Teachings on the Lotus Sutra: Chapter 15

Chapter 15 (Episodes 1458 - 1507)
EpisodeBroadcast DateEpisode TranscriptTitle
145810/16/2018ViewThe Bodhisattvas Petition to Spread the Sutra
他方菩薩 請願弘經
145910/17/2018ViewThe Buddha Stopped Bodhisattvas from Other Lands
他方請願 佛即止之
146010/18/2018ViewDisciples in the Saha World Must Spread the Dharma
娑婆弟子 應弘佛法
146110/19/2018ViewThe Ground Split Open to Reveal the Intrinsic
地皆震裂 開跡顯本
146210/22/2018ViewEmerging from the Ground, Abiding in Space
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