
Episode 515 – Attaining Realizations at Different Times

>> “The fourfold assembly heard the same Dharma, but did not attain the same understanding. They had the same teacher and practiced the same direct path to enlightenment. But because of varying capabilities, they attained realizations at different times. Upon witnessing the prediction of Buddhahood, they began to believe in these truths.”

>> “Heavenly beings played music. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of varieties were played all at once throughout the universe.”

>> “They rained down celestial flowers as they spoke the following words.”

>> “The Buddha, in the past at Varanasi, first turned the Dharma-wheel. Now He turns the wheel again, the supreme, greatest Dharma-wheel.”

>> “At that time, all heavenly lords, wishing to restate their meaning, spoke the following verses.”

>> “Long ago in Varanasi, You turned the Dharma-wheel of the Four Noble Truths, distinctly teaching various Dharma such as the arising and ceasing of the five groups.”

>> Repeated verse: In the past, to suit sentient beings’ capabilities, the Buddha gave the limited and provisional teachings of the Small Vehicle Dharma. Now He freely carried out His original intent to teach the Great Dharma. To help people remember, they restated the teachings in verse.

>> In the past in Varanasi, You turned the Dharma-wheel of the Four Noble Truths: First, the Buddha expounded the Small Vehicle Dharma of the Four Noble Truths and then separately taught the Five Skandhas and the way things arise and cease. Now, at this time and place, He was going to turn the great Dharma-wheel.

>> Heavenly beings, humans and the rest said: The Buddha, in the past at Varanasi, transformed the five bhiksus by teaching the Four Noble Truths of suffering, causation, cessation and the Path. This was the first turning of the Dharma-wheel.

>> “Now, at this assembly, He also taught the wondrous Dharma of the One Vehicle.”

“The fourfold assembly heard the same Dharma, but did not attain the same understanding.
They had the same teacher and practiced the same direct path to enlightenment.
But because of varying capabilities, they attained realizations at different times.
Upon witnessing the prediction of Buddhahood, they began to believe in these truths.”

“The fourfold assembly heard the same Dharma.” In the Buddha’s lifetime, when He taught the Dharma, the male and female lay disciples and the male and female monastic disciples were the fourfold assembly who listened together. Although they listened together, for them to attain the same understanding was not an easy matter. This is because people have varying capabilities. Listening to the same Dharma, they cannot come to the same understanding, even with the same teacher, path and practice. Though they have the same teacher, walk the same road and practice the same teachings, people’s understanding and perspectives still differed. This is because people have varying wisdom.

Spiritual practice is actually very simple as long as our thinking is straightforward. This is because the Bodhi-path is direct. The Bodhi-path is truly very direct, very simple, as long as we have the will to walk it. If our minds are simple and straightforward and we have deep faith, then after we understand, we will aspire and vow to walk this Bodhi-path.

However, due to varying capabilities, people attain realizations at different times. Once we take the principles to heart, the only way to connect them to matters and things is to put them into practice. This is like walking; we must actually walk to get somewhere. Otherwise, it is like looking at a map. We can memorize the [seven] continents, know which countries border each other and how far apart certain countries are. We can learn these facts and memorize them well. However, to physically go to another country goes beyond learning about it on paper. We must actually travel there to truly understand the distances involved. The state of that country, the local customs and so on, can only truly be known by going there. So, we must walk the path ourselves.

In terms of capabilities, because of varying wisdom, though everyone is on the same Bodhi-path, some people will walk quickly and be very focused. They may actually attain more realizations than those who think a lot and understand many things. People who understand many things may take longer to walk this road. This is because they keep looking all over; they browse through everything around them, so they drag out the amount of time it takes them to move forward. Thus, the order in which we will arrive depends on whether our minds are focused or not.

Take Tzu Chi volunteers, for example. This morning I watched a story about a certain Tzu Chi volunteer. It sounds like a very ordinary story, but if we could all do the same thing, the changes we must make in our lives to turn from delusion toward awakening will not be difficult.

