachings in the Chapter on Dharma Masters. Because of Medicine King Bodhisattva, the Buddha started to teach the Chapter on Dharma Masters. “So, the Buddha called his name and spoke to him.” He called to Medicine King Bodhisattva. “Thus….” It was then that He began to speak to everyone. So, those who had received predictions should listen well. This should [refer to those] in the Chapter on Those at and beyond Learning. To the 2000 people who were there, the Buddha again especially emphasized that we must uphold the Dharma, the importance of upholding the Dharma.

“[He] addressed the 80,000” means that. “He entrusted the original intent of the Lotus Sutra to those Bodhisattvas. This is as in the Chapter on Emerging from the Ground.”

Addressed the 80,000: He entrusted the original intent of the Lotus Sutra to those Bodhisattvas. This is as in the Chapter on Emerging from the Ground in the part on the intrinsic, where only His disciples could take on this responsibility. This showed that other people could not do so.

Later on in the Lotus Sutra, there is the Chapter on Emerging from the Ground. The Buddha always hoped everyone would uphold the wondrous Dharma of the Wondrous Lotus Sutra. This was the Buddha’s original intent. He now began to entrust this Dharma to all Bodhisattvas who had formed great aspirations. In the later Chapter on Emerging from the Ground in the part on the intrinsic, in the Lotus Sutra, all His disciples took up the responsibility of safeguarding the Dharma-treasury. “This showed that other people could not do so.” Actually, the Buddha wanted to let all the people in the Saha World uphold it together. It is not for those outside the Saha World, no. He hoped everyone would spread it in the Saha World. Of course, He also valued other worlds. Yet, the Buddha was hoping that the people taking on this responsibility would be the people from the Saha World. This was the Buddha’s wish.

“80,000” refers to “the assembly of the eight classes of Dharma protectors” mentioned later. The unit of ten thousand refers to a very large number. There were more than 80,000 people, but here the number given is 80,000.

“80,000” refers to “the assembly of the eight classes of Dharma protectors” mentioned later. The unit of ten thousand refers to a very large number.

“Great beings” refers to Bodhisattvas. Everyone knows this. “Regarding the Lotus Dharma-assembly,” in the Lotus Dharma-assembly, “all those who aspired to seek the Path, whether the fruit they sought was great or small, were all equally called Bodhisattvas.” They could all be called Bodhisattvas.“Great beings” refers to Bodhisattvas. Everyone knows this. “Regarding the Lotus Dharma-assembly,” in the Lotus Dharma-assembly, “all those who aspired to seek the Path, whether the fruit they sought was great or small, were all equally called Bodhisattvas.” They could all be called Bodhisattvas.

In this Dharma-assembly, those who practiced the Small Vehicle in the past, were now about to form great aspirations. At this moment, even if some had not yet formed great aspirations, they would still [have the opportunity]. Because a very long time lays ahead of them, the Buddha had faith that everyone would give rise to great aspirations.

So, “Medicine King, you can see this great assembly” refers to “those present in the Dharma-assembly.” These people all lived in the same era as the Buddha, and were moreover [present] when the Buddha taught the Lotus Sutra. They were also able to uphold the wondrous Dharma. So, they were called “Dharma masters.”

This was in the present, meaning in the Buddha’s time. In that Dharma-assembly, everyone was worthy of taking up this wondrous Dharma. Among the assembly, the Buddha called to Medicine King in particular. “Do you see this assembly? Everyone can attain Buddhahood because they have all received predictions. In the future, no matter how long, they will be upholding the wondrous Dharma. These people can all be called ‘Dharma masters.'” This was the Buddha’s compassion. He started to explain to us the merits and virtues of upholding the wondrous Dharma, and [Medicine King Bodhisattva’s] example of sacrificing his life for the Dharma. Therefore, we must all always be mindful.


Episode 1168 – Receiving Predictions Bestowed by the Buddha

>> “The seeds of Buddhahood are the origin of all Dharma of goodness. With great compassion, Bodhisattvas propagate the seeds of Buddhahood. When their Dharma-affinities mature, they renounce the lay life and part with their loved ones to become monastics. They made great vow to practice the noble path
and never let it be severed.”

>> “World-Honored One, we too should have a part in this. Only the Tathagata is our refuge. Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends.”

>> “Ananda has always been Your attendant, protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasury. Rahula is the Buddha’s son. If the Buddha sees fit to bestow predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi upon us, our wish will be fulfilled and the expectations of the assembly will be met.”

>> Ananda has always been Your attendant, protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasury: Ananda was always the Tathagata’s attendant. He protected and upheld the storehouse of all Dharma-treasures. Protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasure: This means Ananda followed the Buddha in the. Dharma-assemblies. He heard all and excelled in understanding. He could accept and uphold the Right Dharma without forgetting it.

>> If the Buddha sees fit to bestow predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi upon us: This refers to the Buddha deciding to bestow predictions of supreme Bodhi, Buddhahood, upon us. See fit: This means to make a decision. Here, it is called “see fit.”

>> Our wish will be fulfilled and the expectations of the assembly will be met: The wish in our heart will be fulfilled and the hopes of the people in the assembly will all be fulfilled as well.

>> So, “Ananda has always been Your attendant, protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasury. Rahula is the Buddha’s son.” So, heavenly beings, humans and asuras all knew of them.

>> These two were the closest to the Buddha. So, at that time people expected them [to receive predictions]. Rahula was the Buddha’s son and. His closest lay relative. Ananda upheld the Buddha’s Dharma-treasury and was the foremost on the Path.

>> They were extraordinary in the Sangha and extremely close [to the Buddha]. If they did not receive predictions, the assembly’s expectations would not be met. If the Buddha bestowed predictions upon them, the expectations of the assembly would be met. Thus, “It would not only fulfill our wish.”

>> So, “At that time, Hearer disciples at and beyond learning, 2000 in total, all arose from their seats. They bared their right shoulders, came before the Buddha, wholeheartedly put their palms together and gazed upward at the World-Honored One. With the same wish as Ananda and Rahula, they stood to one side.”

>> At that time. Hearer disciples at and beyond learning, 2000 in total: Among these 2000 people, there were both those at and beyond the stage of learning. They were in addition to the 1200 beyond the stage of learning. >> All those people’s thoughts were the same as the two Venerable Ones. But they did not utter a word and stood at one side. When Ananda and others requested predictions, they first gave rise to the thought and then spoke the words.

>> These 2000 people did not speak to request predictions. They only embraced the wish of Ananda and others. They wholeheartedly put their palms together and gazed reverently upward at the Buddha’s face.

“The seeds of Buddhahood are
the origin of all Dharma of goodness.
With great compassion, Bodhisattvas
propagate the seeds of Buddhahood.
When their Dharma-affinities mature,
they renounce the lay life and part with their loved ones to become monastics.
They made great vow to practice the noble path
and never let it be severed.”

“The seeds of Buddhahood are the origin of all Dharma of goodness. Buddha” means “enlightened.” An enlightened person is called a Buddha. Awakened people and awakened teachings are the seeds of Buddhahood. Everyone intrinsically has them! Everyone has that seed of awakening inside them. Where is that seed? In our awakened nature, in the awakened nature we all have. This awakened nature is the origin of the Dharma of goodness. So, we often say that everyone has a good heart. Everyone’s heart is intrinsically good. “Human nature is inherently good.” We are born with this kind of nature. Our intrinsic nature is the origin of the Dharma of goodness. This is the seed of Buddhahood, the awakened nature everyone innately has. There are many terms for this, but they all refer to the same thing. Everyone intrinsically has it; it is the origin of Dharma of goodness, our awakened nature. Everyone has it.

“With great compassion, Bodhisattvas propagate the seeds of Buddhahood.” Everyone intrinsically has [this nature], so why do we still need Bodhisattvas to exercise great compassion and go among people to earnestly introduce the Buddha and the Dharma of goodness? They go among people in the hope that everyone will awaken the love in their hearts, brush away their ignorance and, within that ignorance, discover their good heart. Everyone has a good heart; it is just that it have been buried, covered up. This heart of goodness is still there; it has just been buried by ignorance. This is because in our lives, lifetime after lifetime, we have not encountered these causes and conditions. Or perhaps in this lifetime, our causes and conditions have not yet matured.

Our originally pure, awakened nature has been [covered]. Since we were born, we have been mixed up with people in society. So, living this kind of life, we are unaware of our intrinsic nature. Thus we live our mundane lives like everyone else. “This is my understanding and my views. [What matters is] my family and my career. What is mine is mine. What is yours is yours. I want to take what is yours so it becomes mine. You have more wealth than I; your business is bigger than mine. I will fight with you. I will compete against you, to have a bigger [business] and more [wealth].” This is how people in this world are. Living in this turbulent world of [temptations], we continuously let our pure, intrinsic awakened nature, this kind nature, be buried under layers and layers [of ignorance].

So, we need Bodhisattvas. They have already been taught and transformed by the Buddha. They use the Dharma as water to cleanse us, to wash away our afflictions and ignorance. They help us lessen our afflictions and ignorance. As our awakened nature of True Suchness gradually surfaces, we can comprehend the principles. We understand the Buddha-Dharma and form great aspirations. With “unconditional loving-kindness and universal compassion,” we go among people, taking the seeds of the Buddha-Dharma and scattering them among people. We scatter them in the ground of everyone’s mind so that everyone can obtain this seed. This is the aspiration Bodhisattvas have formed, the reason they are willing to go among people.

Of the five major continents in the world, Africa is the most impoverished. But in Africa, very gradually, the causes and conditions of the Buddha-Dharma have begun to mature. A few seeds have started sprouting. When these seeds grow into great trees, each one gives rise to infinity. Beginning in South Africa, a few [volunteers] formed aspirations and were willing to scatter the seeds in that land. In that land, some who used to reach out their hands to receive help and care have now heard the Buddha-Dharma. Not only did they obtain material things, they also heard the Buddha-Dharma. Over these past one or two decades, they have constantly been nurtured. Locally, in that place, [our volunteers] have scattered the seeds of the Buddha-Dharma and mindfully cultivated them. Thus, in that land, the seeds of the Buddha-Dharma have sprouted and [grown into] small trees and big trees.

The causes and conditions of Africa’s Bodhisattvas have matured one by one. They formed aspirations and began going everywhere to spread the Buddha-Dharma. They make use of their love and their wisdom to exercise [their potential]. With the power of love, they pave their path inch by inch. Their roads are very hard to walk. Transportation is inconvenient, and the roads keep going up and down. The people there, those who are more advanced in years, are all larger in build. Walking is very difficult for them. But with the resolve, nothing is difficult. They climb over hills, going down one slope and up another. They traverse hill after hill like this. They go from village to village, into big towns and small. This is how they go to spread the Dharma.

I often speak of them. I often see them on our broadcasts on Da Ai TV. They are very admirable. In particular, at the end of last year (2015), there was an increase in those coming here [from Africa] for certification. They came here to diligently advance, to train and to receive their certification. After returning, they are even more diligent. They made a vow to take my words, “Time is running out” and transform them into, “There is still enough time.” To make sure that “There is still enough time,” they need to seize every second. They returned there at the beginning of December (2015). From then on, they have never taken a rest. In January (2016), they held a one-day training for their community volunteers. As they were about to start their training, one of the newly certified Bodhisattvas, wearing her mandarin gown, shared with everyone about what she had seen and heard when she went [to Taiwan] for certification.

