Teachings on the Lotus Sutra: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 (Episodes 1197-1254)
EpisodeBroadcast DateEpisode TranscriptTitle
119710/16/2017ViewDharma Masters and the Source of the Dharma
標名法師 開顯法源
119810/17/2017ViewDiligently Protecting the Dharma
藥王菩薩 精進護法
119910/18/2017ViewThe Smallest Seed Leads to Buddhahood
聞法隨喜 皆得佛記
120010/19/2017ViewPast Affinities and Intrinsic Nature Always Exist
昔緣不墜 理性常在
120110/20/2017ViewMaking Offerings and Spreading the Lotus Sutra
供養諸佛 弘通法華
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