Mr. Chang lives in Taichung. Over 20 to 30 years ago, when Taiwan began its rapid economic growth, his businesses became very profitable. When he worked, he only had to work half days and his family could have a good life and build up their savings. Mr. Chang said that back then, he only worked for a half day every day. If he worked half the day, what did he do during the other half? He became addicted to gambling; every day he was immersed in Mahjong and other forms of gambling. He gambled all over Taiwan.

His elder brother in southern Taiwan, who had become a Tzu Chi volunteer a while back, felt his younger brother could not go on like this. The only solution was to get him to join Tzu Chi, so that he would change his ways. His brother arranged for him to be on one of the ten tour buses traveling from. Kaohsiung to Hualien at the time. There was a Mr. Lin from Kaohsiung who was very experienced at motivating the people on these buses. He would go to each tour bus and talk to the passengers. He even told the bus leaders not to let people go to sleep, because this is the best time to teach the Dharma and have people share their experiences. Mr. Chang was on one of these buses, so he came to Hualien and learned about Tzu Chi, what life in the Abode was like and how the hospital came about.

At that time, the hospital was in its third year, celebrating its third anniversary. Since Tzu Chi still had many unfinished projects, like building schools, during the third anniversary celebration, people were inspired; they raised their hands and pledged to support future projects. They pledged to donate a certain amount to construct schools. Sitting there, Mr. Chang was very moved. So, he told his brother, “When I go back to [Taichung]. I want to try to help. I have many friends [I can talk to].”

After he went back, he told everyone he met about Tzu Chi and started to fundraise. After he collected several thousand dollars, he was very happy. When he went to the Taichung branch office, he saw a member of the Faith Corps who was also delivering contributions. The money included his personal donations, and other people’s donations. Wow, there were tens of thousands of dollars! He thought to himself, “I thought several thousand was a lot already. OK, I lost this battle, but I won’t lose the war. What I have is time, so I will use my time to surpass him.”

So, he stopped gambling. He spent his free time on traveling and sharing his experience of visiting the hospital in Hualien. Some people would say, “Is there really such a place?” He would say, “I will pay for you and take you to Hualien.” So, he brought one person after another. Every time he came, he continued to be moved. After he went back, he felt, “Since I am determined to volunteer with Tzu Chi. I must take the Dharma to heart. I must listen to more of Master’s teachings. I need to have a better understanding of the spirit behind how they live at the Abode and to experience more of the type of work Tzu Chi has been doing. This is the only way I can answer the questions people ask me.”

So, he began to listen to cassette tapes. No matter which sutra I was expounding, he listened to the lectures repeatedly and kept his mind focused on the Dharma. In the morning, he interacted with customers. After business was concluded, if they were willing to chat afterward, he would share with them. “On the tapes of her lectures, this is what Master said. Life is just like this.” Even in a business setting, he was still turning the Dharma-wheel.

Sometimes he put Tzu Chi Monthly in his car, which had stories of dedicated volunteers. Then, when he was driving on the highway and had to stop at a booth to pay the toll, he would say, “This magazine is for you, please read it.” People behind him would honk at him, so all he would say is, “Please remember to read it.” Then he would drive off. With this passion, he took the Dharma to heart and diligently practiced. Not only did he himself benefit, his members also continued to increase in number until he was collecting hundreds of thousands in donations every month. Around that time, he went through the training and was certified.

This was because he diligently practiced; it is that simple. Originally, Mr. Chang was addicted to gambling. His family was worried about him; his relatives were also worried about him. He gambled from Taichung all the way to the south. But because of his karmic conditions, he came to Hualien on this tour bus. These moving stories truly touched his heart, so he was very inspired. During the Blessed Life lecture series in Taichung, I said that we need to use the hands we use for clapping to do recycling work. So, now he is also a dedicated recycling volunteer. Whether he is recruiting members or doing recycling, he is truly very diligent.