Lesotho’s Tzu Du (Maria), Tzu Li (Adelinah) and several Dharma-sisters all wore the blue and white.

They dressed volunteer uniform to accompany those wearing mandarin gowns, the more formal dress, onto the stage. The “stage” was actually quite crude. This was how they shared the Dharma among these people. This is truly very touching. In this simple place, she faced a group of neatly dressed volunteers. Though it was only a one-day training, their clothes were very neat and tidy. In blue-and-white and gray-and-white uniforms, they all dressed very uniformly as they came to hear about her impressions from going to Taiwan to get certified. The training was very successful.

This tells us that, for the Buddha-Dharma to put down roots and sprout in a place, the seeds must be in harmony with that land. People must be willing to form aspirations, and others must joyfully help them. On this magnificent occasion, in this dignified spiritual training ground, their minds were all very united.

Also, after they returned, they began to mobilize volunteer leads to go into the community and provide care, to visit those who are poor and suffering. They saw families with sick family members that needed help, help with cleaning, help with bathing etc. That group of volunteer leads began to plan [visits to] two villages. One community was called Ntsirele, and the other one was Setibeng. This was the first time they were going into these two communities to provide care. In order to care for these communities, they had to follow the proper procedure. They first went to the community chief and communicated with him. In the community of Ntsirele, the chief was very welcoming of Tzu Chi. He understood if Tzu Chi entered his community, it would be a blessing [for the residents]. So, he was very willing and welcomed Tzu Chi.

With this sense of affirmation, the chief began to tell everyone in the village, spreading the word that. “When you encounter Tzu Chi volunteers coming to speak with you, you should accept what they say. Everyone should join in. If everyone is a volunteer, if all in the community become volunteers, then everyone in the community can receive help and everyone can also go help others. The entire community can help each other. Then, those who need help will have someone to help them.” This is how he encouraged the residents to all join the ranks of community volunteers.

Thus over 100 volunteers promptly came and signed up. Everyone was very happy to sign up. Since it was their leader who made this announcement, everyone happily came to sign up. This shows their strength, the power of their love. When the goodness in their hearts is awakened, the Dharma of goodness will be in their land. This is how, from this origin, the roots extend outwards and can touch one community after another. Actually, if everyone in a community is a volunteer, then everyone will be able to help each other. This perspective is truly remarkable!

Every month, they hold events to spread love. Every day, they spread the seeds of goodness. So, on March 12 (2016), they held a gathering to spread the seeds of love. Over 100 villagers came to participate. Everyone sat on the ground beneath the trees, and [this new commissioner] simply began sharing.

Tzu Li was also in attendance. She participated in the training and also shared with everyone. As this was happening, she received news from her hometown that her father had passed away. Although she received this news, she still remained very calm and firm in her will to practice. She continued to share her experiences. This is having a firm will to practice. Instead of being sad about her father, she took this time to spread the seeds of love. This was truly admirable. Her mission there kept her will strong so that she could complete her sharing. She [spread] the seeds of love [by sharing] her understanding of the Buddha-Dharma and Tzu Chi’s good deeds, everything they have done. She spoke about what they have done and what they have seen, how life is full of suffering. This was what she shared with everyone. At the end of the [gathering], everyone was very touched. Only then did she share the news that her father had passed away. Everyone was so moved!

Indeed, this is the Bodhisattva-spirit! “With great compassion, Bodhisattvas propagate the seeds of Buddhahood.” When her dear father passed away, she was away from home, but she was determined to complete her mission. Over 100 people had come to listen, so she had to calm and focus her mind and accomplish her mission. This is “unconditional loving-kindness and universal compassion.” She is a Bodhisattva in the world. This is what Living Bodhisattvas are like. She achieved this so easily. This is something we must mindfully learn.

I remember one time when one of our Bodhisattvas from Taiwan, Mr. Gao Mingshan, had to go to Guizhou. He went to Guizhou with a mission. I think he went there for a construction project. We were about to start building a Tzu Chi Village, so he went there to check up [on the progress]. When he arrived in Hong Kong, he received a call from home telling him that his mother had passed away. At that time, he felt very conflicted in his heart. He asked, “Is this possible? I spoke to mom before I left, and she was in such good spirits. The day before yesterday. I took her to Yang Ming Mountain. Before I left, we were talking so joyfully. How can this be?” But it was the case. This was what he learned over the phone.

Should he return to Taiwan? Or should he continue on his way? His decision was to continue. His mom had passed away very peacefully, and all his brothers were in Taiwan. Besides, his Dharma-family in Taiwan was there [to help]. If he returned, it would not change anything. He had spoken to his mother the morning he left, so he felt at peace. He still reverently sent his blessings to his mother. She had lived to be nearly 100 years old. So, he wished her well. Therefore, he was at peace with continuing on. He still went to Guizhou to complete his mission, and then he returned.

This is how a Bodhisattva has “unconditional loving-kindness and universal compassion.” By going to Guizhou, [he helped with] a construction project that would provide so many suffering people with a place to live and a chance to stabilize their lives. His mother was nearly 100 years old; she was in her 90s, and he had accepted this mission to benefit others, so he should feel at peace with completing his mission. This is “unconditional loving-kindness and universal compassion.” One mother passed away according to the laws of nature, while so many families were waiting for this construction to be completed so they could live in peace and work happily. This is a perspective on life’s value. When our perspective on life’s value is proper, this creates countless merits and virtues!

In this way, “The seeds of Buddhahood are the origin of all Dharma of goodness.” These are the seeds of Buddhahood, the awakened nature everyone intrinsically has. This is forming great aspirations. This is what Bodhisattvas do. Bodhisattvas have great compassion and see all sentient beings as their own family. So, he went to complete his mission, “propagating the seeds of Buddhahood.” This touched everyone. Nobody said, “How can you be so unfilial?” Everyone said, “I am so touched. His dedication and wisdom have deeply touched me.” Yes, this is “propagating the seeds of Buddhahood.”

So, “When their Dharma-affinities mature, they renounce the lay life and part with their loved ones to become monastics.” This is another example. This was also the case for the Buddha; He placed the greatest value on the Dharma. When he returned to the palace to teach the Dharma, He also transformed his relatives so they became monastics like Him. He thoroughly understood this world and the laws of nature, “birth, aging, illness and death.” No matter how wealthy one is, everyone will eventually come to this day. Fame, fortune and status are all impermanent. Because of this, He went back to teach the Dharma to transform. His dearest relatives in the royal family so they would also leave the lay life. As long as their Dharma-affinities were mature, they had the opportunity to renounce the lay life, part with their loved ones and become monastics. After hearing the Buddha’s teachings and understanding them, if their causes and conditions were mature, they left their families to become monastics.

There were so many of them, but in particular there was Rahula and Ananda. They were both among His dearest relatives, and they left the lay life. His aunt and His wife also became monastics. The conditions were mature, so they too renounced the lay life and parted with their loved ones to become monastics. Once they became monastics, He hoped that they would also make great vows. In that way, “The Noble Path of spiritual practice would continue unbroken.” He hoped the seeds of Buddhahood would never be cut off. Though they were His dearest royal relatives, even those who were future rulers of the kingdom, royal successors like Rahula, were still transformed by Him [to leave lay life].

The world’s fame, fortune and status are impermanent. His dearest ones, His kingdom, His relatives, everything in this world, all are impermanent. Only spiritual practice is the True Dharma. What is needed is all sentient beings awakening. The world’s sentient beings are all the same; there is no need to differentiate between your country and my country. The most important thing is that everyone unlock their awakened nature. Only then do we have the True Dharma.

We can all comprehend this passage. We ordinary people all feel the same way, “You are my child. How can you become a monastic? You need to carry on my business and produce heirs to continue this family etc.” Truly, it is hard to become a monastic. Even if you have the will, your family may not accept it. This is the perspective of ordinary people. But the Buddha was so free and at ease. Who was going to rule this country next? “Leave it to causes and conditions. My own family members need to set an example for others. Everyone needs to spread the Dharma of goodness.” So, He transformed them to become monastics. This is not an easy feat at all.

The previous sutra passage says,

“World-Honored One, we too should have a part in this. Only the Tathagata is our refuge. Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends.”
“World-Honored One, we too should have a part in this. Only the Tathagata is our refuge. Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends.”

Ananda and Rahula saw that everyone had already received predictions from the Buddha. “It should be our turn now.” These words were from. Ananda’s and Rahula’s hearts. Coming before the Buddha, they made this request. “It should be time for us too to receive the Buddha’s predictions.”

The next sutra passage says,

“Ananda has always been Your attendant, protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasury. Rahula is the Buddha’s son. If the Buddha sees fit to bestow predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi upon us, our wish will be fulfilled and the expectations of the assembly will be met.”

“Ananda has always been Your attendant, protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasury. Rahula is the Buddha’s son. If the Buddha sees fit to bestow predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi upon us, our wish will be fulfilled and the expectations of the assembly will be met.”

This was Ananda and Rahula expressing the wish in their hearts. This was what they expressed to the Buddha. Ananda was the Buddha’s attendant, and Rahula was the Buddha’s son. They should receive predictions from the Buddha and have a part in attaining Buddhahood. This is how it should be. “This is not just our hope. It is something all present, “all these many people, are anticipating. If Ananda and Rahula can receive predictions, since we are all similar to them, we too can obtain the Buddha’s prediction.” Ananda upheld the Dharma; he was the Buddha’s attendant as well as the protector of the Dharma-treasury. Because the stream of the Buddha-Dharma had entered Ananda’s mind, Ananda was the treasury of the Buddha-Dharma. The Dharma spoken by the Buddha was all stored in Ananda’s mind. So, he was the Buddha’s attendant as well as the treasury of the Buddha-Dharma.

Ananda has always been Your attendant, protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasury: Ananda was always the Tathagata’s attendant. He protected and upheld the storehouse of all Dharma-treasures. Protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasure: This means Ananda followed the Buddha in the. Dharma-assemblies. He heard all and excelled in understanding. He could accept and uphold the Right Dharma without forgetting it.

“Protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasury” means “Ananda followed the Buddha in the Dharma-assemblies. He heard all and excelled in understanding.” At every Dharma-assembly where the Buddha taught the Dharma, at every assembly where people gathered together, Ananda was always beside [the Buddha]. Whether the assembly understood the teachings or not, we do not know. Yet Ananda could understand and awaken to them all. This was Ananda’s wisdom. Moreover, his memory was very clear. So, “He could accept and uphold the Right Dharma without forgetting it.” Hopefully the Dharma, after entering Ananda’s mind drop by drop, did not have even one drop leak away.

What about Rahula? Rahula was the Buddha’s son. He was the Buddha’s own son, part of His family lineage.

“If the Buddha sees fit to bestow predictions of. Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi upon us….”

If the Buddha sees fit to bestow predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi upon us: This refers to the Buddha deciding to bestow predictions of supreme Bodhi, Buddhahood, upon us. See fit: This means to make a decision. Here, it is called “see fit.”

This is if the World-Honored One “makes a decision. See fit” means “to make a decision.” When it comes to people He knows in His heart, the Buddha completely understands them, and knows which person needs which causes and conditions for Him to bestow predictions. Take Sariputra for example. He was the first to receive predictions, because Sariputra was foremost in wisdom. Those in the Sangha all trusted him. Because of Sariputra’s wisdom, as the Buddha taught the Chapter on Skillful Means and the Chapter on Parables, he attained deep realizations and formed great aspirations. Because of this, the Buddha bestowed predictions on him. This inspired many people. “Sariputra was able to form great aspirations and receive the Buddha’s predictions, so we should be able to as well.” This was the first inspiration, the origin of the pursuit for the Great Vehicle Dharma.

Because of these causes and conditions, Venerable Kasyapa led a group of four to come before the Buddha. They described to Him what their minds were like in the past and the present, the shallowness and the depth of their faith and understanding. Their realizations went from shallow to deep. From the analogy of the poor son, we gradually came to the Chapter on the Parable of the Conjured City, which helped everyone better understand that, for Beginningless kalpas, dust-inked kalpas, the causes and conditions had been so deep. Then, in the. Chapter on 500 Disciples Receiving Predictions, Purna Maitrayaniputra attained an even clearer understanding of the profundity of these causes and conditions. Lifetime after lifetime, he had helped the Buddha [spread] the Dharma. In the past, with seven Buddhas, after they had attained Buddhahood, he had lifetime after lifetime helped them proclaim the Buddha-Dharma. Purna Maitrayaniputra’ [causes and conditions] were also [accumulated] over dust-inked kalpas. [The Buddha] again encouraged everyone to [cherish these accumulated] causes and conditions.

Thus, 500 disciples received predictions, then 1200 disciples received predictions. This continued until now, when those at and beyond the stage of learning were about to receive the Buddha’s predictions. Here it talks about how the Buddha decided based on. His disciples’ causes and conditions; He made His decisions based on a sequence. This is the Buddha’s decision on when someone could receive predictions. He decided based on this understanding. “Here, it is called ‘see fit.'” This is making a decision. After understanding everything, He made a decision.

“Seeing fit” is related to having an accurate perspective. His decisions came from a very accurate perspective, from His understanding of His disciples, of the timing and of the causes and conditions. This has to do with “if the Buddha sees fit to bestow predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.” The Buddha had already taken the causes and conditions, the timing and the people [into account] and assessed all of this. Then He decided to begin bestowing predictions of attaining the supreme and unsurpassed, predictions of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. In this way He “bestowed predictions upon us.” Thus He verified for us that in the future we can attain supreme, universal and perfect enlightenment, that in the future we can become Buddhas. Once the Buddha verifies it for us, our minds will be at peace.

So, “Our wish will be fulfilled and the expectations of the assembly will be met.”

Our wish will be fulfilled and the expectations of the assembly will be met: The wish in our heart will be fulfilled and the hopes of the people in the assembly will all be fulfilled as well.

This was everyone’s wish, not just Ananda’s and Rahula’s wish. Actually, many people’s wishes should be able to be fulfilled. So, all sentient beings should know, once Ananda and Rahula receive predictions, it would not be difficult for them to be next. The 500 disciples mentioned previously received predictions from the Buddha in person. There were also disciples who were not there, so the Buddha called to Venerable Kasyapa and said, “At this time, 1200 people as well are bestowed with predictions of Buddhahood. Please help me pass on the message.” So, now it was those at and beyond the stage of learning, numbering 2000 people [who thought], “If Ananda and Rahula can receive predictions, the time for us to receive predictions should not be too far away.” This is what everyone collectively hoped for. Everyone was waiting to hear Ananda and Rahula receive predictions.

So, “Ananda has always been Your attendant, protecting and upholding the Dharma-treasury. Rahula is the Buddha’s son.” So, heavenly beings, humans and asuras all knew of them.

Everyone recognized these two people. These two people were the closest to the Buddha. In that time and in that era, heavenly beings, humans, asuras, the eight classes of Dharma-protectors all knew of them. ․These two were the closest to the Buddha. So, at that time people expected them [to receive predictions]. Rahula was the Buddha’s son and. His closest lay relative. Ananda upheld the Buddha’s Dharma-treasury and was the foremost on the Path.

These two were the closest to the Buddha. So, at that time people expected them [to receive predictions]. Rahula was the Buddha’s son and. His closest lay relative. Ananda upheld the Buddha’s Dharma-treasury and was the foremost on the Path.

So that is why, “At that time, people expected them [to receive predictions].” At that time, everyone was looking forward to hearing the names of Ananda and Rahula as the Buddha bestowed predictions on them.

This was because these two were very special. One was the Buddha’s younger cousin, as well as His attendant. The other one was the Buddha’s son and a very successful spiritual practitioner. The Buddha should be bestowing predictions about their Buddha-land and what things will be like when they attain Buddhahood in the future. This was everyone’s expectation. Everyone was waiting to hear about these two people receiving predictions.

Rahula was the Buddha’s son and had the closest relation to Him in lay life. Ananda upheld the Dharma-treasury; he was very important to the Buddha-Dharma and an extraordinary person in the Sangha. These two were extremely close [to the Buddha] and His most direct relatives in the Sangha. A cousin is the son of an uncle; this was Ananda. Being the son of an uncle, in lay life, is a very close relation. In terms of Dharma-relations, for nearly 30 years, he was always at the Buddha’s side. Ananda took care of all His daily needs. In particular, Ananda could take every sentence of the Dharma taught by the Buddha to heart. The Buddha’s actions and way of life were all stored in Ananda’s mind. The Buddha’s virtues, His wisdom, His good works and His virtuous ways of teaching everyone were all seen by Ananda. He understood the Buddha’s virtues. The Buddha’s virtues are vast and boundless. Ananda understood this the best.

As for the Buddha’s wisdom, at every Dharma-assembly where He taught, every sentence was remembered most clearly by Ananda and best understood by him. So, for Ananda and Rahula, “if they did not receive predictions, the assembly’s expectations would not be met.”

They were extraordinary in the Sangha and extremely close [to the Buddha]. If they did not receive predictions, the assembly’s expectations would not be met. If the Buddha bestowed predictions upon them, the expectations of the assembly would be met. Thus, “It would not only fulfill our wish.”

These two had not yet received the Buddha’s predictions, so everyone’s hopes still seemed to have fallen short. “Since the Buddha has bestowed predictions, why hasn’t He called these two people’s names yet?” It seemed that the predictions had fallen short. Thus, everyone kept hoping and waiting for the Buddha to call these two people’s names and bestow predictions of Buddhahood on them.

Think of their affinities. Everyone wanted to know which special predictions the Buddha would make for these two people, about their future way of life. So, they were all very curious. Everyone hoped the Buddha would call the names of these two and bestow predictions upon them.

“If the Buddha bestowed predictions upon them, the expectations of the assembly would be met.” This was everyone’s expectation. This would make everyone satisfied. If they heard these two receive predictions from the Buddha, everyone would be satisfied.

“It would not only fulfill our wish.” [They thought,] “The Buddha bestowing predictions on us is what everyone has been hoping for. See how everyone is supporting us. Everyone hopes that the Buddha will call our names and bestow predictions on us. If the Buddha bestows predictions on us, these people should also be very happy and satisfied. It is not just the two of us who will be satisfied and happy.” This was the earnest request. Ananda had for the Buddha. He not only expressed his own intent, he also expressed the hope that everyone had for the two of them. They hoped that the Buddha would speak of the future causes and conditions of these two [as they attain Buddhahood], the length of their lifespan, the kind of land they will have, the kinds of sentient beings that will be there and the way the Buddha-Dharma will flourish. This is what everyone was hoping [to hear].

So, “At that time, Hearer disciples at and beyond learning, 2000 in total, all arose from their seats. They bared their right shoulders, came before the Buddha, wholeheartedly put their palms together and gazed upward at the World-Honored One. With the same wish as Ananda and Rahula, they stood to one side.”

So, “At that time, Hearer disciples at and beyond learning, 2000 in total, all arose from their seats. They bared their right shoulders, came before the Buddha, wholeheartedly put their palms together and gazed upward at the World-Honored One. With the same wish as Ananda and Rahula, they stood to one side.”

You see, this is how expectantly everyone waited. After Ananda spoke, everyone quickly arose, quickly straightened their garments and bared their right shoulders. This was the etiquette. Then, standing before the Buddha, they wholeheartedly put their palms together. Everyone, with great reverence, gazed up at the Buddha. Together with Ananda and Rahula, they put their palms together and beseeched the Buddha to bestow predictions on them.

So, 2000 people were at and beyond the stage of learning. Among these 2000 people, people at and beyond the stage of learning were all present. “They were in addition to the 1200 beyond the stage of learning.”

At that time. Hearer disciples at and beyond learning, 2000 in total: Among these 2000 people, there were both those at and beyond the stage of learning. They were in addition to the 1200 beyond the stage of learning.

At [the assembly], there were 1200 people beyond the stage of learning who had previously already received predictions. They were those who constantly followed the Buddha and were those previously mentioned by the Buddha when He told Venerable Kasyapa, “These 1200 have all received predictions. Help me pass on this message.”

Actually, the 2000 people now included people both at and beyond the stage of learning. They all did as Ananda had done. Everyone was very reverent. They bared their right shoulder and gathered together, in this way showing their respect. They respectfully requested that the Buddha bestow predictions on everyone, bestow predictions on Ananda and Rahula.

All those people’s thoughts were the same as the two Venerable Ones. But they did not utter a word and stood at one side. When Ananda and others requested predictions, they first gave rise to the thought and then spoke the words.

They first thought this in their minds, then they began to say it out loud. When everyone heard Ananda and Rahula say this, they all hoped for their wishes to be fulfilled. This was how everyone was inspired to come before the Buddha like this. With hope and reverence, “These 2000 people did not speak to request predictions. They only embraced Ananda’s and [Rahula’s] wish.” They only had this hope and relied on the power of Ananda’s vows. “They wholeheartedly put their palms together” and gazed reverently upward at the Buddha.

These 2000 people did not speak to request predictions. They only embraced the wish of Ananda and others. They wholeheartedly put their palms together and gazed reverently upward at the Buddha’s face.

Since Ananda had made this request, they hoped that through Ananda’s request, they could also receive an indication from the Buddha.

They did not need to speak to ask for predictions, as the Buddha already knew; He knew what was in their hearts. Although these people did not express it, the Buddha knew. He “saw fit” because He already knew. So, the Buddha saw fit to bestow predictions. The Buddha understood everyone’s heart. So, the Buddha started preparing to bestow predictions on everyone in the future.