When we learn about his story, we can see that he is a regular person. But when his mindset changed, the Dharma-wheel began to turn in his mind. Then his life turned around completely. For over 20 years, he has [sustained this]. This comes from attaining realizations.

“Because of varying capabilities, they attained realizations at different times.” As for those certified at the same time as him, did they develop the same experience as him? Not necessarily. As for the other people on those ten busses, were they all [inspired] like he was? Not necessarily. In summary, this depends on people’s state of mind as well as their wisdom.

When Sariputra received the Buddha’s prediction for attaining Buddhahood, at that assembly, many people witnessed that it is possible for everyone to attain Buddhahood. They can definitely attain it; it is more than just a possibility. It just depends on how we make the effort. Do we have the patience? Becoming a Buddha takes more than a day’s or a lifetime’s worth of work. We must sustain our original aspirations forever. We must continue walking this path for a long time. So, I keep talking about the great and direct Bodhi-path. The Bodhisattva-path is very broad and straight. As long as we aim ourselves in the right direction and never deviate from that course, then all we need to do is to keep walking forward.

What we are seeking is enlightenment, an awakening equal to the Tathagata’s. This means using our nature of True Suchness to connect with the truths of the universe. This is such a grand and important task; this awakening is boundless. After attaining this great awakening, we must do good deeds, benefit others and form good karmic connections. That is how we can transform all sentient beings. Only then can we connect to the truths of the universe with our nature of True Suchness. The more worldly matters we understand, the more principles we can comprehend.

Because of this, everyone at the Lotus-assembly felt very happy. So, the previous passage states,

“Heavenly beings played music. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of varieties were played all at once throughout the universe.”

What we could see with our eyes and hear with our ears were flowers scattered in the air, the sounds of heavenly music and so on.

“They rained down celestial flowers as they spoke the following words.”

These heavenly beings all had [the same thought].

“The Buddha, in the past at Varanasi, first turned the Dharma-wheel. Now He turns the wheel again, the supreme, greatest Dharma-wheel.”

These heavenly beings all witnessed the Buddha’s [teachings] at Deer Park; Deer Park was in the kingdom of Varanasi. After the Buddha attained Buddhahood, He taught the Four Noble Truths. At that time, there were also flowers in the air, and the eight classes of Dharma-protectors were also very joyful. This was the scene when He first turned the Dharma-wheel. Now that He was teaching the Great Dharma and turning the great Dharma-wheel, [the scene] was also the same. Therefore, it was said that the heavenly beings all told each other that. Sakyamuni Buddha first turned the Dharma-wheel [at Varanasi] and was now turning the great Dharma-wheel. So, everyone was happy.

The following passage in the sutra states,

“At that time, all heavenly lords, wishing to restate their meaning, spoke the following verses.”

These heavenly lords wished to “restate their meaning.” They wanted to repeat this important [message] that made them happy. So, they repeated it again in verse.

“Long ago in Varanasi, You turned the Dharma-wheel of the Four Noble Truths, distinctly teaching various Dharma such as the arising and ceasing of the five groups.”

They hoped everyone would remember this. After the Buddha attained Buddhahood, He spent over 40 years “speaking according to others’ capabilities.” In accord with sentient beings’ capabilities, He opened the doors to skillful means and gave teachings people could understand. So, in accord with sentient beings’ capabilities, He gave limited and provisional teachings; He taught the Small Vehicle Dharma. The Buddha had taught with skillful means. Now, at the Lotus Dharma-assembly, He could freely carry out His original intent and teach the wondrous Dharma.

He was already happily sharing the most subtle, wondrous, unconditioned Dharma, which is one with the entire universe. With the principles of conditioned phenomena, He created analogies and expressions to help people go from the principles of conditioned phenomena to the true principles of unconditioned Dharma. This is so very important! So, this passage is repeated again in verse.