From this sutra passage, we can feel their close relationship [with Him]. As for Ananda and Rahula, the 2000 people at the assembly, all these people, placed their hopes on Ananda and Rahula. This was because these two people had special relationships with the Buddha. This kind of relationship truly is the awakened affection of the Buddha-Dharma. See, 2000 people hoped in their hearts to hear Ananda and Rahula receive predictions from the Buddha. Of course, their hope that these two received predictions was also because they too would likely have a part in it. We ordinary people all have these kinds of wishful hearts.

However, the awakened wishes of sages are different from those of us ordinary people. In the Buddha’s Sangha, everyone was an awakened sentient being. They hoped for Ananda and Rahula to receive the Buddha’s predictions. This was the wish of the assembly. In all things, we truly must always be mindful!


Episode 1167 – The Unease of Not Having Received Predictions

>> “We must earnestly practice, learn and contemplate. We must make the Four Great Vows. Those at and beyond the stage of learning who listened to the Dharma would all receive predictions of Buddhahood. Now, those who had not yet received predictions felt uneasy in their minds. If they could receive predictions, they would have the joy of being equal to the sages.”

>> “At that time, Ananda and Rahula gave rise to this thought, ‘We often thought to ourselves that, if we could receive predictions, we would be very joyful.’ Immediately they arose from their seats and came before the Buddha. They prostrated with their heads at His feet and together spoke to the Buddha.”

>> “World-Honored One, we too should have a part in this. Only the Tathagata is our refuge. Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends.”

>> World-Honored One, we too should have a part in this: We too should be among those receiving predictions and should also have part in attaining Buddhahood.

>> They said, “We too should have a part in this.” This can be explained as having two meanings. One, regarding the Buddha-Dharma, “We too should attain realization of supreme Bodhi. Regarding predictions, we are also Hearers. We too should receive predictions of Buddhahood.”

>> Only the Tathagata is our refuge: This means they single-mindedly turned to the Tathagata’s understanding and views for refuge. This explains that the Small Vehicle fruits were not what they aimed for.

>> Tathagata: One of the Buddha’s ten epithets. “Tatha” refers to True Suchness. He journeys on the path of True Suchness. From the seed, He comes to the fruit of achieving perfect enlightenment. Thus, He is called the Tathagata. He also journeys on the path of True Suchness and comes to the Three Realms to transform. Thus, He is called the Tathagata. This is the manifest Tathagata.

>> Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends: “Moreover, in all worlds, heavenly beings, humans, asuras, the fourfold assembly and the eight classes all recognize us as friends.”

>> Recognized as friends: This means people knew and recognized that their virtue and prestige could be depended upon. Those who saw them knew their family names. Those who heard them understood their virtue and talents. People took them either as teachers or friends.

>> Friend: Another term for companion. If we say we know someone, we know his heart and recognize his appearance; this is a person I know. In order to let others know, we will say, this person is virtuous; he is a good and virtuous friend. If they are evil, we call them harmful friends. Those who teach the Dharma to guide us to a good place are good friends. Thus, we call them “virtuous friends.”

“We must earnestly practice, learn and contemplate.
We must make the Four Great Vows.
Those at and beyond the stage of learning
who listened to the Dharma would all receive predictions of Buddhahood.
Now, those who had not yet received predictions
felt uneasy in their minds.
If they could receive predictions,
they would have the joy of being equal to the sages.”

“We must earnestly practice, learn and contemplate. We must make the Four Great Vows.” As we practice and learn the Buddha’s teachings, we must constantly practice earnestly. We must also learn intently and contemplate; we must cultivate contemplation. To cultivate contemplation is to have a mind in Samadhi, a focused mind. Having a mind in Right Samadhi is to cultivate contemplation. We often say that when we sit in meditation, we enter Samadhi. But meditation is not only being in Samadhi when we sit. The highest mastery of Samadhi is remaining tranquil in Samadhi as we are in action. This is the most important thing as we learn and practice the Buddha’s teachings. This requires us to earnestly practice; we need to practice until we attain this mastery. To cultivate this kind of mastery, we must make the Four Great Vows. The Four Great Vows are the Buddha’s original vows, the universal vows of all Buddhas. All Buddhas share the same path. Each Buddha can have their own specific vows, but they must all have the same universal vows.

Like all other Buddhas, Sakyamuni Buddha likewise made the Four Great Vows. Whether His universal or specific vows, all were to save and deliver sentient beings.

Everyone knows the Four Great Vows. “I vow to deliver countless sentient beings, I vow to eliminate endless afflictions, I vow to learn infinite Dharma-doors and I vow to attain unsurpassed Buddhahood.” All Buddhas share the same path. All Buddhas make these kinds of vows in their spiritual cultivation, life after life. Of course, Sakyamuni Buddha also made these Four Great Vows. “I vow to deliver countless sentient beings.” To transform sentient beings, He must have loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. Great loving-kindness is without regrets, great compassion is without resentment, great joy is without worries and great equanimity is without expectations. With this kind of open and spacious heart, He goes among people to transform sentient beings. We must place great importance on the Four Great Vows.

There are countless sentient beings [in the world]. There are not only human sentient beings, there are also sentient beings in other forms, all kinds of sentient beings with life. We must love and deliver them all. So, we must nurture this very meticulous, yet open and broad love. Meticulous means to a minute, subtle level. We must love to a very subtle level, which means we must be very attentive to detail. For instance in Taiwan, there is a large group of Living Bodhisattvas. For Mother’s Day, Tzu Chi Day and the Buddha’s birthday, they will hold three celebrations in one. Throughout Taiwan, from Keelung to Hengchun, everyone is very reverent. With reverence, they go among people, into the community, [to visit] our care-recipients who receive long-term help from us. Also, for their neighbors in the community, they bring peach buns, visiting each household.

They do this not only for our care recipients. They say, “We often come to your village and your community, and we may have caused you some inconvenience. Also, these grandpas and grandmas living here and these families may need assistance from you. We live far away, so our care for them is not consistent. So, we need your help to care for them.” Think about it, this is such detail-mindedness! They are very meticulous. We are so far away and cannot take care of them on a daily basis. So, for the sake of the people we care for, whether the elderly or disadvantaged families, we hope the neighbors can provide more care. We establish these affinities on their behalf. I heard about how mindful they are. From Keelung to Hengchun, throughout Taiwan, they “vow to deliver countless sentient beings.” How open and broad [their minds] are!

Not only do they care for the entire Taiwan, they are also very meticulous in considering to ask the neighbors of our care-recipients to help care for them. They are able to think so meticulously and have such open and broad love. This is the case not only in Taiwan; it is the same all around the world! We also saw our Bodhisattvas in Africa. They too are preparing for the Buddha’s birthday along with Mother’s Day and Tzu Chi Day. They too are very proactive. We saw that there were a few of our local Bodhisattvas in Lesotho who came back to be certified [in 2015]. In those few days, [Tzu Li (Adelinah)] understood why I always say that time is running out and why I am so worried. The reason I am so worried is that I want to save everyone in this world. Thus I say every day, “There is not enough time! Time is running out! The world is full of calamities and life is full of suffering. How can we reach out everywhere to help people?”

She sincerely sought to realize this. In every place, [we need] the local people to widely spread this love. In every place, [we need] local Bodhisattvas to care for the people in that place. So, she began to form aspirations to spread the seeds of great love throughout her country. She said she would mindfully seize the time and use her time to [build] relationships with others. She also formed aspirations and made vows to turn “There is not enough time” into. “There is still enough time.” How great is her vow! I [always] say, “There is not enough time,” while she says, “There is still enough time.” We must seize the moment and just do it. Among people, we must widely spread the seeds of love.

Sure enough, after returning on December 1st, she has not stopped for even a day. She constantly goes here and there among people. With every community and every family, she delves deeply into [their situation] to care for them. The footprints of relief never stop. Sometimes [the volunteers] provides spiritual care. Sometimes they provide material aid. This is in Lesotho.

People from four or five countries met in Durban, [South Africa] where they held an advanced volunteer training and a spiritual retreat. The retreats they hold include [large events] once or twice a year. Locally, they also continually hold classes every month. They hold volunteer training locally. We can see that they are truly very diligent and very joyful; they truly turn “There is not enough time” into “There is still enough time.” This way, the countless sentient beings in this vast place [can be delivered]. If, in such a vast place, people’s minds can come together in harmony to simultaneously care for so many [communities], by using the power of love to give to others, very quickly, suffering beings everywhere can receive relief at the same time. These are the ways I see everyone mindfully giving with love. We do not differentiate between ethnicities.

When they came back to be certified [in 2015], there were many of these “black pearls” who came from different nations. Their wisdom is not in any way inferior to ours. Their ability to attain realizations, the aspirations they form and the vows they make are no less great than ours. In particular, they firmly persist in carrying out their missions and vows. “We must earnestly practice, learn and contemplate.” This is their mindset; after accepting this faith, they have deep belief in it. They form aspirations and make vows to learn. Wherever they go, they bring the Dharma with them. They bring the Dharma as they engage in spiritual practice. Among people, they cultivate contemplation. No matter what kind of suffering and what kind of negative habitual tendencies they encounter in the world, their minds are very stable and they constantly give of themselves.

“I vow to deliver countless sentient beings.” They have already begun taking the first steps. “I vow to eliminate endless afflictions.” Originally, their lives were not easy. Before, they were the poor among the poor. Now they are the rich among the poor. They have attained spiritual wealth and have opened the door to their heart. All the principles in the world have entered their hearts. This is their spiritual wealth. They have eliminated afflictions and are very diligent in learning [the Dharma]. They have eliminated their afflictions. They are walking on the Bodhisattva-path. They are very clear on their goal as they walk along the path to Buddhahood. So, when it comes to the Four Great Vows, haven’t they put these into practice? Indeed, I hope they can [continue] to do this throughout this life, and not only in this lifetime, but lifetime after lifetime. These seeds have already been sown in their minds, and they themselves are diligently cultivating them. They are taking action and engaging in spiritual practice. This makes me feel so joyful! We must learn from them.

We are more experienced than them in learning the Buddha-Dharma, but when it comes to diligence, we must learn from them.
Their diligence is such that, although they are in such a difficult environment, they can still practice and advance diligently. This is what we need to learn from them. So, “We must earnestly practice, learn and contemplate. We must make the Four Great Vows.” These are the great vows that all Buddhas share, the Four Great Vows. As Buddhist practitioners, we should also have such vows.

In the Lotus Sutra, we have already reached the point where those at and beyond the stage of learning were about to receive predictions, the ninth chapter. “Those at and beyond the stage of learning who listened to the Dharma would all receive predictions of Buddhahood.” As long as we learn and have the resolve, we will be able to understand [the Dharma]. In the previous chapter, the Buddha had already bestowed predictions of Buddhahood on the 1200 disciples who were following the Buddha. For the 500 of them who were present, the Buddha personally bestowed predictions for them. For those who were not present, He told Venerable Kasyapa, “When you see them, tell them that they will all attain Buddhahood, that the Buddha has already bestowed predictions on them.” Now, after this, the Buddha began to bestow predictions on those at and beyond the stage of learning.

Doesn’t this confirm that as long as we form aspirations to learn the Buddha’s teachings, whether we are newly-inspired or have already reached the highest stage, the fourth fruit of Arhatship etc., we can all receive from the Buddha predictions of attaining Buddhahood in the future? This refers to Small Vehicle practitioners. Great Vehicle practitioners form Bodhisattva-aspirations. As long as we form Bodhisattva-aspirations and take the Great Vehicle Dharma to heart, the Buddha will also bestow predictions of Buddhahood on us all. So, we know this. It is the same now! As we have said before, perhaps we were also among those 500 disciples. Or perhaps we might have been one of the 1200 disciples. Or we might have been among those at or beyond the stage of learning. We too may have been among those who received the Buddha’s predictions.

Or perhaps, dust-inked kalpas ago, in the era of the 16 princes, we might have heard the Lotus Sutra before. We may have already absorbed the seed of the Great Vehicle Dharma. We must have faith in ourselves. Life after life, we may have had much ignorance. Or perhaps, life after life, we may have had the causes and conditions to transform sentient beings. Everyone has different causes and conditions. No matter what appearance we manifest, when the causes and conditions manifest, we guide sentient beings, whether many or few. This is forming affinities to attain Buddhahood.

For Buddhist practitioners, everyone is equal, so everyone can attain Buddhahood. “Those at and beyond the stage of learning who listened to the Dharma would all receive predictions of Buddhahood.” Now, Ananda, Rahula and many others who had not yet received predictions from the Buddha “felt uneasy in their minds.” We sentient beings are like this. Even those who lived at the same time as the Buddha still had very subtle attachments to a limited sense of self. “How is it that the two of us, whom everyone knows, I, Ananda, I, Rahula, [have not received one]? I am Ananda! I have been the Buddha’s attendant for nearly 30 years. How come my name has not been called? I am Rahula! I am the son of the Buddha. How come my name has not been called?” Their minds were not at ease. However, they had great confidence. In the previous sutra passages they said, “We will receive [predictions] very soon. The Buddha will bestow predictions on us. It will be our turn very soon, so we should be very joyful.”

So, “If they could receive predictions, they would have the joy of being equal to the sages.” If they could receive predictions from the Buddha, then others would certainly have a part in it. Everyone should be able to receive a prediction. This is stated in the previous sutra passage. We must deeply realize this and understand the meaning contained in [this passage]. However, what is most important is that we must earnestly practice and learn and thoroughly contemplate. We must settle our minds. Since we have formed aspirations to enter the Buddha’s door, our minds must be very settled. We must make great vows. “I vow to deliver countless sentient beings.” This is the universal vow of all Buddhas. As Buddhist practitioners, we should also emulate the Buddha’s universal vows. Life after life, we should form the Four Great Vows. This is our goal. If our goal is like this, then we must put it into practice.

Let us look at the [previous] sutra passage,

“At that time, Ananda and Rahula gave rise to this thought, ‘We often thought to ourselves that, if we could receive predictions, we would be very joyful.’ Immediately they arose from their seats and came before the Buddha. They prostrated with their heads at His feet and together spoke to the Buddha.”

“At that time, Ananda and Rahula gave rise to this thought, ‘We often thought to ourselves that, if we could receive predictions, we would be very joyful.’ Immediately they arose from their seats and came before the Buddha. They prostrated with their heads at His feet and together spoke to the Buddha.”

We have already discussed this [passage]. Ananda and Rahula knew that they were about to receive predictions. It should more or less be their turn. So, from their seats, they spontaneously stood up and walked toward the Buddha. They prostrated reverently and kneeled in front of the Buddha to express to Him what was in their hearts.

The following sutra passage says,

“World-Honored One, we too should have a part in this. Only the Tathagata is our refuge. Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends.”

“World-Honored One, we too should have a part in this. Only the Tathagata is our refuge. Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends.”

This expressed what was on their minds. “World Honored One, we too should have a part in this.” They should have a part in this as well. “Those before us already received predictions; now, isn’t it our turn? We should also have a part in this! The Buddha should bestow predictions on us too.”

World-Honored One, we too should have a part in this: We too should be among those receiving predictions and should also have part in attaining Buddhahood.

In their hearts, they felt confident of this, but the Buddha had not called their names yet. They therefore felt uneasy, so, they stood up on their own accord and came to express their hopes to the Buddha. Among those who had received predictions, their names had not been called yet. They should also be able to attain Buddhahood in the future. So, they should now also be able to receive the Buddha’s predictions of completing the enlightened path to Buddhahood, confirming that they will [achieve this]. This was how Ananda and Rahula expressed to the Buddha what was in their hearts.

They said, “We too should have a part in this.” This can be explained as having two meanings. One, regarding the Buddha-Dharma, “We too should attain realization of supreme Bodhi. Regarding predictions, we are also Hearers. We too should receive predictions of Buddhahood.”

They said, “We too should have a part in this.” This can be explained as having two meanings. One, regarding the Buddha-Dharma, “We too should attain realization of supreme Bodhi. Regarding predictions, we are also Hearers. We too should receive predictions of Buddhahood.”

This was because the Buddha said, “The mind, the Buddha and all sentient beings are no different [in their nature].” This is the true principle of the Buddha-Dharma. Since the Buddha had bestowed predictions on everyone, they should also be able to attain realization of supreme Bodhi. It is the same for us. Since we have formed aspirations and the direction we are going in is correct, our direction should be along the Bodhi-path. This is from the point of view of the Dharma.

“Regarding predictions,” in terms of actual people and matters, “we are also Hearers. We should also receive predictions of Buddhahood.” In terms of worldly matters, they were also by the Buddha’s side, constantly engaging in spiritual practice and accepting the Buddha’s teachings. “We are also like that; the Dharma [we heard] from the Buddha’s speech has enabled our wisdom life to grow. So, we are also Hearers, born from the Buddha’s speech. The Buddha used His speech to teach the Dharma, allowing our wisdom-life to grow.” They were truly Hearers and “should also receive predictions of Buddhahood.” They too should receive predictions from the Buddha regarding their land and their name after attaining Buddhahood.

In terms of worldly matters, Ananda and Rahula also placed great importance on the rituals of these worldly matters. As for the Buddha-Dharma, they did not need predictions. “We will attain Buddhahood in the future as long as we follow the teachings of the Buddha. The mind, the Buddha and all sentient beings are no different [in nature]. [We will continue] until we awaken to the true principles of all things in the universe.” From [understanding] conditioned phenomena we come to thoroughly realize unconditioned Dharma. Conditioned phenomena are all things that have formed through convergence. From these tangible things, we can mindfully cultivate contemplation and comprehend them on a very subtle level.

This is just like what we said earlier about how. Bodhisattvas care for suffering sentient beings. Throughout Taiwan, when we are taking care of people in suffering, we also hope that their neighbors can start to care for them too. So, we are kind to [their neighbors] in the hope that these people can [be inspired] to help those we are helping. In this way [our volunteers] are so detail-minded. This is conditioned phenomena; these are things that can be created. When a heart of kindness arises in us, we constantly help those who are not related to us, regularly going to care for them. Through their actions, volunteers teach the people around by example, by acting as role-models. In this way, these people give rise to compassion for those disadvantaged families. So, we interact with these neighbors and ask them to help us. Then with regards to these disadvantaged families, our minds will be much more at ease.

These are all conditioned phenomena. Conditioned phenomena are transient. Because of the impermanence in life, currently, [these families] experience suffering. Now, we are learning the Buddha’s teachings, which awakens our love and compassion to cherish and care for them. But one day impermanence will strike us too. So, all interpersonal relationships are impermanent. Now, their children are still young. In the future, their children will grow up. Now, we are the ones helping them. In the future, when these children grow up, the help they received in the past, this cause, may become a seed in their minds and they will be the ones helping other people. This is arising and ceasing. In this world, there are cycles of life and death. These are all conditioned phenomena. But within these conditioned phenomena, there is unconditioned Dharma. “Everyone intrinsically has Buddha-nature.” This is unconditioned Dharma. This is the principles. This is the truth. The Buddha-nature is the true principles of everything in the universe; it is everyone’s nature of True Suchness.

Everyone has this intrinsic nature of true principles. So, as we learn in our spiritual practice, the [unconditioned] Dharma has always existed, but we need conditioned phenomena in this world [in order to realize it]. In spiritual practice, we likewise need ritual. We have morning and evening recitations. In the early morning, we listen to the Dharma etc. The etiquette of our conduct and our appearance are all things we need to pay attention to. Our demeanor, our appearance and the way we live our daily lives, our lifestyle and our physical appearance, must all converge together. Spiritual practitioners have their own character, their different way of life and appearance. This is the reason we engage in spiritual practice. This is why we differentiate lay practitioners and monastics. As a monastic, we must constantly take care of our mind, our appearance and our actions. This is what we call spiritual practice. The actions of [monastics] are different from lay practitioners. So, we must constantly be mindful.

Lay practitioners who practice the Buddha-Dharma are different from ordinary people. The difference comes from their mindset. They have the Buddha in their hearts, and they have the Dharma in their actions. Thus, the way they interact with other people and deal with matters are different. So in society, when people see Tzu Chi volunteers, they have trust in them and approve of [what they do]. This is due to their appearance and way of life, the way they actually act. This is the same principle. So, they have the Dharma; this is both their appearance in the world and their way of life in the Dharma; we must mindfully contemplate all of these.

So, the following [passage] states that. “Only the Tathagata is our refuge.”

Only the Tathagata is our refuge: This means they single-mindedly turned to the Tathagata’s understanding and views for refuge. This explains that the Small Vehicle fruits were not what they aimed for.

They had now said out loud that they had taken refuge in the Buddha for life. This was because the Buddha in His wisdom took all the principles in the universe and. His ocean of enlightened wisdom and constantly shared them through His speech. They constantly accepted the Dharma given to them by the Buddha. So, the Buddha was the refuge of their wisdom-life. Thus, “Only the Tathagata is our refuge.” The Tathagata’s Dharma is everyone’s refuge. We “single-mindedly” take refuge with Him. He is the refuge of our heart. He is the spiritual refuge of our wisdom-life. He is our spiritual refuge of our wisdom-life.

“This means they single-mindedly turned to the. Tathagata’s understanding and views for refuge. This explains that the Small Vehicle fruits were not what they aimed for.” The Buddha’s Great Vehicle Dharma is what we turn to. We should not remain in the Small Vehicle Dharma. What we want to aim for is to emulate the Buddha, to form great aspirations and make great vows. “I vow to deliver countless sentient beings.” We must eliminate all afflictions and cultivate all Buddha-Dharma. We want to attain Buddhahood. So, the Buddha is our spiritual refuge.

So, “Tathagata” is “one of the Buddha’s ten epithets.”

Tathagata: One of the Buddha’s ten epithets. “Tatha” refers to True Suchness. He journeys on the path of True Suchness. From the seed, He comes to the fruit of achieving perfect enlightenment. Thus, He is called the Tathagata. He also journeys on the path of True Suchness and comes to the Three Realms to transform. Thus, He is called the Tathagata. This is the manifest Tathagata.