Repeated verse: In the past, to suit sentient beings’ capabilities, the Buddha gave the limited and provisional teachings of the Small Vehicle Dharma. Now He freely carried out His original intent to teach the Great Dharma. To help people remember, they restated the teachings in verse.

“Long ago in Varanasi, You turned the Dharma-wheel of the Four Noble Truths.” The Buddha initially taught the Four Noble Truths. This is Small Vehicle Dharma. Is this really a limited teaching? No, it is not. It is the foundation of the Dharma, because all living things go through birth, aging, illness and death. They suffer from being parted in life or by death, or from the destruction that all things in the world undergo as they cycle through formation, existence, decay and disappearance. If we do not understand suffering, then we will be living our lives aimlessly. Then our life will truly be filled with suffering. In this world, everyone has experienced this kind of suffering, so it is easier for them to comprehend.

In the past in Varanasi, You turned the Dharma-wheel of the Four Noble Truths: First, the Buddha expounded the Small Vehicle Dharma of the Four Noble Truths and then separately taught the Five Skandhas and the way things arise and cease. Now, at this time and place, He was going to turn the great Dharma-wheel.

“[He] then separately taught the Five Skandhas.” Everyone should know what the Five Skandhas are. We recite them every morning and evening. Form, feeling, perception, action, consciousness are the Five Skandhas. It is because of the Five Skandhas that in this world we go through so much arising and ceasing. This will be explained further later on. This arising and ceasing causes endless suffering in this world. So, for over 40 years, the Buddha expounded the Four Noble Truths, the Five Skandhas and even the Twelve Links of Cyclic Existence. These principles help us understand how we come to and leave this world. Then at the Lotus Assembly, after over 40 years, He began to turn the great Dharma-wheel. Here, the heavenly beings were recalling how, more than 40 years ago, He first turned the Dharma-wheel at Deer Park and made three turnings of the Dharma-wheel of Four Noble Truths.

Heavenly beings, humans and the rest said: The Buddha, in the past at Varanasi, transformed the five bhiksus by teaching the Four Noble Truths of suffering, causation, cessation and the Path. This was the first turning of the Dharma-wheel.

For these five people, He gave the first turn of suffering, causation, cessation and the Path. Did they understand? One person understood. That was fine; again He taught suffering, causation, cessation and the Path. Did they understand? Two more people understood, but there were still the other two. That was fine; again He taught. After the third time, all five people could finally comprehend it. Thus at this time, the Three Treasures were complete. The Buddha then began to travel and teach the Dharma and, in accord with sentient beings’ capabilities, transform anyone He could. This was how the Buddha turned the Dharma-wheel at the very beginning.

“Now, at this assembly, He also taught the wondrous Dharma of the One Vehicle.”

At the Lotus Dharma-assembly, He began to teach the One Vehicle Dharma. In the past, He taught the Four Noble Truths. Now, He returned to the wondrous Dharma of One Vehicle; this is turning the great Dharma-wheel.

Yes, from the Four Noble Truths He returned to the wondrous Dharma of the One Vehicle. The Dharma of the One Vehicle is supreme; it teaches us how to connect with people and with principles. When the Four Noble Truths are applied and unified with people, matters and principles, from the appearances of conditioned phenomena we can return to the principles of unconditioned Dharma. This is the supreme, wondrous Dharma of the One Vehicle.

Dear Bodhisattvas, as Buddhist practitioners, we must truly begin with our minds. In the landscape of our minds, this road is actually very direct. We must try to keep things simple. A straightforward mind is where spiritual training takes place; the great Bodhi-path is direct. If we can [keep things simple], though this road is long, as long as we walk precisely forward, one day we will finally arrive at the state of realizing the true principles of the universe and connecting them with our nature of True Suchness. This will bring us a great awakening. So, I hope everyone will always be mindful.