“Tatha” refers to True Suchness, which is the true principles. The true principles are everlasting and unchanging. This is called “Suchness,” the principles of Suchness, the Dharma of Suchness. This is True Suchness. “He journeys on the path of True Suchness. From the seed, He comes to the fruit of achieving perfect enlightenment. Thus, He is called the Tathagata.” This is the principle. In order to seek these principles, we must “journey” in the right direction. Where does the cart we journey on go? Where is the airplane we are on going? Where is the boat we are on going? This is [what we mean by] direction.

Our direction is to “journey on the path of True Suchness,” to return to our nature of True Suchness, to return to the true principles. We want to eliminate our afflictions and ignorance and return to the true principles. This path is the path to awakening. The path to awakening is the true principles. “From the seed, [we] come to the fruit.” That seed from dust-inked kalpas ago, an incalculable [time ago], has always been with us. From the seed, we come to the fruit. This seed has existed life after life. But life after life, how much Buddha-Dharma have we encountered? As we take the Buddha-Dharma to heart, with everything these seeds create, how many of our seeds of True Suchness do we still have left? In our hearts, in our awakened nature and our ocean of wisdom, how much Dharma have we taken in? Has our awakened nature been able to grow? Has our ocean of wisdom expanded? This all depends on us.

“From the seed, [we] come to the fruit.” If life after life we never part with the Dharma, if we never deviate from it while among people, naturally we will “achieve perfect enlightenment.” Because that seed is there, if we do this life after life, with many seeds we will attain many fruits. On a piece of land, how many seeds will you sow? It can be a handful, or it can be a basket. Depending on how many seeds we have, there will be that many plants on the land. If there are two or three seeds, then there will be two or three plants. If there are millions of seeds, then there will be millions of great Bodhi-trees. In the same way, we must constantly help these seeds grow and constantly help the fruit develop. In this way, with respect to our nature of True Suchness, which is the principles, we gradually, constantly keep experiencing it; we experience the principles of True Suchness. The more we understand, the more the seeds and the fruit will grow.

I often tell everyone that as we listen to the Dharma, we must take it to heart. When we take it to heart, the seed will remain in our mind. If we do not take it to heart, then it will leak away. In this past period of time, we have constantly been talking about Leaks. If we hear something and then forget it, that means it has leaked away. If, after listening, we take it to heart and put it into practice, then we can correct the bad habitual tendencies we have as unenlightened beings. If we change, we can now return to the path; this is the fruit. From the seed, we are now attaining the fruit. This fruit then becomes a new seed in the future. What is now a fruit will be a seed in the future. In the future, we will journey on the fruit we have attained now; when we bring it to the future, it is a seed. In summary, this is the cycle of cause and effect. The seed from the past is today’s fruit, and our present seeds become future fruits. This is a cycle. Depending on how many positive seeds and positive fruits we have, we will continue to come and go in that way. He who comes to the world journeying on the Dharma of Suchness is called the Tathagata.

“He also journeys on the path of True Suchness and comes to the Three Realms to transform.” Since we have formed aspirations, we are in the Three Realms, the desire realm, form realm and formless realm, repeatedly coming and going. In the Three Realms, there are also the Six Destinies. So, the Six Destinies are within the Three Realms. We do not know which realm we will be in [in the future]. Nonetheless, I hope we can take the principles to heart and can form aspirations and make vows. No matter which realm we will go to in the future, we want to teach and transform sentient beings. “I vow to deliver countless sentient beings.” We want to transform sentient beings. This is the meaning of Tathagata. “This is the manifest Tathagata.” He manifests in response to the causes, conditions and the time.

“Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends.”

Moreover, we are, in all worlds, to all heavenly beings, humans and asuras, recognized as friends: “Moreover, in all worlds, heavenly beings, humans, asuras, the fourfold assembly and the eight classes all recognize us as friends.”

This is saying that Ananda and Rahula, in all worlds, among heavenly beings, humans, asuras and the fourfold assembly and the [remaining] classes of Dharma-protectors, were recognized by all. This is because “I am the Buddha’s cousin as well as His disciple, I am the Buddha’s son and also His disciple” and so on. Other than the fourfold assembly, heavenly beings, humans and asuras as well as the rest of the eight classes should all know them. Thus, the Buddha should bestow predictions on them.

So, they were “recognized as friends. Recognized as friends means people knew and recognized [them].”

Recognized as friends: This means people knew and recognized that their virtue and prestige could be depended upon. Those who saw them knew their family names. Those who heard them understood their virtue and talents. People took them either as teachers or friends.

Everyone recognized this person. His name was Ananda. They all understood that Ananda was the foremost in hearing all. Ananda was very kind. They also all understood that Rahula was the Buddha’s son. Rahula was born in the royal family. He engaged in esoteric practice and was very patient and accommodating. This means “people knew and recognized [them].” They all knew what level their virtue had reached. Everyone knew and recognized them, so they were “friends. I know him, and I also understand him.” He is my “friend.” [In Chinese this sounds like “knowledge”] but here we are talking about “friends.” They all knew this person, and they also understood him.

“Those who saw them knew their family names.” They knew about their family names because in India the four castes were very clearly distinguished. During the era of the Buddha, although He wanted the four castes to be equal, He was not able to achieve this. So, “those who saw them” would know their family names. “Those who heard them” understood their talents and virtues. So, people began to take refuge [with them]. Some people were their good friends. This means that. Rahula and Ananda knew a great number of people. Some people took refuge with Rahula, and some took refuge with Ananda. They both accepted disciples. Among them, there were good friends of Ananda, and there were virtuous friends of Rahula. Thus it says “recognized as friends.” Everyone knew about them.

“Friend” is another term for companion.
Friend: Another term for companion. If we say we know someone, we know his heart and recognize his appearance; this is a person I know. In order to let others know, we will say, this person is virtuous; he is a good and virtuous friend. If they are evil, we call them harmful friends. Those who teach the Dharma to guide us to a good place are good friends. Thus, we call them “virtuous friends.”
These are our virtuous friends. They are good friends of ours. This is like when people say, “I know that this person is very kind. I know what they look like. The name you just mentioned, I recognize this person. What does he look like? Is he tall? He is really tall” and so on. “He is very kind; I know him.” They know this person. They all know that this person is kind. This person is very good. You can become friends with him; he is a virtuous friend.

Or, when others ask about this person we say, “This person has all these weaknesses. He is rather mean, has bad temper and so on. If you are with him, you need to be careful.” This is to let others know. To transform others, we must first know what this person is like. We must know about his habits. If we want to teach the Dharma to this person, we must know if he is good or bad, know his personality and his temper. So, we must first get to know the person.

Thus, “Those who teach the Dharma to guide me to a good place are good friends. Thus, we call them ‘virtuous friends.'” Those who guide us are our virtuous friends. We also want to guide other people and be virtuous friends for others. So, [we are] “recognized as friends.” People are observing the actions we take. The principle is the same; spiritual practice is also like this. We let others know us, but what does our conduct look like? People recognize us, but what are their comments about us? This depends on the way we behave in the course of our everyday spiritual practice. So, we must always be mindful.


Episode 1166 – Seeking the Buddha’s Predictions of Buddhahood

>> “Diligent practitioners use their wisdom to observe world-transcending virtuous and blessed karma. When we clearly understand the truth and the path of Suchness, we give rise to the thought of freeing ourselves from defiled conditions in the mundane world. We make use of this thinking in order to transcend the world. We follow the Buddha’s teachings and aspire to receive the Buddha’s predictions of Buddhahood.”

>> At that time, Ananda and Rahula gave rise to this thought, “We often thought to ourselves that” “if we could receive predictions,” “we would be so joyful.” Immediately they arose from their seats and went before the Buddha. They made prostrations with their head at His feet and spoke to the Buddha.

>> Rahula: His name meant “repeated obstructions.” He was the Buddha’s son. When the Buddha wanted to become a monastic, His father told Him, “If you have a son, I will allow you to follow your aspirations.” Because of this obstruction of having a son, He postponed becoming a monastic.

>> Rahula: He was in His mother’s womb for 6 years and became a monastic as a child. The Buddha asked Sariputra to be his tutor and teach him to uphold the novice’s precepts.

>> [They] gave rise to this thought, “We often thought to ourselves”: The two great disciples simultaneously gave rise to this thought. “In our minds, we often thought to ourselves.”

>> If we could receive predictions we would be so joyful: They thought, if the Buddha would bestow predictions upon them, would it not be a great joy? Joy: This means to celebrate in happiness. Since they had not yet received predictions, they felt unsettled and uneasy. Thus, they were worried and unhappy. They thought, if they could receive predictions and be ranked among the sages, would it not be a great joy?

>> Immediately they arose from their seats and came before the Buddha. They prostrated with their heads at His feet and together spoke to the Buddha: They had a request, so they left their seats and came forward. They prostrated with their heads at the Buddha’s feet and both spoke in one voice to the Buddha.

“Diligent practitioners use their wisdom
to observe world-transcending virtuous and blessed karma.
When we clearly understand the truth and the path of Suchness,
we give rise to the thought of freeing ourselves from defiled conditions in the mundane world.
We make use of this thinking in order to transcend the world. We follow the Buddha’s teachings and aspire to receive the Buddha’s predictions of Buddhahood.”

We must be mindful in understanding the Dharma. When we listen to the Dharma, this is very important! Listening to the Dharma, we must take it into our minds. “Diligent practitioners use their wisdom.” If we do not take the Dharma to heart, how are we going to increase our wisdom? So, to increase our wisdom, we must listen. After listening, we must take [the Dharma] to heart and earnestly contemplate. This is “listening and contemplating.” After listening to the Dharma, if we do not mindfully contemplate it, we will not be able to comprehend the wondrous principles of the Buddha-Dharma. After listening to it, we must then let it circulate in our minds, earnestly contemplate it. We must not let it go in one ear and out the other. We must listen to it and place it in our hearts. We must apply it in our minds and earnestly contemplate it.

Can we apply the Dharma in our lives, put it into practice in our interactions with people, matters and things? If we can apply the Dharma to worldly matters and things, then we are applying what we learned. So, in listening to the Dharma, we must apply what we hear. This is true spiritual cultivation. This is what is meant by listening, contemplating and practicing. We practice to cultivate our minds and character. Starting from listening to the Dharma, we keep the Dharma in our minds, and in our work with and interactions with people, we earnestly reveal our self-cultivation. Cultivating our minds and correcting our behaviors is called spiritual practice. This is wisdom. [We need to] use the Buddha-Dharma to transform our wisdom-lives and perfect our wisdom.

If we have wisdom, then naturally, in our interactions with people and in dealing with things and matters, [we] “observe world-transcending virtuous and blessed karma.” How should we do that? When we interact with people, are these people our beneficial friends? Or are they our harmful friends? If they are beneficial friends, then they are assisting conditions for us. They can help us complete our spiritual practice by showing us the right direction. These are beneficial friends. They are able to share our aspirations and mission. We can learn from each other and encourage each other. These people are all beneficial friends. What about harmful friends? If they are harmful friends, then we should earnestly observe them. But we have to be very careful. If we can help them to turn their thoughts around and transform evil into goodness, of course, that is the best. However, if they are stubborn and we cannot change them, then we ourselves must uphold our practice of precepts, Samadhi and wisdom, wisdom of listening, contemplating and practicing. We can take them as negative assisting conditions; they remind us to be vigilant.

They too [might be] listening to the Dharma, but when they listen to the Dharma, they fail to use it as a check on their daily living. Thus, their behavior goes off track. Of course, we should try to advise them. If we cannot persuade them to turn back, we simply must protect ourselves. This is just like when the Buddha was about to enter Parinirvana, Ananda hurriedly came to ask the Buddha, “Buddha, in the Sangha, there are still stubborn bhiksus who do not accept the teachings. While the Buddha is still alive, they are already hard to train. Once the Buddha enters Parinirvana, how will we lead them to follow the rules of the Sangha?” The Buddha sighed [and said], “We must rely on everyone’s compassion. Guide them mindfully. If you can lead them to change, this creates countless merits. If you cannot convince them to change, then you can only be forgiving and ignore them.” This was when the Buddha was about to enter Parinirvana. When faced with these people who were unable to uphold precepts, He could do nothing but sigh.

So, before the Buddha entered Parinirvana, He also said that as long as the Buddha-Dharma is in the world, people in the world can utilize these principles, the Dharma of the Right Path. The Buddha-Dharma is wondrous medicine for treating afflictions and ignorance in the world. It is the best medicine for saving the world. It is the best method to save the world. No heretical teachings can destroy the true principles of the Buddha’s teachings. This is because they are true principles. They are the true principles of all things in the world; regardless of the time or the environment, nothing can destroy these true principles. But what made the Buddha sigh was how. “The lion’s parasites eat the lion’s flesh.”

This is just like a lion. In the forest, the lion is the king of all beasts. When other animals see the lion, they quickly flee from him. They do not dare to offend him. When they hear the lion’s roar, when the lion lets his voice be heard, all animals will quickly hide. They do not dare cross him. Yet on the lion’s own body, there are fleas, “the lion’s parasites.” On the lion’s body, in his hair and his pores, these fleas live and grow. They bite the flesh of the lion. This was why they Buddha sighed. In the future, what can destroy the Buddha-Dharma is not non-Buddhist teachings, but its own practitioners, those who do not have proper and right views of the Buddha-Dharma. When people’s thinking has deviated and they have misunderstandings regarding the Dharma, that is what harms the Buddha-Dharma.

This is like how, when Ananda was 120 years old, He overheard a young bhiksu chant a verse that was clearly wrong. It was a very minor error, but it caused a great deviation in the Dharma. He corrected [the young bhiksu], but the young bhiksu’s master would not admit [any error]. He even said, “Ananda is old. His memory is failing, and his wisdom has regressed. There is no need to listen to Ananda.” Because of this, Ananda had a realization. He was advanced in age, 120 years old. His fellow practitioners in the Sangha had all passed on one by one. This was just like a forest. All the trees together can shield against the wind, and the trees can protect the earth. But as the trees fall one by one and are gone, the ability of a single, lonely tree to block he wind and protect the earth is very weak. When Ananda thought about this, he thought, “What is the use of remaining in the world?” So, He decided to seek his final rest.

Indeed, when Ananda saw that, in his own Sangha, the Buddha-Dharma that was passed down by word of mouth had deviated, that it was not corrected but retained those errors, he could not bear to hear and see this. Furthermore, subject to the laws of nature, he had truly become old. We can see that the Right Dharma at that time was only passed down by word of mouth. Most of the time this was how the Dharma was transmitted. So, there were deviations and mistakes. After the Buddha entered Parinirvana, as Ananda was passing down the teachings and leading the Sangha, he too would sigh helplessly.

In any case, for Ananda, from [the time] he met the Buddha and listened to the Dharma until he passed away, 100 years had gone by. He became a monastic at 19 and became the Buddha’s attendant at 20. As for the teachings of the previous 20 years, the Buddha reiterated them for Ananda to hear. Ananda was by the Buddha’s side, attending Him, for almost 30 years. Think about it; when Ananda was 50 and the Buddha was 80, He entered Parinirvana. After the Buddha entered Parinirvana, [Ananda] started to compile the teachings. He started compiling the teachings at 50 and lived until he was 120 years old. During this time, 這個時間 /

 (It can be translated: This is a long time.)

From the time he began to compile the teachings and people began passing them on by word of mouth until the Buddha-Dharma began to lose its shape and show slight deviations, only 70 years passed. Therefore, whether the Buddha-Dharma can be correctly passed down depends on our mindfulness and wisdom. We must earnestly observe and consider how to ensure that [what we create] is true, world-transcending blessed karma. We must teach and guide. We cannot only practice for our own benefit. We must go among people. When we go among people, we must not let their afflictions and ignorance pollute our minds. We must have a world-transcending spirit as we do our work in the world, as we spread the Buddha-Dharma in the world. Only when we have a world-transcending spirit can we maintain the purity of our minds.

So, why does [monastic] spiritual practice require leaving one’s family and loved ones? Leaving one’s family and loved ones means that the afflictions of family will not entangle us. If we are one person, we can end this all at once and thoroughly, mindfully accept the Buddha’s teachings. We can focus solely on passing down the Buddha’s teachings to future generations. The defiled love of family relationships will no longer entangle us. This allows us to focus completely on the Buddha-Dharma and on serving humanity. This is called doing work in the world with a world-transcending spirit. This is called “world-transcending virtuous and blessed karma.” Blessed karma must be cultivated among people. “World-transcending” means not being tainted by worldly desires. This is to be world-transcending.

So, “We clearly understand the truth and the path of Suchness.” We should always clearly understand “the truth and the path of Suchness. The truth” is the true principles. “Suchness” refers to returning to our nature of True Suchness, completely understanding the true principles of conditioned phenomena and thus entering the truth of unconditioned phenomena. How do conditioned phenomena converge and form? They are formed from the aggregation of desires from afflictions and ignorance. In modern society, technology is very advanced. Because of our desires, we do many things that destroy the earth. We take energy and resources from the earth without restraint in order to make these things.

Nowadays, everyone’s life is very convenient. Transportation is convenient. In particular, we all have cellphones in our hands. We do not need to go anywhere. With a simple dial on the phone right here, the other person’s image appears in front of us. As we are talking to them, we also appear in front of them. This “transportation in the palm of your hand” is very convenient. But do we know where these convenient things actually came from?

This is how we sentient beings are. Even though everyone intrinsically has. Buddha-nature, once we understand the principles of conditioned phenomena and know how to put these things together, we stop at nothing to obtain things and put them together into tangible things. This is conditioned phenomena. Every object has its own workings, its own principles. We destroy this tangible [land], these tangible things that all originally contain these principles, then obtain [their resources] and reassemble them. How many things need to be assembled to make a cellphone? This is first destroying, then reassembling.

This is what we sentient beings do when we understand the principles of matter; we destroy these things to extract and refine them into [raw materials]. But we are destroying vast areas just to obtain a tiny bit of material. Isn’t this what happens to the mountains, rivers and land? So, we need to understand this. If we do not understand, we might think that there are now plenty of material resources. Then we become extravagant. We use as much as we like and quickly replace things. This is the karma we ordinary people create. We destroy nature; we destroy the land. This is ignorance. We have lost our wisdom; what we use is our small-minded cleverness, which ends up causing large-scale harm. It only benefits sentient beings’ [desire for] convenience, satisfying the desires of sentient beings. This is all it does. However, it causes great harm to nature. This is ignorance, not understanding the true principles of unconditioned phenomena.

We should truly “clearly understand the truth and the path of Suchness.” We have come to live in the world, so we should follow the principles of the world in our daily living; this is also a way of life! Since ancient times, our [ways of life] have been changing. Are we actually advancing? In fact, we are causing destruction, but we are completely unaware of this. As Buddhist practitioners, we must understand this. We must be very clear on this. So, “We clearly understand the truth and the path of Suchness.” We should thoroughly understand principles and return to the path of True Suchness, the principles of True Suchness. We can then clearly understand that we must cherish our wisdom-life. Truly, we need to develop our wisdom-life. Wisdom-life is wisdom. We must learn how to develop it.

So, “[We must] free ourselves from defiled conditions in the mundane world.” We must free ourselves from the mundane world, from the defiled conditions in this mundane world. Defiled conditions in the mundane world refers to what we mentioned just now. [The pursuit] of satisfying humanity’s [desires], of satisfying our own desire for profit, for fame, wealth and so on, are all defiled conditions. These [defiled conditions] are what bring about the deluded karma of birth and death. This is how we are in this world; we have these defiled causes and conditions. We must earnestly, quickly and thoroughly understand the true principles of the Buddha-Dharma and free ourselves from the defiled conditions of this mundane world.

Defiled conditions [disturb] the still waters of True Suchness. The intrinsic principles of our nature of True Suchness are like still water, but ignorance disturbed this still water, creating the defiled conditions of the mundane world and stirring up waves in samsara’s sea of suffering. People now are truly [suffering] from the imbalance of the four elements of the macrocosm and from the imbalance in people’s minds causing manmade calamities. See how people today are really at the juncture of life and death. As this happens, do we know where we are going? We do not know! The world is filled with unbearable suffering. So, we need to understand, “clearly [understand] the truth and the path of Suchness,” to give rise to the thought of freeing ourselves from defiled conditions in the mundane world. So, we have to “make use of this thinking in order to transcend the world.” We must earnestly cultivate contemplation, follow the Buddha’s teachings and aspire to receive the Buddha’s predictions of Buddhahood.

This happened in the Buddha’s era. Everyone was looking forward to it. When the Buddha was starting to enter the Great Vehicle teachings, He began to bestow predictions of Buddhahood on His disciples. This was in the text of the sutra. Now, the Chapter on Those at and beyond Learning is about how the Buddha, while He was alive, wanted to confirm for us that everyone intrinsically has Buddha-nature. Previously, 500 disciples had already received predictions of Buddhahood. He also told Venerable Kasyapa, “The 1200 disciples can attain Buddhahood as well. Pass [this message] to them for me.” Next, those at and beyond the stage of learning would all receive predictions of Buddhahood. At this time, they all received predictions of Buddhahood. This showed that all who enter the Buddha’s door and practice the Buddha-Dharma can attain Buddhahood in the future. This is the meaning contained here.

Let’s look at the [previous] sutra passage. “At that time, Ananda and Rahula gave rise to this thought.” At that time, Ananda and Rahula had heard the Buddha bestowing predictions of Buddhahood on so many disciples. At the time, Ananda and Rahula were known and recognized by everyone. Ananda was the Buddha’s attendant. Rahula was the Buddha’s son. At this time, everyone had had their names called and had received predictions of Buddhahood. “Why has my turn not come yet? It should be soon!” “At that time, Ananda and Rahula gave rise to this thought, ‘We often thought to ourselves that if we could receive predictions, we would be very joyful.'” It should happen very soon!”Immediately they arose from their seats and came before the Buddha. They prostrated with their heads at His feet and together spoke to the Buddha.”

At that time, Ananda and Rahula gave rise to this thought, “We often thought to ourselves that” “if we could receive predictions,” “we would be so joyful.” Immediately they arose from their seats and went before the Buddha. They made prostrations with their head at His feet and spoke to the Buddha.

Ananda and Rahula, these two, came before the Buddha. They were about to ask the Buddha to bestow predictions of Buddhahood on them.

We have discussed Ananda before. Rahula [is a Sanskrit name] which means “repeated obstructions.” He was the Buddha’s son. Why was he called “repeated obstructions?” [This was because] he had obstructions.

Rahula: His name meant “repeated obstructions.” He was the Buddha’s son. When the Buddha wanted to become a monastic, His father told Him, “If you have a son, I will allow you to follow your aspirations.” Because of this obstruction of having a son, He postponed becoming a monastic.

Ever since a young age, the Buddha had felt there were many contradictions in life. He saw the impermanence of birth, aging, illness and death. He also saw the inequality between the four castes. He felt that there should be no [differentiation between] the four castes.

“The rich and noble live in luxury while the poor suffer so greatly. All humans should be equal. It should not be this unequal. Moreover, there is birth, aging, illness and death. How can this principle be explained?” His every thought was on becoming a monastic, to help everyone resolve the doubts in their mind, to help everyone be free from birth, aging, illness and death and to help everyone in the four castes become equal. When everyone is equal with each other, the world can be at peace. How could He guide people in the world to understand this? He Himself had to understand it first. So, the only way was to single-mindedly seek the principles. Thus, He wanted to become a monastic.

But His father, the king, was not willing to let Him leave the lay life. In the end, [the king] felt helpless and said to Prince Siddhartha, “Wait until when you have a son yourself to pass on the throne to. Then I will allow you to become a monastic.” This matter caused Siddhartha great torment. He wholeheartedly wanted to leave His loved ones and become a monastic, but His father had this condition. So, He could not do anything. Once Yasodhara became pregnant, the prince prepared to leave the palace to become a monastic. However, although Yasodhara was pregnant, she did not give birth in [40 weeks]; Rahula remained in the womb for six years. It took six years before Yasodhara gave birth.

So, everyone began discussing this. The prince had already become a monastic. How did Yasodhara, after six years, give birth to a child? Everyone thought that she had been unfaithful. They wanted to sentence her to death and so prepared a fire pit. They dug a hole and put firewood inside. They started the fire and forced her to jump into the fire pit while holding her son in her arms. This was [the penalty] for women being unfaithful; the law of the country could not allow it. Even though everyone was disheartened, this was the law of the country, so they could not do anything.

As this was happening, as Yasodhara approached the fire pit, the flames suddenly turned into red lotuses, lotuses that seemed to carry her. The fire went out. This is one of the stories in Buddhism. Did this actually happen at that time? Let us not talk about this right now. However, Rahula was carried in the womb for six years. Six years after the Buddha attained enlightenment, King Suddhodana asked the World-Honored One to return to Kapilavastu to transmit the Dharma. At that time, Rahula was still young. He was innocent and undefiled. He was young, but he was very mischievous. Many people pampered him with love, so he was very mischievous.

But then he saw the Buddha. Everyone wanted to know if Rahula was really the Buddha’s son. They brought him outside. There were lots of monastics there. They wanted to see whom he would approach, which one was his father. Surprisingly, Rahula was able to walk over to where the Buddha was and deeply prostrate to Him. After that, everyone believed in the familial relationship between father and son. They believed in this even more. So, it was because Rahula obstructed both his father and his mother that his name was “repeated obstruction.” This was Rahula’s name. He was in his mother’s womb for six years. When the Buddha attained Buddhahood and returned to the palace six years later, he was still young.

The Buddha, during this time, felt that Rahula was very young. As the king’s grandson, in the future he would govern the country. But the child was still so young. In the future, how was he to lead the citizens and govern the country’s affairs? There would probably be no way. So, the Buddha decided to have Rahula become a monastic. Rahula really liked the Buddha. When the Buddha was expounding the sutras, [Rahula] would always follow him closely. By the Buddha’s side, he too would listen to the Dharma. When the Buddha left the palace to go to other places, he also wanted to follow. He followed him back and forth, very innocently, but he was always by the Buddha’s side. So, the Buddha, when He returned to Kapilavastu, told the king that he should let Rahula become a monastic. Now, the king had already clearly understood the Dharma. If his grandson were to become a monastic, although he felt very sad, he would not oppose it. In fact, it was Yasodhara who found it most difficult to let him go, but she too could do nothing.

Because of this, the Buddha asked Sariputra to be Rahula’s teacher and. Maudgalyayana to shave Rahula’s head. Sariputra taught Rahula the Dharma. This was basically having two teachers. [Rahula] was Sariputra’s disciple, while Maudgalyayana shaved his head. This was Rahula; he was also the first novice monastic. This was Rahula.

Rahula: He was in His mother’s womb for 6 years and became a monastic as a child. The Buddha asked Sariputra to be his tutor and teach him to uphold the novice’s precepts.
There are many later stories about Rahula as well. In the Buddhist Sangha, he practiced patience. He [mastered] esoteric practice. He practiced quietly. He had the skill of patience. We can explain more about him later. In this way, Rahula became the first novice of the Buddha’s Sangha.

So, “Ananda and Rahula gave rise to this thought.” They said, “We often thought to ourselves.”

[They] gave rise to this thought, “We often thought to ourselves”: The two great disciples simultaneously gave rise to this thought. “In our minds, we often thought to ourselves.”

They were considered two of the great disciples. It was time for the Buddha to bestow predictions of Buddhahood, and Ananda and Rahula were both always by the Buddha’s side. They were known and recognized by all. They were also the Buddha’s relatives; they were very close. Of course, they were people that everyone knew. So, they were called great disciples. The two of them both had this same thought. “In our hearts, we probably both often had this kind of wish. Sariputra received predictions from the Buddha. Kasyapa received predictions from the Buddha. Purna Maitrayaniputra and the others, the 500 disciples, received predictions of Buddhahood. Throughout this process, in our minds, we had this kind of thought, that very soon, we would also be able to receive predictions of Buddhahood from the Buddha.”

[Thus,] “If we could receive predictions, we would be very joyful! The time for the Buddha to bestow predictions on them should be quickly approaching. This meant that. “The Buddha must be bestowing predictions on us very soon.”

If we could receive predictions we would be so joyful: They thought, if the Buddha would bestow predictions upon them, would it not be a great joy? Joy: This means to celebrate in happiness. Since they had not yet received predictions, they felt unsettled and uneasy. Thus, they were worried and unhappy. They thought, if they could receive predictions and be ranked among the sages, would it not be a great joy?

“Since they had not yet received predictions, they felt unsettled and uneasy.” They knew that the Buddha should soon bestow predictions on them. But the Buddha had not yet done it, so their minds were still uneasy. Although they knew that they could definitely receive predictions, their names were not called yet. “The Buddha did not bestow predictions on me yet. My mind is still not at peace.” So, “They felt unsettled and uneasy.” Their minds were still unsettled, so they were worried and unhappy. Their minds were not very happy, since everyone had received predictions already. If the Buddha could bestow predictions on them, they could then put their minds at ease. They could then be happy, and their minds could open up. Otherwise, “I still feel very depressed now. I do not know how much longer it will be before the Buddha bestows predictions on me. He has not called my name yet. I clearly know in my heart I have a part in this but my name has not yet been called.”

“They thought, if they could receive predictions and be ranked among the sages….” This means that if they could receive predictions, they could be [ranked among] these people, among Sariputra, Maudgalyayana, Mahakasyapa and the others. They could feel that they had truly received the Buddha’s recognition, that in the future they would attain Buddhahood. There would be no differentiation. Everyone can attain Buddhahood. “Being ranked among the sages” is being equal to these great disciples. Although in spiritual practice people should not make such comparisons, people always have this kind of mindset. They still had this kind of mindset, still had a “self.” Why else would Ananda say, “Thus have I heard?” Everyone was still attached to the self. “How come the Buddha has not called my name to bestow predictions on me?”

If [the Buddha] called on them, it would be like [when He] called on Sariputra. It would be like [when He] called on. Mahakasyapa, Katyayana and the others, like [when He] called on Purna Maitrayaniputra. The Buddha praised Purna Maitrayaniputra to let everyone know that, if their names were called, they could be ranked as equal to everyone else. [Everyone] understood this. So, because of this, if He bestowed predictions on them, they would definitely be happy. “Would it not be a great joy?” Their hearts should become very happy.

Because of this, after everyone received predictions, after the 500 disciples received predictions, they came out to speak to the Buddha. [These two] had not yet received predictions. But they knew that soon the Buddha would call their names, so naturally they came before the Buddha.

So, “Immediately they arose from their seats and came before the Buddha. They prostrated with their heads at His feet and together spoke to the Buddha.”

Immediately they arose from their seats and came before the Buddha. They prostrated with their heads at His feet and together spoke to the Buddha: They had a request, so they left their seats and came forward. They prostrated with their heads at the Buddha’s feet and both spoke in one voice to the Buddha.

The two came before the Buddha and [paid respect] with utmost reverence. “They had a request” meant that they wanted to ask for teachings and that they requested the Buddha to bestow predictions on them. They left their seats and came forward, meaning they stood up from their seats and came before the Buddha. “They prostrated with their heads at the Buddha’s feet.” This shows that they were very respectful.

After they paid respect to the Buddha, “[They] both spoke in one voice.” The two of them spoke at the same time. They wanted to, with the utmost sincerity, make this request of the Buddha. “Venerable Buddha! You already bestowed predictions on everyone. The only name you did not call was my name. Not only was my name [not called], there are many others who have not yet received predictions of Buddhahood.”

This was spoken with great reverence. For themselves and for the people after them, they asked the Buddha to understand what was in everyone’s minds. Only after receiving predictions would their minds then be at ease. Before receiving predictions of Buddhahood, people’s minds were not yet at ease. They expressed this with great reverence. This was what happened in the Buddha’s Sangha. It would probably be the same in our world now. When engaging in spiritual practice, although everyone had transcended the world, they all still had a sense of “self.” They still wanted the Buddha to personally call their names and tell them that they would attain Buddhahood in the future. Actually, they clearly knew that everyone intrinsically has Buddha-nature. If everyone practices according to principles, then everyone can thoroughly awaken to the true principles of the universe. They definitely knew this. But while the Buddha was still alive, they wanted the Buddha to call their names and put their minds at ease.

Since ancient times, people’s psychology has been the same. Even spiritual practitioners who have attained realizations have this kind of mindset. So, this is our ordinary mindset as humans. So, we must put effort into being mindful. We trust in the future it will be the same for us. There will be a lifetime where we will come before the Buddha and receive predictions from Him. Perhaps we were among the 500 disciples, or the 1200 disciples and have already received predictions from the Buddha. Now we still have countless lifetimes where we still have to engage in spiritual practice over and over. After the Buddha bestowed predictions, He would say, “For countless kalpas in the future, you still have to continue to practice to attain Buddhahood in the future.” In the same way, we are also like this. So, we must always be mindful. We must be mindful in our daily living. This way, we can take the Dharma and the Buddha’s true principles to heart. So, we must always be mindful.